Why am I treated poorly?

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Apr 20, 2017
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This is my first post. 
I am not going to be saying my name for many reasons, so please do not judge, as I already have enough of that as you will read.
This is going to be a rather long post, so please bear with me. Also, if you want to answer to this thread, please read all the way through, because I don't want a 'just try harder and push on'. I want an answer that will actually help me though.

So let the story begin: (this is only the big stuff there are LOTS more 'incident's' that I don't have the time to write out)

It was last year around September on '16. I was in band sectionals. (Ya know, the horrible idea of making us wake up an hour earlier then usual to practice band?) and we had gotten a new piece to play, and a rather fun one. But, it required a few instruments that we didn't already own. (I am in percussion, so we play many different things). One of said instruments was a rain stick, which was kindly provided by another student. FYI: we never got along. I grabbed it and said thank you, and went to my little corner to set up everything else for the piece. We had started to play, and when I flipped the stick over to play it, I noticed a rather large crack along the side of the wood, and it was spilling out dust. So I went over to the classmate and told him that it was 'leaking'. And of course, as everyone does, they blamed it on me. First off, if you have ever owned a rain stick you know that its not super easy to break them. Secondly, I am pretty weak, so I am very confused as how I could have broken it. We start arguing, me telling him that is highly unlikely that I broke it. But being the person he is, he continues to tell me that its my fault the 15 year old rain stick broke. 15 years! No wonder it had a crack. Its old! And wood ages, and as it does it cracks due to moisture loss. I explain this to him, and he just blows me off. Then the whole class starts yelling at me that I broke it. 

So I had to buy a rain stick, which thankfully they are not very expensive. I brought it to the next sectional and he comes up to me, grabbing the stick and saying 'Thanks for getting me a new rains stick to replace the one you broke'. Not only rubbing it in, but taking the stick I bought, and taking it. I follow him and explain that its not a replacement, but just so I can play the piece! And we go on and on about it, and he wins. Not because he is smarter, or knows the truth, but because the whole class backs him up. 

Now fast forward to January and February of this year. He now starts taking my rather expensive mallets and using them for things that they shouldn't be used for. When I found out they were missing, I instantly knew it was him, so I go up to him and ask for my mallets, which he tries and hides behind his back. I tell him that I just saw them, and he plays dumb. I go around him and grab them, but he doesn't  let go. He pulls back, and it takes me a good few minuets to pry them out of his grimy hands, and almost braking them. Again there not cheap! And his good friend, who ironically was a friend of mine, just stands there laughing at me trying to take my stuff back. 

Today was the big concert, and we were all sitting outside the stage, just waiting for the band before us to finish. While we wait, they were all talking about how a friend of mine, lets call him 5, was so 'cute' and how he was so perfect, and how he had 'no enemies ion the world'. I was just sitting there, as they all talked about how good his life was and blah blah. Then they gave him a group hug, and I just sat there about to cry. They praise him, and they all despise me. Why I don't know. Im a very generous person, extremely kind, helpful, and empathetic. Whats not to like?

After performing, on the bus, they put away the heavy stuff and I took my assigned things, and load them onto the bus. But, after a rough tern, things start falling, and they all start yelling 'insert my name here!' and how its ALL my fault that stuff was falling over. I wasn't even loading the things that were falling. That was very annoying.

We arrive back at school. I have to walk past him, and he not only tried to block my way, he tries to trip me! Hes been pushing and shoving me around, but never has he tried to trip me. 

I go to class, again almost in tears. I just don't know what to do anymore.

And for those of you who want to say 'Tell a teacher or something'. That never works. All they do is politely tell them (imagine in super sweet voice) 'Please stop bothering him, that's not nice'. Do you think that stops anything? No. It makes it worse, because they found out that you are bending in to them, and their strategy is working. Also tells them you told the teacher. 

And on top of all this, teachers, friends, and parents are all treating my like crap. Out of the blue too. And my dearest companion, my cat, has gotten more and more aggressive. He has always been somewhat aggressive, but now hes just gotten worse. I always thought that if you help someone or something (like my cat, who was a rescue), it would be repaid, but it seems that the exact opposite is true. No longer do I believe that helping = they'll help you. Now its you help, the world said thanks and continues to treat you like crap. 

My friends all have lovely and the best cats, there nice, not aggressive, they love to cuddle, be picked up, basically a cat that is perfect for me. And I'm so jealous of them with their amazing cats and I'm stuck with mine, a mean, you touch one you get hissed at cat, who only does stuff for food.

Unfortunately, suicide is become a common thought. I think if I do, (which as of right now I don't ever plan to!) I could leave a dramatic note and blame it on them, hoping that they would start to treat others, like me, better in the future. Another reason is because since people have always treated ,me differently, then for the rest of my life ill be treated the same. Sure there are people who escaped this, but they are few and far apart. So might as well end it all if there is no point in getting people to at least recognize my presence. Again I don't EVER want to do this!

