Life as a bald guy

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Zealand
Short story : I've been balding since I was 15 and for the last few years living under a cap, which I'm allowed at work since it's very casual here.

So a couple of days ago I took it off thinking all would be fine, everyone I knew would embrace the new look..

I've noticed quite a few smug looks and generally less respect from people out and about. Sure my closer friends have given the vote of confidence, but there's also been a lot of turned up noses from strangers and acquaintances. I guess this is just life for us baldies; basically eating humble pie every day.

Hair gives the face and head proportion, without it you look like a giant baby. I hate it, but there's no dignified solution, other than donning a rug and getting some awful transplant surgery the results of which look pretty disastrous.

Looks matter, even well into adulthood, there's no magic number after which they don't, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed a different vibe.

You guys with hair don't know how lucky you are.
A bald head is pretty common nowadays. I've got no problem with hair loss and I've been shaving mine for a long time. I use a buzzer and not a razor, but either way, it's so common it's not even a big deal.
Yeah-yuh! Us baldies are sexy as hell!

OP the majority of guys these days shave their heads. You know who Steve Harvey is? This is a guy who was never balding, but he clean shaves his head now. Also usually when you get older, you start balding anyway.

It's not a bad/weird thing.
It hasn't held Patrick Stewart back, when he cast for Star Trek they didn't say oh look here's a bald guy let's laugh at him no way can a bald guy be like the most powerful man in Star Fleet and an idol for millions.

This fact did bother me when I was younger, but now I shave my head anyways and in fact it makes me look a lot younger!
I think you are reading way too much into it, you were probably expecting people to react the way you think they did deep down. So you think that is what happened. Going bald is pretty common, there are guys who will shave their heads because they prefer the bald look. It's become much more of a trend to the point when someone does go for the bald look it's not a big deal. Like someone coming out of the closet, it might get some attention but it isn't the earth shattering news it use to be.
ya, its only as bad as you think it is.
my hair has been thinning out more and more as time goes on, and the only times it even crosses my mind is when my wife comments about it lol. but she does it teasingly because people expect that it will bother me.
but I've never been a superficial person or cared much about my hair or style or any of that. I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.
when I lose enough of it I will take it all off, but so far any times I have mentioned it my wife and kids say no, I shouldn't.. so it must still be workin for me =)
I choose to shave my hair off because I prefer it that way. It always looks neater and it takes less than 30 seconds to clean. I don't think that anyone has ever looked at me any differently because of it and if anyone ever does, then that's their problem.

I used to have 3ft long hair and I have way more body hair than is considered "desirable" and people looked down on me for that. They nicknamed me "Caveman". It was supposed to be derogatory, but that didn't work out so well for my detractors, because I adopted it as my nickname and I've been called some version of it ever since. The only people who even use my birth name are my family.

I guess what I am saying is that idiots will be idiots regardless of what you do. If it's not short hair, it's long hair... You're too tall or you're too short... They're going to find something. It's best to just ignore them and try to be comfortable with yourself the way you are.
My ex was military and when he started losing his hair, just kept it all shaved off anyway.
Didn't bother me in the least.
rdor said:
Short story : I've been balding since I was 15 and for the last few years living under a cap, which I'm allowed at work since it's very casual here.

So a couple of days ago I took it off thinking all would be fine, everyone I knew would embrace the new look..

I've noticed quite a few smug looks and generally less respect from people out and about. Sure my closer friends have given the vote of confidence, but there's also been a lot of turned up noses from strangers and acquaintances. I guess this is just life for us baldies; basically eating a humble pie every day.

Hair gives the face and head proportion, without it you look like a giant baby. I hate it, but there's no dignified solution, other than donning a rug and getting some awful transplant surgery the results of which look pretty disastrous.

Looks matter, even well into adulthood, there's no magic number after which they don't, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed a different vibe.

You guys with hair don't know how lucky you are.

it depends if bald suits you !

I am balding and it has done me no favours at all !
In fact in my early 20's I did get a few 'your nice looking' comments. They soon stopped once my hair started to recede. Now I am more likely going to get called 'bald c**t'

I have a funny shaped head and losing my hair, I just look silly and ridiculous. With a full head of hair (like both my brothers), I know I would look better and more attractive.

I feel sorry for you. I would go back to wearing your cap. I wear a woolly hat in winter.
I don't think they were being funny because you were bald. Maybe they were having a good old look cause it was the first time they'd ever seen you without a hat, and that in itself was the novelty.

I genuinely don't know any women who find baldness an issue. My husband is pretty bald, but I find it rather attractive myself. Like others said, its percieved as manly, and for good reason too; male pattern baldness is caused by testosterone. Nature and evolution knows this, therefore when we (women) see a guy who is balding, our gut instinct is that its a manly thing.

Plus bald men are hot. Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel etc all much sexier without hair.
I am suffering from hair loss too. And unfortunately being bald does not fit to every face or head.

Lady X said:
Plus bald men are hot. Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel etc all much sexier without hair.



Dexter said:
I am suffering from hair loss too. And unfortunately being bald does not fit to every face or head.

Lady X said:
Plus bald men are hot. Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel etc all much sexier without hair.




exactly !

we have just been dealt a poor hand. I have, neither my 2 brothers or my dad have lost their hair. I did and it didn't do my looks any good at all. It's shite but nothing I can do. I would probably look at least 10 years younger with more hair.
Pft, I see your examples Dexter, and I raise you




Dr Evil was made purposefully ugly with prosthetics, and not even a bald head could make Bieber a man lol
Lady X said:
Pft, I see your examples Dexter, and I raise you




Dr Evil was made purposefully ugly with prosthetics, and not even a bald head could make Bieber a man lol

we don't look like those guys !
Bald isn't always good for every man !
Some bald men just look silly or creepy.
It's obviously an issue with some men, that's why they spend money on wigs or transplants or pills or whatever.
Triple Bogey said:
we don't look like those guys !
Bald isn't always good for every man !
Some bald men just look silly or creepy.
It's obviously an issue with some men, that's why they spend money on wigs or transplants or pills or whatever.

Yeah you have to have reasonable looks to begin with, the right head shape and strong features.

Plus some of these guys aren't even bald; as Larry David would say, they "aren't part of the bald community" :rolleyes:
When I was younger, I often heard saying ,,If man is just a little bit prettier than a monkey, its enough".

What I´m trying to say is, that some people have bad acne through all of their lives, some have disproportional bodies, some have big noses, some are fat because of some medicinal reason, etc... You have something yours. And the matter of fact is, that there is many people with something of this kind. And we often accept the deficiencies in looks of others, and magnifying those that we have. But the other person is looking at us just like that.

And to get back to the "quote". In men, I think that there are way more important things than looks (and yes, for ladies as well, but I think its more severe than it is with them), such as success, confidence, masculinity we may say, or intellect. Those things, in perception of a man, surpass looks by a wide margin.

As you said, I may not understand, as my hair is quite magnificent (but I´m fat with big nose on the other hand), but what I would think, is that you are giving your hair, or lack of it, too big of a power over you.
This may sound stupid, but: ,,fresia it"

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