Les Fleurs Du Mal Lyrics French Translated to English Therion

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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Hi, a while back there was a thread in this forum where people were posting in French. I have some lyrics here if anyone is willing to decode some of them. Should be some suitable practice.
This is the first album they have done entirely in French. Most have been English or something else I've at least found translations for, but no luck with this one.

Update: Here is the first song with lyrics. More to come:


Playlist with songs and translated lyrics:

1. Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son

[originally by France Gall]

Je suis une poupée de cire, une poupée de son
Mon cœur est gravé dans mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Suis-je meilleure, suis-je pire qu'une poupée de salon?
Je vois la vie en rose bonbon
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mes disques sont un miroir dans lequel chacun peut me voir
Je suis partout à la fois brisée en mille éclats de voix

Autour de moi, j'entends rire les poupées de chiffon
Celles qui dansent sur mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Elles se laissent séduire pour un oui, pour un non
L'amour n'est pas que dans les chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mes disques sont un miroir dans lequel chacun peut me voir
Je suis partout à la fois brisée en mille éclats de voix

Seule parfois je soupire, je me dis: "À quoi bon
Chanter ainsi l'amour sans raison
Sans rien connaître des garçons?"
Je n'suis qu'une poupée de cire, qu'une poupée de son
Sous le soleil de mes cheveux blonds
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mais un jour je vivrai mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Sans craindre la chaleur des garçons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son.

2. Une Fleur Dans Le Cœur

[originally by Victoire Scott]

Une fleur, dans le cœur, il parcourait les nuages
Pour aimer l’océan, il se faisait plage
Car dans son cœur de cristal s'animaient mille roses
Et dans son cœur de cristal il pouvait dire aux gens, la fin des temps

Une fleur, dans le cœur, il bâtissait des montages
Des chemins d'amitiés avec tant de flammes
Car dans son cœur de cristal s'animaient mille roses
Et dans son cœur de cristal il pouvait dire aux gens, la fin des temps

Une fleur, dans le cœur, il parcourait les nuages
Pour aimer l’océan, il se faisait plage
Car dans son cœur de cristal s'animaient mille roses
Et dans son cœur de cristal il pouvait dire aux gens, la fin des temps

Car dans son cœur de cristal s'animaient mille roses
Et dans son cœur de cristal il pouvait dire aux gens, la fin des temps

Une fleur, dans le cœur, il bâtissait des montages
Des chemins d'amitiés avec tant de flammes

3. Initials B.B.

[originally by Serge Gainsbourg]

Une nuit que j'étais
A me morfondre
Dans quelque pub anglais
Du coeur de Londres
Parcourant l'Amour Mons-
Tre de Pauwels
Me vint une vision
Dans l'eau de Seltz

B Initials
B Initals
B Initials

Tandis que des médailles
Font briller à sa taille
Le bronze et l'or
Le platine lui grave
D'un cercle froid
La marque des esclaves
A chaque doigt

B Initials
B Initals
B Initials

Jusques en haut des cuisses
Elle est bottée
Et c'est comme un calice
A sa beauté
Elle ne porte rien
D'autre qu'un peu
D'essence de Guerlain
Dans les cheveux

B Initials
B Initals
B Initials

A chaque mouvement
On entendait
Les clochettes d'argent
De ses poignets
Agitant ses grelots
Elle avança
Et prononça ce mot :
Alméria !