What do I do? I'm lost and depressed at the fact that a person like me is getting pushed around. I am always pushed out of activities, and always singled out to work alone. I LOVE being alone, but I don't want to be exiled out of everything. 

Thank you for reading this long and probably boring post.

-Insert name here
I had this my entire school life..especially at high school. Had to leave. I was in things like choir and in the library and it was in class as well. It hurt so much. I had to leave. Maybe try somewhere else. Not worth the pain. I left high school at age 16 due to rubbish like this. I am glad I left before it got worse as it was worsening.
Don't kill yourself, shows them they can have their way over you. It will make them smile even more.
Thank you for your reply.
I don't ever want to go that rout. Just a thought that has been pestering me lately.
-Insert name here
Yeah probably don't be like me and leave. I had no support...but do you have any friends at all?
High school sucks. (I'm assuming you are in high school). I hated it so much. Don't let the poor treatment by teachers and other students cause you to do something so final as take your own life. I know that you don't want a "things will get better" reply, but things generally do. People won't treat you the same way as you are treated now for the rest of your life. There will be ups and downs, and every place you go it will be different, and some people will have the same poor attitude or give you the same poor treatment as now, but there will be good people also that will treat you with kindness. There is so much more to life than high school.

I was in band in school myself and hated it. I just wanted to play saxophone, but I didn't want to do marching band, but to be in band you had to join the marching band, and I thought that I needed band on my transcript to get into a good college. The marching band teacher was very hard on us, and the band very competitive and had won a lot of competitions. But we were pushed so hard at practice, and during my sophomore year I took an extra class and was in a lot of clubs, and one day after a competition I had a nervous breakdown and had to go to the hospital. I was in the psych ward for maybe a month and was diagnosed with bipolar. (You can imagine the rumors that go down when you disappear from school for a month.)

I could not catch up with my homework and ended up dropping many classes. Then when I moved to another state my senior year, I did not have enough credits to graduate on time, so I had to take classes the following fall. At the time it seemed like my life was a failure and that there was no point in moving onward, but now I see that things have worked out for the better for me, although that was not what I always wanted. I ended up going to college and getting an associate's and bachelor's degree and although I don't have a job now, I do have a future and have had many interviews and will probably get a job soon and that stupid stuff in high school didn't really matter.

Anyway, I tell you this story to let you know that there will come a point in your life when you will look back and be glad that it is over, and that the way people treat you don't define you and that you shouldn't let it define your existence or be the cause of the end of your life. Hope this helps.
Hi there ,
Well I am not a good adviser ,but I can tell my problems is almost like yours ,I am still facing it .some people born like that.
If you have no good friend who can help you then only you can try to get rid of this problem ,I can see you're a good person and kind too ,but it's not mean you are weak ,other people take advantages of you ,because they know you don't want to fight this in bad way ,because you're not like them ,some don't like you because you're not like them ,they only want to be who are like them .
You have to remember this if you don't stand strong then you can't fight this in your own ,I spent my whole year without any friends ,they bully me ,they comments me and I try to be with them but they throws me away ,but I am still fighting this.
So try be strong ,I know you can fight this.
- with hugs
Eternitydreamer said:
Yeah probably don't be like me and leave. I had no support...but do you have any friends at all?

I have a few, but they don't understand whats it's like to be hated by the majority.
As of today I just need to not take everything so personally and just ignore them, which is pretty hard.
Again thank you for your response.
I think you were unlucky with the musical instrument ( what is one of those? ) I'm sure there is a group mentality that takes over in some cases. Get many of these people on their own and all of a sudden they switch on the charm. Don't be fooled though, anything you may say in confidence will go right back to the clique. 

I also think that if you were to leave then some other poor soul will be become the focus of their unwanted attention. 

You are in the company of a group of a1 ********, not that you needed telling that. Get away at your first opportunity and put it behind you. I can't say how soon but you will lighten up in the end. Take the opportunities as they present themselves. Maybe take up a sport or something where you can focus on yourself and your own personal improvement.

It may sound impossible but don't listen to their propaganda, they sound like the Hitler youth from your description. Improve your self and you will win your own self respect. Don't go looking for their respect as its not worth a toss.
They don't physically hurt you, do they? Aside from trying to trip you, of course.

Honestly, it sounds like typical high school crap to me, not to say it's right, but people, especially those in high school, tend to pick on people they deem weaker than the rest. Probably because they think it makes them cool. Chances are, not everyone to joins in or laughs think it's right, they just don't want to go against the grain, so to speak, because it's high school and they think it's important to fit in. Again, not saying it's right.

