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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2012
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Don't get me wrong that i hate whole human race but it seems being mean, racist, abusive and shameless is kinda accepted and many people say it's just the way things work referring to "Only the fittest must survive" kind of thing. Thing that bothers me above everything is that society of today is made in a way that in order to get a job you want you have to walk over other people dead carriers, if someone is more fit in a way or more attractive to girls jealous person would talk behind your back or just make up lies and try to mess up with your confidence in presence of girls. Also i am well beyond average in terms of experience with one pc game and even in that thing that we do for fun friends have to talk bad stuff, something like "You are just lucky with your rankings, you have no clue how to play" and they avoid 1vs1 when i ask them to. When i get jealous first of all no one has to know that i am jealous, i don't feel the need to bring someone down or get mad for no reason because i have my own life and i shape it based on my effort and there is only one friend that i met in my entire life that has this kind of logical thinking. What are your thoughts about this life competition? :)
randomdude said:
What are your thoughts about this life competition? :)

I hate it. I think or society has been markedly hurt by these behaviors. I suspect that "manners" really did have a place in the world. It assured that people didn't act out in bad ways and hurt others who then lashed out. Manners made it so others didn't cut you down when you tried to do things. Manners made it so being a jerk who stepped over people was considered a bad thing.

Without manners life is starting to suck and all I can do it try to get away from people because, most people, act horribly and hurt me all that time and hold me back.
randomdude said:
What are your thoughts about this life competition? :)

I don't compete with people. I see the type all the time. Drivers who want ahead of me because it's their idea of "winning." Trying to find a way to bypass the line at Starbucks means they're "better." Getting the promotion by highlighting how everyone else sucks is thought to be a triumph. And some typical quotes:

"My insignificant sports team is better than your insignificant sports team."

"I'm a much better fan of that cool band because I saw them way before you did."

"You don't have that new DLC for the game you play? What? Are you on the Loser Train?"

Fighting for status is bullshit, IMO. It's a waste of my energies, and I refuse to play their childish games. Status in our urban existence is an illusion. Many people crave high status, but it doesn't get you happiness or contentment. I'd rather be poor and content than rich and unhappy.
Case said:
Many people crave high status, but it doesn't get you happiness or contentment. I'd rather be poor and content than rich and unhappy.

Status is a trap. First, if you get a job that is status and pay I am telling you right now, someone will try to take it from you. Better to be just in a position that pays ok and isn't prestigious. And to expect that you won't get too high in salary because, if you do, your employer will try to replace you will someone cheaper.

I have a job that does have some status. I feel a great sense that I got something I never thought I would be part of but I never saw this coming: (1) I am not allowed to talk about it with people because it has a lot of secrets and also it isn't considered appropriate and (2) no one understands the job and then thus, no one wants to talk about it. It isn't prestigious to them. What a mistake that was.

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