B Initials
B Initals
B Initials

4. Mon Amour, Mon Ami

[originally by Marie Laforêt]

Toi mon amour, mon ami
Quand je rêve c'est de toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Quand je chante c'est pour toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Je ne peux vivre sans toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Et je ne sais pas pourquoi

Je n'ai pas connu d'autres garçons que toi
Si j'en ai connu, je ne m'en souviens pas
A quoi bon chercher, faire des comparaisons
J'ai un cœur qui sait
Quand il a raison
Et puisqu'il a pris ton nom

Toi mon amour, mon ami
Quand je rêve c'est de toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Quand je chante c'est pour toi
Mon amour, mon ami,
Je ne peux vivre sans toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Et je sais très bien pourquoi

On ne sait
Jamais jusqu'où ira l'amour
Et moi qui croyais
Pouvoir t'aimer
Oui je t'ai quitté
Et j'ai beau résister
Je chante parfois à d'autres que toi
Un peu moins bien chaque fois

Toi mon amour, mon ami
Quand je rêve c'est de toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Quand je chante c'est pour toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Je ne peux vivre sans toi
Mon amour, mon ami
Et je ne sais pas pourquoi

5. Polichinelle

[originally by France Gall]

J'ai un joli polichinelle
Que vient de m'offrir une amie
Dans son bel habit de dentelle
Il est assis, près de mon lit

Mais un jour mon polichinelle
En un grand garçon s'est changé
Il m'a dit : "Vous êtes bien celle
Que je vais aimer"

C'était le prince charmant
Dont je rêvais quand j'étais enfant
Il m'a prise dans ses bras
Et m'a dit tout bas :

"Déguisé en polichinelle
Je suis là pour vous emmener
Et demain une vie nouvelle
Pour tous les deux va commencer"

Oui mais juste à ce moment-là
Soudain j'ai entendu des pas
C'était ma mère qui arrivait
Et dans ma chambre, elle est entrée

Le garçon en polichinelle
Comme par miracle s'est changé
Dans son bel habit de dentelle
Assis sur mon lit

Je ne sais pas si j'ai rêvé
Ou bien si c'est la réalité
Mais moi j'ai depuis ce jour
Rencontré l'amour

J'ai un joli polichinelle
Que viens de m'offrir une amie
Dans son bel habit de dentelle
Il est toute ma vie

Dou dou dou dou dou dou dou [x3]

Il est toute ma vie [x3]

6. La Maritza

[originally by Sylvie Vartan]

La Maritza c´est ma rivière
Comme la Seine est la tienne
Mais il n´y a que mon père
Maintenant qui s´en souvienne

De mes dix premières années
Il ne me reste plus rien
Pas la plus pauvre poupée
Plus rien qu´un petit refrain
D´autrefois :
La la la la...

Tous les oiseaux de ma rivière
Nous chantaient la liberté
Moi je ne comprenais guère
Mais mon père, lui, savait

Quand l´horizon s´est fait trop noir
Tous les oiseaux sont partis
Sur les chemins de l´espoir
Et nous on les a suivis,
A Paris

De mes dix premières années
Il ne reste plus rien... rien

Et pourtant les yeux fermés
Moi j´entends mon père chanter
La la la la

7. Sœur Angélique

[originally by Annie Philippe]

Ça me fait quelques chose, tu sais
De te vois habiller comme ça
Et puis surtout de t’appeler
Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique

Ne va pas te moquer de moi,
J'ose à peine te tutoyer
C'est difficile de t'appeler,
Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique

Les copains n'ont pas oublié
Combien tu aimais t’amuser
On a jamais compris au fond, ta décision

Les copains, mais je leur dirai
Que t'as l'air très heureuse, c'est vrai
Ça saute aux yeux, je m'y connais
Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique

T'arrive t-il de penser à nous?
A Patrick, à Claire, à Zizou?
Et à ton grand copain Jean-Lou?
Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique

A propos, de Jean-Lou, tu sais,
Il parait qu’il va se marier,
avec cette fille, tu te souviens, de Juan- les-Pins

Mais dis moi, mais qu'est-ce que tu as?
Mais tu pleures, tu pleures, pourquoi?
Voyons, ne pleure pas comme ça!

Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique
Sœur Angélique, sœur Angélique

8. Dis-Moi Poupée

[originally by Isabelle]

Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Toi qui a la peau noire
Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...

