What about your partner did you fall in love with?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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Would anyone who is in or had a Marriage or Partnership want to share how they met?

What attracted you to the other person, and what qualities about the did you fall in love with or love about them?
I don't have any kind of partner, sadly. But what attracted me to the person I like was her aura. she seemed so happy. and i was a lonely kid in high school. and i wanted to be happy too.
I'll give you the two relationships that had the biggest impact on my life. Both of which kind of started out the same way.

The first was more or less instant attraction, but there were issues because I was with a friend and she "saw him first," so I let her have him. So, we all started hanging out, him and her and me and his friend. Well, after a few weeks, I was "dating" the friend, but not really into him. I was also talking to the other guy and knew him and my friend hadn't worked out. We finally decided we had to tell his friend that I wasn't into him....I felt like a monster, I really did, but he took it well.

The second...well, yeah, almost the same situation, but not quite. I was a cheerleader (yes, I really was, shut up. lol) and him and two of his friends were at the game. I was walking by and he ended up yelling a smartass comment to me and I sent a smartass comment back and kept walking. After the game, they struck up a conversation with me, the guys friend started flirting with me. I was all, fine, whatever, but wasn't flirting back. I ended up walking back to the guy's driveway (small town, different time, no worries) and the guy flirting with me was really getting annoying and not taking the hint that I wasn't into him, so I kissed the guy that issued the smartass comment at the game. The next day, I went to the homecoming dance with him, we dated for a few years and then got married. The guy that originally wanted me was the best man at our wedding, he was still a little bitter over not getting me.
I wasn't overly attracted to him at first, but as I got to know him, I was.
I met my husband of 14 years when he moved into the house next door to me. Wasn't sure about him at first, very different from me - he's practical and realistic whereas I am a dreamer with my head in clouds....but it's a perfect partnership - he keeps me grounded when I need to be, but still gives me the freedom to be myself. And vice versa...

What cemented the whole relationship and made me fall for him was this: he headed to work one morning and on his way, he found an injured cat on the road - it was still alive, but obviously seriously hurt as its back legs weren't functioning. He couldn't just leave it there, so he picked it up and brought it back home. He called into work, saying he'd be late (didn't tell them why), then headed into the closest vet (a 30 minute drive in the opposite direction from work), left the cat with them with our phone number and instructions we'd pay for this cat's treatment. Ended up well over $1000, but the cat happily survived, and was adopted out to a nice family.

My sweetie likes to act like a 'manly man' (he does this just to bug me, I think!), but deep down I know the truth...and that's why I fell in love. His compassion, kindness, his willingness to step above and beyond to do the right thing....and he has a great sense of humour and makes me laugh...:)
Met him gaming. And I like the fact that he can fix things. That's about it. He's not compassionate. He's not kind. He's not loving.

Ringwood, you almost make a girl want to dream...
compassion, kindness, empathy, patience, good advice. silence when i needed it most, and kind words at just the right time. loyalty, trust, and beauty - inside and out.
Me and my wonderful lady both love animals and being nudist. I can't think of a better lady to have in my life.
No, I have always been single I have never been in love. Yes, I do believe in love but I never want to be in love.
Her eyes, her smile. Boom just like that it happened.

...but that was a long time ago

... it seems like it was a dream I woke up from. I hate dreaming now more than ever.
He is just freaking nice to me. Absolutely supports me in all of my antics. Keeps me on my toes with his. He cracks me up, gets my horrible sense of humor. Nobody else I would want to spend all of my time with. He's my best friend.
We met online. Two wounded hearts that found comfort and solace with each other.

We started out as friends. What attracted me to her was nothing specific. Just her overall vibe and personality. It was so easy to be myself around her and we would talk alot. Most times until the sun came up the next day.

Now that I think about it though, it was mostly just little things she would do that I just found adorable. She was my little Ray of sunshine brightening up my day everyday.
My first girlfriend and I were naturally attracted to each other, we'd known each other since we were kids. Although we weren't mature enough to handle it, it was better this way. She got married and popped out three kids, worked out well for her.

There was someone else in there, but that barely lasted two months and was rather insignificant.

