wish i could burn my house down

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she got to leave. start somewhere new. a place of her own.

i'm stuck here with all the bad memories. a shrine to misery.

it's not fair.

anyone sympathize with this?
I can't imagine how my mom feels, staying in the same house my dad was in. But she's pretty much cleared out all of his stuff and the one room that was really "his" she has redone into a yoga studio. :)
Yeah it sucks. Luckily for me I've moved a lot. I've never stayed longer in a place for more than a year...which could have its downsides, but it does have its positives too.

I can imagine it being hard though, all the memories and what not.

Redecorate it so it looks completely different. Throw out anything that reminds you of her, perhaps?
i'm a very spatially oriented person.

so, even if the house was totally empty,

just the four walls provide me with a constant stream of memories.

i still remember laying on the living room floor when we first looked at it and decided to buy it.

or having pizza on that very same spot when we first moved in and had no furniture.

or all the holidays, and birthdays, etc.

hell, i'm sitting right here typing where she used to cheat on me with people on the internet.

yea, me! my head is messed today.

it certainly doesn't help that i couldn't sell the goddamned thing if i wanted to because its worth half what i paid for it three years ago! LOL

this is precisely why i don't indulge emotions.
Just_Some_Dude said:
she got to leave. start somewhere new. a place of her own.

i'm stuck here with all the bad memories. a shrine to misery.

it's not fair.

anyone sympathize with this?

Yep. All the echoes of the arguments are stuck in these walls. All the lies he told are still bouncing around the rooms here.

He's got a nice new house with happy memories with his new life and his *cough* new girlfriend.

It is not fair. Not at all.
Yes, I remember that one and sympathise.

It's amazing how long it takes for things to stop turning up, lol.
yeah....after long term relationship break up.

I usually get rid of everything that reminds me of my ex. Too many triggers.
I might keep photo or some sentimental item and put them into a box then put it into storage.

After a 6 yerars relationship...I move out of our country home and gave all the furniture away.

After my last break up...I don't have furniture or much of anything to remind me of her.
There's still stuff in storage mostly personal belongings...maybe item here and there that she gave me....
I havn't looked in my storage in years.
I gave it all to her. The last thing to go was my Z28. It was my car...never the less it brought back too many
memories and gave me alot of triggers. I actaully ended up giving that car away too.

I've ran into her a couple of times this month.
I looked right into her eyes...Nothing.... no feelings of any sort...hurted, wanting her back, resentments..etc...Nothing
It was major improvements for me.
I saw her again last week. I didn't notice it at first but my female friend that I was talking to pulled me into her and gave
me a bare hug. Then I notice my ex walking by.:p What are freinds for.lmao
My friend ask me about how I felt after that a couple nights ago. She say what did you feel about her???
I was cludless to what or who she was talking about. Major...major improvements becuase the furtest thing on
my mind is my ex-gf....

"who ?? what?? when?? where??...oh her. Anyway, you were asking why I keep staring at that woman sitting across that way?" :p
" you want me to take a picture?"...Why?..lmao
"no...no I don't want you to go ask her for her number for me. That would totally be fresia up. She would think I don't have any balls". lmao
"ok....ok...ok, I'll stop playing footies with ya"
"how do i know she's flirting with me?"
"Well....she licked her lips about a minute ago."
"Did you see that???...she just put her finger in her mouth and sucked on it". lmao
"see..she just smiled at me...I told you"

Female friend " you are so fucken Crazy" :p

I had a lot of female friends that helped me through this process. A while back my office manager and my secutray would flirt all the time
in the office. My office manager had been my friend thruoghout the years and kind of understood what i was going through. She knew me long
before my ex-gf came into my life..She actaully live around the conner from me when we were kids..Kind of like an older sister.
I simply felt wierd or guilty for looking at other women in a sexual manner.
She used to come to my desk everyday and asked me how she looks...She bascailly gave me a fashion show..lmao
Asked me how her ass looks. Sometime she'll even like me play with her hair. She'll make sublte remarks as asking me to feel how soft her hair is.
Other times the girls in the office when make body contacts with me...let me paly with thier hands and stuff.
I didn't really catch what was happening at first. I bascailly isolated myself and had a hard time being around people period. Even though I've know
these people for a long time...It was a part of the process of me be social again and moving on with my life. She also gave me alot of pep talk and
was very supportive. Mentally and emotionally at the time I wasn't too well. Returning back to work as a challenge...
hahahaaaaa...we used to get into shouting matches too....she's my office manager.lmao It's all good.
I had to put away every picture in the home because they were all fake images of a family that never existed. Makes me feel so bad for my daughter. I can't wait to get out of this house, I hate this house.
I remember watching a movie or TV show once in which there was a fake tv show where you could send in a photo of your house...and the tv show would build a replica of it and burn it in interesting ways, just for the fun of it.

Maybe you should do that. ;)

Badjedidude said:
I remember watching a movie or TV show once in which there was a fake tv show where you could send in a photo of your house...and the tv show would build a replica of it and burn it in interesting ways, just for the fun of it.

Maybe you should do that. ;)


hmm, interesting, thanks steve. i could maybe burn an image of my house in effigy (spelling?)

good point. thanks for the suggestion. :)
Lol yeah I just love to blow stuff up and burn stuff....it always makes me feel better. :p

Badjedidude said:
I remember watching a movie or TV show once in which there was a fake tv show where you could send in a photo of your house...and the tv show would build a replica of it and burn it in interesting ways, just for the fun of it.

Maybe you should do that. ;)


That is actually a brilliant idea! Why don't you actually make it yourself though?

Get a doll house and re-decorate it so it looks the exact double of your house. Then set it on fire!

It could be somewhat therapeutic I guess...:D
I know exactly what you mean. It's why I'm having to move.

Actually burning down your house is a great idea, but make sure you get a nice insurance claim first.
oh I know where you're coming from. My Ex left our apartment, and I still live in it... I still sleep in the same bed that we shared for 9 years.... Luckily, I have made peace with it all, and have moved on... but it was hard in the early stages. It's been 4 years now... If i weren't over it.. I would hope someone would kill me and put me out of my misery. :p

Try and make the place your "own". Thats what I did... bought new lamps my ex would never let me have, I put up tapestries that I loved, painted my bathroom, put new pictures up all over the place. I made it look and feel a bit different.

Hang in there... it will get better.
I never thought of it from that angle but getting your butt tossed out onto the pavement isn't a lot of fun either. There are things that you miss about the house, even miss having a house. Maybe it is all muddled with what things were before. It is understandable. Of what little i did bring with me, it seemed that some was better off packed away where i wouldn't have to look at it. I imagine more so if you retained the house.

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