Am I Being Paranoid?

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21st Century Boy
Jul 26, 2016
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My rubbish / waste bins haven't been collected for over 4 weeks now, usually I have a weekly collection. I've contacted my local authority several times and each time they've told me they don't know why my bins have been missed and they'll come and collect within 24 hours which so far they've failed to do, the other bins on the street are being emptied as normal.

I've resorted to using my neighbours bin, with her consent, but she's not happy as she has a lot of waste ( she cares for her housebound mother who is incontinent and her bins are full of sh*t ) and adding my rubbish overloads her bin so the lid won't close.

My girlfriends ex partner, who a few weeks ago threatened to have my "head caved in" if I didn't stop seeing her works in waste management for our local authority. Am I paranoid or is there a connection?

I just want my bloody bins emptied every week.
My rubbish / waste bins haven't been collected for over 4 weeks now, usually I have a weekly collection. I've contacted my local authority several times and each time they've told me they don't know why my bins have been missed and they'll come and collect within 24 hours which so far they've failed to do, the other bins on the street are being emptied as normal.

I've resorted to using my neighbours bin, with her consent, but she's not happy as she has a lot of waste ( she cares for her housebound mother who is incontinent and her bins are full of sh*t ) and adding my rubbish overloads her bin so the lid won't close.

My girlfriends ex partner, who a few weeks ago threatened to have my "head caved in" if I didn't stop seeing her works in waste management for our local authority. Am I paranoid or is there a connection?

I just want my bloody bins emptied every week.
This has happened to me and a lot of other people on my street,I'm not too sure why,but I'm thinking they just get too busy or have to do something or be somewhere else,you can call them and tell them you need to have your trash bins empty and to send someone out to your house.
My rubbish / waste bins haven't been collected for over 4 weeks now, usually I have a weekly collection. I've contacted my local authority several times and each time they've told me they don't know why my bins have been missed and they'll come and collect within 24 hours which so far they've failed to do, the other bins on the street are being emptied as normal.

I've resorted to using my neighbours bin, with her consent, but she's not happy as she has a lot of waste ( she cares for her housebound mother who is incontinent and her bins are full of sh*t ) and adding my rubbish overloads her bin so the lid won't close.

My girlfriends ex partner, who a few weeks ago threatened to have my "head caved in" if I didn't stop seeing her works in waste management for our local authority. Am I paranoid or is there a connection?

I just want my bloody bins emptied every week.
Your girlfriend's ex-partner sounds like a real wanker - kinda like the guys my husband has to work with (he works for our city).

Could very well be a connection, especially considering you've contacted the authorities several times and nothing seems to be getting done. Would the ex be the one responsible for emptying the bins? Or responsible for sending someone else to empty them? Either way, sounds a little suspicious to me - sabotage??

Not sure what to do about it though. Can you contact another local authority that's not in your jurisdiction - perhaps they can do it or look into why it's not getting done?
Your girlfriend's ex-partner sounds like a real wanker
Hahahah yeah he probably is.

Could very well be a connection, especially considering you've contacted the authorities several times and nothing seems to be getting done. Would the ex be the one responsible for emptying the bins? Or responsible for sending someone else to empty them? Either way, sounds a little suspicious to me - sabotage??

Not sure what to do about it though. Can you contact another local authority that's not in your jurisdiction - perhaps they can do it or look into why it's not getting done?
He's senior management so probably doesn't do anything, except plot against people audacious enough to date his ex's. I've tried the next local authority over but they say they haven't the jurisdiction or manpower to do it.

I've put in a complaint and they say they'll respond in 28 days.
How far apart are the houses? Is there any logical reason they would get everyone else and not you? Like are you hidden or something like that?

If not, I would say it is NOT a coincidence. I would file a complaint with the city or whoever is higher up than waste management.
How far apart are the houses? Is there any logical reason they would get everyone else and not you? Like are you hidden or something like that?

If not, I would say it is NOT a coincidence. I would file a complaint with the city or whoever is higher up than waste management.
when I put my bins out on collection day there is like 4 or 5 metres either side between my bins and the neighbours who live either side, there's no way they could collect theirs and miss mine.

Complaints in already, guess it's just a waiting game now.
My rubbish / waste bins haven't been collected for over 4 weeks now, usually I have a weekly collection. I've contacted my local authority several times and each time they've told me they don't know why my bins have been missed and they'll come and collect within 24 hours which so far they've failed to do, the other bins on the street are being emptied as normal.

I've resorted to using my neighbours bin, with her consent, but she's not happy as she has a lot of waste ( she cares for her housebound mother who is incontinent and her bins are full of sh*t ) and adding my rubbish overloads her bin so the lid won't close.

My girlfriends ex partner, who a few weeks ago threatened to have my "head caved in" if I didn't stop seeing her works in waste management for our local authority. Am I paranoid or is there a connection?

I just want my bloody bins emptied every week.
Dude! There's no such things as free sex!!!!!!

So, you have to deal with your own garbage. Big deal. I've had to pay WAY more then that for sex.

This is what the old Finished would have done:
Figured out which car belongs to the ex and where he lives. Then dump all of my trash on top of his car, less any identifible stuff, and take pictures of it for found memories. Then expect him to retaliate and place cameras to record his actions. Then turn the footage over to the police and file a restraining order against him. Then call up and speak to his supervisers about his harrassing you via city equipment and money.

The new Finished would just go down to the office responsible for trash collection and speak to a superviser there giving them the name of the guy. But, again prepare for retaliation. If he did I would return to the old Finished ways and do much worse.

But, it's best to wait until the sex has become boring because you will have to deal with the girl not wanting the ex to loose his job, etc, etc.
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So last night, when I couldn't open my windows because of the stench from my unemptied bins, I decided enough was enough.

I went and found my girls ex in his local, brought him a few drinks and we chatted, no anger no violence no threats just two blokes in a pub talking about love, life and Arsenals chances of a trophy this season. He denied any knowledge of why my bins weren't being emptied and said he'd look into it.

I was awoken bang on 6am this morning by my dustmen, who collected my rubbish and even swept up the overspill ( they never do this usually ). When I spoke with one of them he said they'd been told, as a priority, my bins had to be emptied and the edges of my property swept before they started their regular Saturday round.

Coincidence? who knows who bloody cares my bins are empty, clean and life in Random world is back to smelling of roses. 😁
So last night, when I couldn't open my windows because of the stench from my unemptied bins, I decided enough was enough.

I went and found my girls ex in his local, brought him a few drinks and we chatted, no anger no violence no threats just two blokes in a pub talking about love, life and Arsenals chances of a trophy this season. He denied any knowledge of why my bins weren't being emptied and said he'd look into it.

I was awoken bang on 6am this morning by my dustmen, who collected my rubbish and even swept up the overspill ( they never do this usually ). When I spoke with one of them he said they'd been told, as a priority, my bins had to be emptied and the edges of my property swept before they started their regular Saturday round.

Coincidence? who knows who bloody cares my bins are empty, clean and life in Random world is back to smelling of roses. 😁
Sure, being nice and friendly with him worked. But, my way of bashing the honeysuckle out of him, his vehicle, his job, and his life might have worked maybe?!?!? Ha! ha!

I've had zero success being nice to aholes. I'm glad it worked for you though!

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