Reincarnation Preventing Suicide

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August Campbell

My ultimate dream came true.
Jan 27, 2020
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It was because I saw another thread where someone posted about his suicidal feelings.  So it prompted me to post about Prevention.  At one point in the past I was suicidal but this is what prevented. In one of my sessions with my therapist during which I expressed my chronic suicidal thoughts, the therapist told of his belief in Reincarnation. According to Reincarnation, if you commit suicide, it won't solve your problem at all, because in the next incarnation, you will simply continue where you left off. Even after suicide, you'll still have the same problem.

Pondering on it, I gradually realized it makes sense. Reason is because billions of newborn babies die right at birth. It would be obviously Unfair for them to have never gotten any chance at life. But in Reincarnation, those infants get their chance.

So the realization about those infants obviously bolsters the claim made by my therapist that Suicide won't solve the problem because[size=xx-large] that problem would simply resume in your next incarnation. As a resumption, it would still be there.[/size]  With that in mind, the preferred decision would be a Non-destructive one. A decision to choose life. Instead of suicide, solve your problems constructively in this life so your next reincarnation will be a happy one. 
There is no real proof though that reincarnation exists. I think people use the reincarnation excuse to scare people so they won't kill themselves which is ridiculous. So it's like a scare tactic which not really good.
It's also very hard for people to solve their probs in their life. There is not always a happy solution where their life can be better. They can try and try but things do not always get better, The suffering lingers on which is a miserable life to have go through day in and day out. People try everything to make their better before deciding suicide is the last resort sadly. :(
People have already tried that kind of "prevention" via notions of heaven and hell, including the consideration for newborn babies which had no option to make meaningful choices yet - it's called Limbo. If you don't believe in the metaphysical, I don't think you can reason yourself into it. As far as I'm concerned, you can only accept the suffering in life as inevitable and still manage to look beyond it. Everything else will just seem like smoke and mirrors.
Rodent said:
People have already tried that kind of "prevention" via notions of heaven and hell, including the consideration for newborn babies which had no option to make meaningful choices yet - it's called Limbo. If you don't believe in the metaphysical, I don't think you can reason yourself into it. As far as I'm concerned, you can only accept the suffering in life as inevitable and still manage to look beyond it. Everything else will just seem like smoke and mirrors.
Since you don't believe in "heaven and hell" either--does that mean you don't believe in any Afterlife at all?
August Campbell said:
Rodent said:
People have already tried that kind of "prevention" via notions of heaven and hell, including the consideration for newborn babies which had no option to make meaningful choices yet - it's called Limbo. If you don't believe in the metaphysical, I don't think you can reason yourself into it. As far as I'm concerned, you can only accept the suffering in life as inevitable and still manage to look beyond it. Everything else will just seem like smoke and mirrors.

Since you don't believe in "heaven and hell" either--does that mean you don't believe in any Afterlife at all?

Correct, I don't believe in any afterlife. This is your only shot, make it count.
Rodent said:
August Campbell said:
Rodent said:
People have already tried that kind of "prevention" via notions of heaven and hell, including the consideration for newborn babies which had no option to make meaningful choices yet - it's called Limbo. If you don't believe in the metaphysical, I don't think you can reason yourself into it. As far as I'm concerned, you can only accept the suffering in life as inevitable and still manage to look beyond it. Everything else will just seem like smoke and mirrors.

Since you don't believe in "heaven and hell" either--does that mean you don't believe in any Afterlife at all?

