Deal Makers

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2020
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It's easy to get caught up in the things we don't like about people.

What are some things that you have come to appreciate in relationships?

I'll start...

Honesty, that ends with productive plans for the future, or at least the ability to continue moving forward in a reasonable way.
Goofy smiles and giggles
Enjoys long walks, especially early mornings.
Enjoys having music playing all of the time
Loves children
Wants to be married
Has no motive but to add to life

Your turn!
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Well...[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]He should definitely love children.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]And he should be a kind person, funny and protective.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]: )[/font]
AmyTheTemperamental said:
ardour said:
Makes good gumbo.

What goes into a good gumbo? I've only tried it out of a can.

...never tried it. It was a reference to an episode of Tales from The Tour Bus (James Brown loved gumbo)
Respects me and the choices I make.
Tries to understand my perspective.
Has an open mind and acceptable to change.
Likes that I'm Anti-Social.
Enjoys the outdoors.
Has and enjoys her own hobbies.
Doesn't need other people to make her feel good.
Doesn't like loud sounds.
Not afraid to lean on me when she needs to. 
Good banter between us
Sexually adventurous 
Normally adventurous 
Likes to work out and stay in shape
Twisted in a good way
Accepting and supportive.
someone who doesn't automatically assume the moral high ground
someone who's willing to tolerate disagreement without things having to get heated
some minimum of physical attraction (both ways)
not a right winger/libertarian
deal makers are only relevant for those with options. i learned the hard way that what i prefer in women is meaningless since both the women i find attractive and the women whom i find unattractive are equally disinterested in my attention.
Absolutely love this thread! 
(EDIT: It has come to my attention that I have misunderstood the OP and the title. This comment is not "things that you have come to appreciate in relationships" per se, some that I have come across and do admire but it has been written as an ideals checklist.) This is a list of ideals! Im not going to dismiss anyone who doesnt have/do ALL these things. If I gel with the person then I gel no worries.

So instead of me writing out a load of stuff and forgetting what I wanted to write, I've just copied and pasted then added bits here and there and some more at the end.
If you see yours here (copied and pasted in posted order) then I am simply in accordance with you :) (congratulations you are a chosen one! Haha)

These are not necessarily rigid "rules" as such (there is probably a better word to use there).  I am open and flexible on these points. Also, understanding of the fact that the probability of finding 'the square peg for my square hole' is probably quite slim.  Some of you will think this OTT but after being messed around so much and dragged through years of honeysuckle I am setting my drawbridge high and my moat deep!

So here goes!:

Honesty, that ends with productive plans for the future, or at least the ability to continue moving forward in a reasonable way.
Goofy smiles and giggles
Enjoys long walks (and long rests)
Enjoys listening to all types (genres) of music, appart from pop who likes pop?!
Wants children
Wants to be married
A strong sense of wonder with a vivid imagination
Honest, open and communicative with me directly 100% of the time, no lies no BS.
Patience (will be needed for the following)
A good understanding of the fact that I have no idea of the serious/funny balance, and that I dont know when to say what and would maybe say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Accepting of the fact that I may not be able to look past myself in favour of the relationship sometimes.
The ability to calmly explain to me and the willingness to understand me, when I am saying the wrong thing or not seeing the bigger picture.
Understanding of the fact that I will sometimes think I have said something when actually have only thought it and not said it out loud.
Understanding of just how protective I am!
Reads me stories I may not have heard of before. <-- absolutely love this one!
Sharing some hobbies
Supportive of my endeavors but calls me out on my bullshit
Teammate in life
Same intellectual level
Doesn't need other people to make her feel good all the time.
Has an open mind and acceptable to change.
Not afraid to lean on me when she needs to.
Sexually adventurous
Normally adventurous
Likes to work out and stay in shape, occasionally.. or not afraid of physical exertion I am no fitness nut but I do like snowboarding for example.

Open to trying some adrenaline fueled fun
Open to mindfulness and spirituality (interconnectedness)
Trusting, kind and caring but can be a lioness when she has to.
Loves animals and nature all seasons all weathers. Cosying up by the fire in winter and lazing on a beach in summer (allthough not for too long as the skyfire (aka the sun) burns me quickly!)
Able to take compliments
Someone who is thankful and grateful
Someone who is able to take responsibility for their own actions
Who is able to keep things tidy
Understand that I like things in a certain order and respect that.

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