Pourquoi des petits enfants
Naissent noirs et d'autres blancs?
Dis-moi pourquoi il y en a
Qui ont faim et qui ont froid?

Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Toi qui a la peau noire
Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...

Pourquoi des petits enfants
Naissent noirs et d'autres blancs?
Dis-moi pourquoi il y en a
Qui ont faim et qui ont froid?

Et pourquoi quand ils sont grands
Tout devient si différent
Ils sont tous aussi méchants
Qu'ils soient noirs ou qu'ils soient blancs

Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Toi qui a la peau noire
Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...


Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Toi qui a la peau noire
Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...

Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Toi qui a la peau noire
Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...

Dis-moi poupée que j'aime tant
Dis-moi je veux savoir...

9. Lilith

[originally by Léonie Lousseau]

Lilith défile au fil des nuits et je me devine
Mais a l'endroit et a l'envers
Lilith ma ville, mon film,
Oublie de fermer les paupières sur ses yeux de verre clair,
Sur ses yeux de verre
Au clair de la lune transie
Lilith sifflait une melodie

Sur un petit fil sur un petit fil de folie
Sur un petit fil sans vie

Lilith sans vie, a vie s'ennuie des vents (et)
De la pluie, aux vents de la pluie

Lilith, Lilith, sourit et puis se perd
Dans la niut claire d'un autre univers
Lilith, Lilith est elle enfouie au fond
D'une rivière pour le vie entirère, pour la vie entrière

Au claire de la lune transie
Elle sif ait une mélodie
Sur un petit fil sur un petit fil de folie
Sur un petit fil elle s'est enfuie

Lilith, Lilith, sourit et puis se perd
Dans la niut claire d'un autre univers

10. En Alabama

[originally by Léonie Lousseau]

En Alabama, très loin là-bas
Anna attend, tendre Anna
Celui qui se bat,très loin là-bas
Et ne sait pas s'il reviendra

Sur sa machine, elle embobine le fil hydrophile
Love and a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field

En Alabama, très loin là-bas
Anna attend, tendre Anna
Celui qui se bat,très loin là-bas
Et ne sait pas pourqui pourquoi

Sur sa machine, elle l'imagine, vers la mer de Chine
Love and a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field
En Alabama

11. Wahala Manitou

[originally by Léonie Lousseau]

12. Je N'ai Besoin Que De Tendresse

[originally by Claire Dixon]

[Lyrics and music are by Claire Dixon and Daniel Faure]

Comme la main qui veut se tendre
Le printemps qui va arriver
Les mots qu'on ne peut pas comprendre
La voix qui sait chanter
Ah ah ah

Je n'ai besoin que de tendresse
Je n'ai besoin que d'amitié.
Et je voudrais tant que tu restes
Je n'ai besoin que d'aimer.
Et je voudrais tant que tu restes
Je n'ai besoin que d'aimer.

Comme le silence et la nuit
Comme la mer bleue en été
Comme les étoiles et la vie
Comme toi qui le sais.
Ah ah ah


Comme l'espoir criant je t'aime
Et la voix murmure en ?
Et les nuages et les poèmes
Comme un amour heureux
Ah ah ah


13. La Licorne D'or

[originally by Victoire Scott]

14. J'ai Le Mal De Toi

[originally by Colette Dereal]

Le soleil meurt
Là-bas, dans la vallée
Passent les heures
Au fil de mes pensées
Et j'ai le mal de toi
Et je n'ai plus envie de vivre un jour sans toi
L'été s'enfuit
Quelque part, un oiseau
S'est endormi dans un monde nouveau

Et j'ai le mal de toi
Comme une enfant, toute seule, qui rêve
J'ai le cœur qui voyage
Là où ton amour m'attend déjà
Et d'image en image
Je revis mes souvenirs de toi

Dans le silence
Résonne encore ta voix
Seule ton absence
Remplit le vide sans toi

Et j'ai le mal de toi
Comme une enfant, toute seule, qui rêve
J'ai le cœur qui voyage
Là où ton amour m'attend déjà
Et d'image en image
Je revis mes souvenirs de toi

J'ai le cœur qui voyage
Là où ton amour m'attend déjà
Et d'image en image
Je revis mes souvenirs de toi

J'ai le cœur qui voyage
Là où ton amour m'attend déjà...

15. Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son

[originally by France Gall]

Je suis une poupée de cire, une poupée de son
Mon cœur est gravé dans mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Suis-je meilleure, suis-je pire qu'une poupée de salon?
Je vois la vie en rose bonbon
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mes disques sont un miroir dans lequel chacun peut me voir
Je suis partout à la fois brisée en mille éclats de voix

Autour de moi, j'entends rire les poupées de chiffon
Celles qui dansent sur mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Elles se laissent séduire pour un oui, pour un non
L'amour n'est pas que dans les chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mes disques sont un miroir dans lequel chacun peut me voir
Je suis partout à la fois brisée en mille éclats de voix

Seule parfois je soupire, je me dis: "À quoi bon
Chanter ainsi l'amour sans raison
Sans rien connaître des garçons?"
Je n'suis qu'une poupée de cire, qu'une poupée de son
Sous le soleil de mes cheveux blonds
Poupée de cire, poupée de son

Mais un jour je vivrai mes chansons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Sans craindre la chaleur des garçons
Poupée de cire, poupée de son.

16. Les Sucettes

[Bonus Track]
[originally by France Gall]

Annie aime les sucettes
Les sucettes à l'anis
Les sucettes à l'anis
Donnent à ses baisers
Un goût ani-Sé. Lorsque le sucre d'orge
Parfumé à l'anis
Coule dans la gorge d'Annie
Elle est au paradis.
Pour quelques pennies, Annie
A ses sucettes à l'anis
Elles ont la couleur de ses grands yeux,
La couleur des jours heureux.
Annie aime les sucettes,
Les sucettes à l'anis.
Les sucettes à l'anis
Donnent à ses baisers
Un goût ani-Sé. Lorsqu'elle n'a sur la langue
Que le petit bâton
Elle prend ses jambes à son corps
Et retourne au drugstore.
Pour quelques pennies, Annie
A ses sucettes à l'anis.
Elles ont la couleur de ses grands yeux,
La couleur des jours heureux.
Lorsque le sucre d'orge
Parfumé à l'anis
Coule dans la gorge d'Annie,
Elle est au paradis.
Ok... hopefully this works for ya!

1. Wax Doll, Doll In Her [originally by France Gall] I'm a wax doll, doll of his My heart is engraved in my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Am I better, am I worse than doll show? I see life in pink wax doll, doll of his My records are a mirror in which everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts around me I hear the laughter rag dolls Those who dance to my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll They seduced for a yes or a no , love is not only in songs Wax doll, sawdust doll My records are a mirror where everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts Only sometimes I sigh, I say: "What good sing and love without reason Without knowing anything about the boys? " that I n'suis a wax doll, a doll's Under the sun of my hair wax doll, doll of his But one day I will live my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Without fearing the heat of the boys Wax doll, doll.

2. A Flower In The Heart [originally by Scott Victory] A flower in the heart, he traveled the clouds to love the ocean, it was beach because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses and crystal in his heart he could say to the people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he built fixtures paths friendships with both flame in his heart because of crystal animated thousand roses And in his heart he could tell crystal to people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he traveled the clouds to love the ocean, it was beach because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses And in her heart crystal he could tell people the end of time because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses And in her heart crystal he could tell people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he built fixtures paths friendships with both flame