Second girlfriend, she actually got my through patient harassment lol. She's the mother of my kids. She annoyed the hell out of me, I couldn't stand her initially. She was wildly infatuated with me. As I got to know her though, my views on her started to change. As we progresses into the relationship however, my views changed again as i was realising that on the cusp of having our first daughter, I was going to have to take care of a second one. Her issues, which ironically are only partially worked on to this day, made me leave her when she was 5 months pregnant. My reputation as an arse was secured. I'd still do it again.
Third girlfriend, a work colleague I was working with at the time, shortly after I left my ex. The "hot girl" everyone was trying to get, which I wasn't even interested at the time since I had stuff to deal with, but she'd give me rides and we'd talk a lot. Our relationship started in the front seat of her car. Which, btw...well a Toyata Tercel requires lots of willpower, it's a **** small car lol. Was a two year, intense, problem filled relationship. The Amber Heard Johnny Depp trial brought back some unpleasant memories of how two people that love each other can bring out the absolute worst. We just weren't compatible. What initially attracted me beyond her looks was just...her way. Of course, I realized over time she was a princess and expected a worshipper. That ain't me.
Fourth girlfriend...Vanessa. she's still the standard I hold other women to. She was the best girl I ever dated. Short, overweight but didn't look it at all, mouthy when she needed to, supporting when I needed it, ready to push me when I needed it. Bit vain, not overly. We seperated because she started shaping her entire future around me. We'd only been together a year. All her dreams were getting thrown out the window by her own hand. Didn't sit well with me to have that kind of an effect on someone, to be honest. My reputation as an arse was reaffirmed; I left her the DAY we'd been together a year. By accident, I didn't realize it. That's so me, it's comical now, but...to this day she refuses to speak to me. I hurt her too bad.
Then, I dated my best friend. Suffice it to say, I've spoken about it before, it was a mistake.
After that, I tried again with the mother of my kids for about three weeks. That ended up being my second daughter lol. We decided mutually we were just friends, whatever was there initially wasn't there anymore.
A passing fling here and there, nothing serious since.

All those girl varied wildly by height, weight, features and perdonality. What made me fall in love with them? I don't know. A general air, a way. Sone things that annoyed thr hell out of me initially I ended up missing later. A look, the way they smiled. What I saw in their eyes. Mostly that, I think. The eyes are a portal to someone's soul, I've always believed. Which is why I rarely, with very few people, look into them. No need for them to see what's in mine.
I’ve been with my wife for 30 years. I met her in a gym, and she looked pretty fine. I overheard her telling the receptionist that she found it hard to make friends since moving back home, and I butt in and offered to take her out sometime. She accepted.

We’ve had several troubling periods and are going through one now, but my latest conversation with her made me ask myself this question you ask because I wanted to reflect on our whole relationship.

She is very understanding. A great friend. Loyal. Hardworking. Dedicated. Finds me funny. More other things that I can’t articulate. We are similar in many ways.

99% of our problems were due to my faults and issues. Hopefully I’ve worked on and repaired myself enough that she will stay with me.

I can’t blame her if she left, but I’m hoping she’ll stay. She asked me a few hard questions the other day that needed her to feel reassured. After I gave my answer, she told me my words were indeed reassuring. We’re taking it one step at a time.
I’ve been with my wife for 30 years. I met her in a gym, and she looked pretty fine. I overheard her telling the receptionist that she found it hard to make friends since moving back home, and I butt in and offered to take her out sometime. She accepted.

We’ve had several troubling periods and are going through one now, but my latest conversation with her made me ask myself this question you ask because I wanted to reflect on our whole relationship.

She is very understanding. A great friend. Loyal. Hardworking. Dedicated. Finds me funny. More other things that I can’t articulate. We are similar in many ways.

99% of our problems were due to my faults and issues. Hopefully I’ve worked on and repaired myself enough that she will stay with me.

I can’t blame her if she left, but I’m hoping she’ll stay. She asked me a few hard questions the other day that needed her to feel reassured. After I gave my answer, she told me my words were indeed reassuring. We’re taking it one step at a time.
Wish you luck in your marriage ✨💕 im sure she loves and cares for you 😇

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