Correct, I don't believe in any afterlife. This is your only shot, make it count.
Yes, I agree with you about Hell.  Especially because Hell is believed to be Eternal, Forever.  I cannot believe a God would be so cruel as to torture anyone forever.  I even heard a sermon where the preacher said that even if you steal just a lollipop or just steal a single cigarette, then you would still go to Hell forever.  According to the Bible, he said that stealing just a single cigarette is just as bad as stealing a million dollars because both of them involve an evil heart.  So he actually preaches that the cigarette-thief will be tortured in Hell forever. I disagree and wonder what you others think about it?
To add to the above post, that's another reason why I believe in Reincarnation.  In other words the existence of an eternal Hell won't give another chance for a person to repent and reform.  Whereas in Reincarnation a person keeps coming back until he or she gradually realizes their faults and gradually reforms.
I believe in reincarnation for this reason... it does seem like the same personality types keep appearing. If you really look into history you will see a few things.. HOW MANY PEOPLE have died. I mean the number is incalculable. How could each be an individual being? Also when you look back at photos in history (and I am sure this will happen more often as more photos become available) you can see people who look exactly like current people. To me that means that matter has a limited number of variations and thus humans will always at some point repeat themselves. They say those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it but I think the truth is that history repeats because the same matter and the same minds are going round and round and their instincts will be the same. The reason to live this life as fully as possible is because there is no guarantee that this particular circumstances is going to line up again in this particular way.
The reappearance of personality types or genetic patterns is only proof that humans are not infinitely variable. I think we ought to know that by now, I'd call it statistically mundane. The same way it's unlikely that we'll develop another pair of legs anytime soon and how there's quite a small number of eye colors - and most people on earth right now have brown eyes. Why would matter have an unlimited number of variations? We're still bound to the laws of physics.
If you were to be reincarnated... Would you necessarily end up with the same appearance you had previously though? I thought the whole point to karma was that you are rewarded or punished based on the suffering you endured or that which you caused. What if you felt your appearance was a big part of your suffering?

Personally, I don't believe in an afterlife... Though what I believe has nothing to do with how the world works. Guess I'll find out when I die, if there is one.
I did watch a show once about children who remembered their past lives. One of them had been murdered in their past life and they linked that to some medical issue he'd had since birth, because it supposedly went away after he went through hypnotherapy.

The whole show was his mother talking about these kids, nothing first hand. So, imo, about as informative as "ancient aliens." Still... Interesting.
A convincing case of Reincarnation is that of a teenage-girl from India named Naidu. Naidu remembers her past incarnation as Sita Vernoy who had of course died. So Sita's surviving husband is old enough to be a Father of Naidu.  At Naidu's constant insistence, Naidu's parents finally  brought her to visit Mister Vernoy. The pre-teen Naidu proves she was Mr. Vernoy's wife in her previous body by revealing the hiding place inside Vernoy's very house where she had hidden her money in her previous incarnation.  Even the husband had not known about it at all.    So how could Naidu have known about the hiding place in Vernoy's own house if Naidu had not been the deceased-Sita herself?
A few minutes of googling taught me that this was a story in a TV series called "The Veil" which was allegedly based on real-life reports of supernatural events but there is no way to confirm whether such a thing ever happened. In fact, the TV series is the only result I get when I look up the names of these people. I remain wholly unconvinced.
If you want documentation, it's in the book Metempsycose Reincarnation by Alex Roudene and Danielle Hemmert.
August Campbell said:
If you want documentation, it's in the book Metempsycose Reincarnation by Alex Roudene and Danielle Hemmert.

If you know the book I'll assume you have it and that you speak French because it's not really of any help to me otherwise. I hope it includes a quotation or reference.
it depends if problems are solvable, for example my fibromylgia is long term meaning that there is no cure available for it, instead i uust live with it and the same goes with depression
Sk1n1m1n said:
it depends if problems are solvable, for example my fibromylgia is long term meaning that there is no cure available for it, instead i uust live with it and the same goes with depression

Are you referring to Assisted-suicide? Some states have legalized it but it's for only the terminally-ill.  But you are Not terminally ill, are you?
I wish assisted suicide was legal for everyone no matter what the illness is but the government hates us all and wants everyone to suffer.

Sk1n1m1n said:
it depends if problems are solvable, for example my fibromylgia is long term meaning that there is no cure available for it, instead i uust live with it and the same goes with depression

So sorry u have illnesses.
I have depression as well.

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