3. Initials BB [originally by Serge Gainsbourg] One night I was moping A me some English pub in the heart of London From Traversing Love Mons- Tre Pauwels me came a vision in seltzer water Initials B B initals B Initials BB While medals OF imperator shine Font size Bronze and Gold Platinum him severe cold a circle mark slaves Each finger Initials B B initals B Initials BB How long in upper thighs She is kicked And it's like a chalice A beauty It does nothing other than a little D'essence of Guerlain in hair Initials B B initals B Initials BB Every movement could hear the silver bells From his wrists Waving its bells She walked and spoke the word: Almeria! Initials B B initals B Initials BB

4. My Love, My Friend [originally by Marie Laforet] You, my love, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend I can not live without you My love, my friend And I do not know why I have not seen other boys you If I knew, I do not remember What good look, make comparisons I have a heart knows when it's right And since he took your name my love You, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend, I can not live without you My love, my friend And I know very well why is not known how far will ever love And I thought you loved Power Always Yes I left you And I'm resist I sing sometimes for other than you A little less each time You my love, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend I can not live without you my love my friend And I do not know why

5. Punch [originally by France Gall] I have a pretty bun What just offered me a friend in her beautiful lace dress is sitting beside my bed But one day my bun in a big boy has changed it m has said: "You are indeed that what I love " This was the prince charming of which I dreamed of when I was a child He hugged me and whispered: "Disguised as a buffoon I am to take you there tomorrow and a new life for both will begin " Yes, but just at that moment I suddenly heard footsteps It was my mother came into my room and she joined The boy bun miraculously has changed in her beautiful lace dress sitting on my bed I do not know if I dreamed Or if it is reality But I have since that day Met the love I have a nice buffoon What just give me a friend in her beautiful lace dress is my life Dou dou dou dou dou dou dou [x3] It's my life [x3]

6. Maritza [originally by Sylvie Vartan] La Maritza is my river Seine As is yours But there is my father now who can remember Sometimes In my first ten years I have left nothing Not the poor doll Nothing a little tune -fashioned: La la la la ... All my birds river we sang freedom But I did not understand much , but my father, he knew Listen When the horizon is too dark All the birds have flown on the paths of hope and we followed them, In Paris [Spoken:] From my first ten years There is nothing ... nothing And yet my eyes closed I hear my father sing La la la la

7. Sister Angelica [originally by Annie Philippe] It makes me something, you know you see From dress like that And especially to call you Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Do not go making fun of me, I hardly dare you tu C is difficult to call you, Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica 's friends have not forgotten you How you loved fun never understood was basically your decision Buddies, but I will tell them what you look very happy, it's true It is obvious, I know about Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Te arrives he think of us? A Patrick, Claire, Zizou? And your great friend Jean-Lou? Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica About, Jean-Lou, you know, it seems that he will marry that girl, you remember, Juan-les-Pins But tell me, but what you? But you cry, you cry, why? Now, do not cry like that! Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica

8. Tell Me Doll [originally by Isabelle] Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love so tell me ... I want to know why small children Are born black and other whites? Tell me why there who are hungry and who are cold? Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... Why grandchildren Are born blacks and other whites? Tell me why there who are hungry and who are cold? when and why they are great Everything is so different , they are all as bad Whether black and they are white doll Tell me that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... [Solo] Tell me doll j ' love as you who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I wanna know ... Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... Tell me doll that I love Tell me I want to know

9. Lilith [originally by Leonie Lousseau] Lilith scrolls over nights and I guess I was however the place upside down and Lilith my city, my film, forget to close the eyelids on her eyes clear glass, his eyes on Glass In the moonlight numb Lilith whistled a melody on a small wire on a small wire madness on a small wire lifeless Lilith lifeless, dull life has winds (and) Rain, wind-rain Lilith, Lilith smiled and then lost in the Night stay clear of another universe Lilith, Lilith is it buried deep river for one entirère life, for life entrière the clear moon numb sif It has a melody on a small wire on a small wire madness on a small wire she fled Lilith Lilith smiled and then lost in the Night stay clear of another universe