Personally, I think you should continue to tell people in authority what happens, especially when it involves things like taking your stuff. Stealing is NOT okay and I can't see any reasonable teacher allowing someone to steal from you, like they did with your rain stick. However, if you have to use something that isn't your, the first thing you should do, right away, is examine all parts of it to make sure it's all in working order and not damaged, so it doesn't come back on you.
Also, if someone is your friend or you think they are, you should talk to them about these things when the other people aren't around. Maybe you'll get some insight. They might not realize how you really feel about it all.

As for your cat, it's not always true that when you rescue an animal, they will become your best friend. Especially when they are a rescue and you don't know what kind of history they've had. Sometimes, animals are just aggressive and you can't do anything to change that. I've had a few cats that were like that, one I had to rehome because she was too aggressive to be around my kids. Maybe you could get another cat?

High school doesn't last forever and once you leave there, your life will really begin. High school doesn't reflect your entire life. Life is what you decide to make it be. The immature people you have to deal with now "win" because they know they get to you, so try to figure out a way to not let it all bother you so much. Stand your ground and stand up for what you believe in.
TheRealCallie said:
They don't physically hurt you, do they?  Aside from trying to trip you, of course.

As for your cat, it's not always true that when you rescue an animal, they will become your best friend.  Especially when they are a rescue and you don't know what kind of history they've had.  Sometimes, animals are just aggressive and you can't do anything to change that.  I've had a few cats that were like that, one I had to rehome because she was too aggressive to be around my kids.  Maybe you could get another cat?

Thank you for your comment.
They haven't purposely tried to hurt me, yet. If they do, then I will tell someone, as its not physically safe for me. I have been punched in the face before in 7th grade, and that was a huge mess to deal with.

As for my cat, getting another cat is highly unlikely. It took me 15 years to convince them to get one, because both my parents and sister are very allergic to cats. Thankful with this cat there have been zero reactions. But getting another one is never going to happen. And I don't want to give him back, because he had such a bad past (probably abandoned, almost killed by another cat ((or something)), and probably more we don't know about.) that it would be cruel for me to do that. If I did, I would pick him up the next day because I would feel bad. Its not exactly fair for him. 
-Insert Name Here
At least you're valuable to the cat, even if it doesn't show any thanks for it the human way. What tey are doing still ain't okay, and the argument "they don't physically hurt you" is a completely invalid one. There was an old philosopher (Epicurus?) who even said mental pain is worse than physical pain - due to the way the physical one heals. All in all, society has a weird view on that to say the least.
I also think SOMEONE at least should be giving your items back to you. You didn't e.g. buy that instrument for that one. Sounds like it just tried to get a new one cheap *coughcough*. I do know getting an item back ain't too important, but if nothing else, then to teach the bullies that they ain't gonna gain anything from behaving that way.
Take care, pal! ^_^
84697 said:
TheRealCallie said:
They don't physically hurt you, do they?  Aside from trying to trip you, of course.

As for your cat, it's not always true that when you rescue an animal, they will become your best friend.  Especially when they are a rescue and you don't know what kind of history they've had.  Sometimes, animals are just aggressive and you can't do anything to change that.  I've had a few cats that were like that, one I had to rehome because she was too aggressive to be around my kids.  Maybe you could get another cat?

Thank you for your comment.
They haven't purposely tried to hurt me, yet. If they do, then I will tell someone, as its not physically safe for me. I have been punched in the face before in 7th grade, and that was a huge mess to deal with.

As for my cat, getting another cat is highly unlikely. It took me 15 years to convince them to get one, because both my parents and sister are very allergic to cats. Thankful with this cat there have been zero reactions. But getting another one is never going to happen. And I don't want to give him back, because he had such a bad past (probably abandoned, almost killed by another cat ((or something)), and probably more we don't know about.) that it would be cruel for me to do that. If I did, I would pick him up the next day because I would feel bad. Its not exactly fair for him. 
-Insert Name Here

Definitely don't hesitate to tell someone if they physically hurt you.  Maybe even think about pressing assault charges if it comes to that too.    Why were you punched in the 7th grade?  :(

How long do you have left in school?

Meaw said:
At least you're valuable to the cat, even if it doesn't show any thanks for it the human way. What tey are doing still ain't okay, and the argument "they don't physically hurt you" is a completely invalid one. There was an old philosopher (Epicurus?) who even said mental pain is worse than physical pain - due to the way the physical one heals. All in all, society has a weird view on that to say the least.
I also think SOMEONE at least should be giving your items back to you. You didn't e.g. buy that instrument for that one. Sounds like it just tried to get a new one cheap *coughcough*. I do know getting an item back ain't too important, but if nothing else, then to teach the bullies that they ain't gonna gain anything from behaving that way.
Take care, pal! ^_^

I hope you don't think that's what I was doing.  The OP didn't mention much about it, so I was asking.  If there was physical bullying, as well, that would make the situation slightly more severe, IMO. 
That said, I personally believe that mental pain IS worse than physical pain. 

But enough of that, I agree that you should get your things back.

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