10. Alabama [originally by Leonie Lousseau] In Alabama, far out there waiting for Anna, Anna tender Whoever fights, far out there and do not know if he will return on his machine, she wound the wire wool and Love a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field in Alabama, far out there waiting for Anna, Anna tender Whoever fights, far out there and do not know why pourqui On her machine, she imagined, to China Sea Love and a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field in Alabama

11. Manitou Wahala [originally by Leonie Lousseau]

12.I Do What I Need Tenderness [originally by Claire Dixon] [Lyrics and music are by Claire Dixon and Daniel Faure] As the hand that wants to tender spring happens The words you can not understand the voice can sing Ah ah ah [Chorus:] I do not need that affection that I do not need friends. And I want you to stay as long as I do not need to love. And I want as long as you remains that I do not need love. silent as the night and as the sea was blue as the stars and life as you know that. Ah ah ah [Chorus] As hope screaming I love you And the voice whispers in? , and clouds and poems as a happy love Ah ah ah [Chorus]

13. Golden Unicorn [originally by Scott Victory]

14. I Evil In You [originally by Colette Dereal] The sun died there, in the valley hours Spend Over my thoughts and I am bad about you And I do not want to live one day without you The summer fled Somewhere a bird is sleeping in a new world And I'm ill of you as a child, all alone, dreaming I am traveling heart Where your love m 'already waiting And from image to image I saw my memories of you in silence your voice still Resound Only your absence Fills empty without you And I have a lot of you like a child all alone, dreaming I the heart that travel Where your love waiting for me already and from image to image I saw my memories of you My heart is traveling Where your love waiting for me already and from image to image I saw my memories you My heart is traveling Where your love waiting for me already ...

15. Wax Doll, Doll In Her [originally by France Gall] I'm a wax doll, doll of his My heart is engraved in my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Am I better, am I worse than doll show? I see life in pink wax doll, doll of his My records are a mirror in which everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts around me I hear the laughter rag dolls Those who dance to my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll They seduced for a yes or a no , love is not only in songs Wax doll, sawdust doll My records are a mirror where everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts Only sometimes I sigh, I say: "What good sing and love without reason Without knowing anything about the boys? " that I n'suis a wax doll, a doll's Under the sun of my hair wax doll, doll of his But one day I will live my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Without fearing the heat of the boys Wax doll, doll

16. The Pops [Bonus Track] [originally by France Gall] Annie loves lollipops lollipops The anise aniseed lollipops The D'Annie Give her kisses Taste animal Sé. When the barley sugar flavored with anise Sinks in Annie's throat She is in paradise. pennies For Annie In his lollipops anise They have the color of his eyes, the color of happy days. Annie loves lollipops, pacifiers and anise. Pacifiers with anise On Annie Give her kisses Taste animal Sé. When did the language That little stick legs She takes her to his body and returns to the drugstore. pennies For Annie In his lollipops with anise. they have the color of his eyes, color happy days. When the barley sugar flavored with anise Sinks in Annie's throat, she is in heaven.
Well I'm impressed, thank you. I changed the title so that if someone is looking for the translation they should be able to find it.


Okiedokes said:
Ok... hopefully this works for ya!

1. Wax Doll, Doll In Her [originally by France Gall] I'm a wax doll, doll of his My heart is engraved in my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Am I better, am I worse than doll show? I see life in pink wax doll, doll of his My records are a mirror in which everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts around me I hear the laughter rag dolls Those who dance to my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll They seduced for a yes or a no , love is not only in songs Wax doll, sawdust doll My records are a mirror where everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts Only sometimes I sigh, I say: "What good sing and love without reason Without knowing anything about the boys? " that I n'suis a wax doll, a doll's Under the sun of my hair wax doll, doll of his But one day I will live my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Without fearing the heat of the boys Wax doll, doll.

2. A Flower In The Heart [originally by Scott Victory] A flower in the heart, he traveled the clouds to love the ocean, it was beach because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses and crystal in his heart he could say to the people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he built fixtures paths friendships with both flame in his heart because of crystal animated thousand roses And in his heart he could tell crystal to people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he traveled the clouds to love the ocean, it was beach because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses And in her heart crystal he could tell people the end of time because in his heart crystal animated thousand roses And in her heart crystal he could tell people, the end of time A flower in the heart, he built fixtures paths friendships with both flame

3. Initials BB [originally by Serge Gainsbourg] One night I was moping A me some English pub in the heart of London From Traversing Love Mons- Tre Pauwels me came a vision in seltzer water Initials B B initals B Initials BB While medals OF imperator shine Font size Bronze and Gold Platinum him severe cold a circle mark slaves Each finger Initials B B initals B Initials BB How long in upper thighs She is kicked And it's like a chalice A beauty It does nothing other than a little D'essence of Guerlain in hair Initials B B initals B Initials BB Every movement could hear the silver bells From his wrists Waving its bells She walked and spoke the word: Almeria! Initials B B initals B Initials BB

4. My Love, My Friend [originally by Marie Laforet] You, my love, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend I can not live without you My love, my friend And I do not know why I have not seen other boys you If I knew, I do not remember What good look, make comparisons I have a heart knows when it's right And since he took your name my love You, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend, I can not live without you My love, my friend And I know very well why is not known how far will ever love And I thought you loved Power Always Yes I left you And I'm resist I sing sometimes for other than you A little less each time You my love, my friend When I dream of you My love, my friend When I sing it for you My love, my friend I can not live without you my love my friend And I do not know why

5. Punch [originally by France Gall] I have a pretty bun What just offered me a friend in her beautiful lace dress is sitting beside my bed But one day my bun in a big boy has changed it m has said: "You are indeed that what I love " This was the prince charming of which I dreamed of when I was a child He hugged me and whispered: "Disguised as a buffoon I am to take you there tomorrow and a new life for both will begin " Yes, but just at that moment I suddenly heard footsteps It was my mother came into my room and she joined The boy bun miraculously has changed in her beautiful lace dress sitting on my bed I do not know if I dreamed Or if it is reality But I have since that day Met the love I have a nice buffoon What just give me a friend in her beautiful lace dress is my life Dou dou dou dou dou dou dou [x3] It's my life [x3]

6. Maritza [originally by Sylvie Vartan] La Maritza is my river Seine As is yours But there is my father now who can remember Sometimes In my first ten years I have left nothing Not the poor doll Nothing a little tune -fashioned: La la la la ... All my birds river we sang freedom But I did not understand much , but my father, he knew Listen When the horizon is too dark All the birds have flown on the paths of hope and we followed them, In Paris [Spoken:] From my first ten years There is nothing ... nothing And yet my eyes closed I hear my father sing La la la la

7. Sister Angelica [originally by Annie Philippe] It makes me something, you know you see From dress like that And especially to call you Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Do not go making fun of me, I hardly dare you tu C is difficult to call you, Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica 's friends have not forgotten you How you loved fun never understood was basically your decision Buddies, but I will tell them what you look very happy, it's true It is obvious, I know about Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Te arrives he think of us? A Patrick, Claire, Zizou? And your great friend Jean-Lou? Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica About, Jean-Lou, you know, it seems that he will marry that girl, you remember, Juan-les-Pins But tell me, but what you? But you cry, you cry, why? Now, do not cry like that! Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica

8. Tell Me Doll [originally by Isabelle] Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love so tell me ... I want to know why small children Are born black and other whites? Tell me why there who are hungry and who are cold? Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... Why grandchildren Are born blacks and other whites? Tell me why there who are hungry and who are cold? when and why they are great Everything is so different , they are all as bad Whether black and they are white doll Tell me that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... [Solo] Tell me doll j ' love as you who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I wanna know ... Tell me doll that I love You, who has dark skin doll Tell me that I love Tell me I want to know ... Tell me doll that I love Tell me I want to know

9. Lilith [originally by Leonie Lousseau] Lilith scrolls over nights and I guess I was however the place upside down and Lilith my city, my film, forget to close the eyelids on her eyes clear glass, his eyes on Glass In the moonlight numb Lilith whistled a melody on a small wire on a small wire madness on a small wire lifeless Lilith lifeless, dull life has winds (and) Rain, wind-rain Lilith, Lilith smiled and then lost in the Night stay clear of another universe Lilith, Lilith is it buried deep river for one entirère life, for life entrière the clear moon numb sif It has a melody on a small wire on a small wire madness on a small wire she fled Lilith Lilith smiled and then lost in the Night stay clear of another universe

10. Alabama [originally by Leonie Lousseau] In Alabama, far out there waiting for Anna, Anna tender Whoever fights, far out there and do not know if he will return on his machine, she wound the wire wool and Love a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field in Alabama, far out there waiting for Anna, Anna tender Whoever fights, far out there and do not know why pourqui On her machine, she imagined, to China Sea Love and a thrill, up on the hill in the cotton field in Alabama

11. Manitou Wahala [originally by Leonie Lousseau]

12.I Do What I Need Tenderness [originally by Claire Dixon] [Lyrics and music are by Claire Dixon and Daniel Faure] As the hand that wants to tender spring happens The words you can not understand the voice can sing Ah ah ah [Chorus:] I do not need that affection that I do not need friends. And I want you to stay as long as I do not need to love. And I want as long as you remains that I do not need love. silent as the night and as the sea was blue as the stars and life as you know that. Ah ah ah [Chorus] As hope screaming I love you And the voice whispers in? , and clouds and poems as a happy love Ah ah ah [Chorus]

13. Golden Unicorn [originally by Scott Victory]

14. I Evil In You [originally by Colette Dereal] The sun died there, in the valley hours Spend Over my thoughts and I am bad about you And I do not want to live one day without you The summer fled Somewhere a bird is sleeping in a new world And I'm ill of you as a child, all alone, dreaming I am traveling heart Where your love m 'already waiting And from image to image I saw my memories of you in silence your voice still Resound Only your absence Fills empty without you And I have a lot of you like a child all alone, dreaming I the heart that travel Where your love waiting for me already and from image to image I saw my memories of you My heart is traveling Where your love waiting for me already and from image to image I saw my memories you My heart is traveling Where your love waiting for me already ...

15. Wax Doll, Doll In Her [originally by France Gall] I'm a wax doll, doll of his My heart is engraved in my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Am I better, am I worse than doll show? I see life in pink wax doll, doll of his My records are a mirror in which everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts around me I hear the laughter rag dolls Those who dance to my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll They seduced for a yes or a no , love is not only in songs Wax doll, sawdust doll My records are a mirror where everyone can see me I'm everywhere at once broken into a thousand shouts Only sometimes I sigh, I say: "What good sing and love without reason Without knowing anything about the boys? " that I n'suis a wax doll, a doll's Under the sun of my hair wax doll, doll of his But one day I will live my songs Wax doll, sawdust doll Without fearing the heat of the boys Wax doll, doll

16. The Pops [Bonus Track] [originally by France Gall] Annie loves lollipops lollipops The anise aniseed lollipops The D'Annie Give her kisses Taste animal Sé. When the barley sugar flavored with anise Sinks in Annie's throat She is in paradise. pennies For Annie In his lollipops anise They have the color of his eyes, the color of happy days. Annie loves lollipops, pacifiers and anise. Pacifiers with anise On Annie Give her kisses Taste animal Sé. When did the language That little stick legs She takes her to his body and returns to the drugstore. pennies For Annie In his lollipops with anise. they have the color of his eyes, color happy days. When the barley sugar flavored with anise Sinks in Annie's throat, she is in heaven.

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