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Someone I didn’t know? No. I have slept in yards, fields, parking lots, a ditch on the highway

Did you have a problem with drinking?
Yes. I couldn't stop once I got passed about a six pack. I tried to control my drinking for a long time. But, I finally realized I would have to give up my best friend ever (alcohol). :(

Did you stop doing something you really enjoyed and what was it?
Yes. I used to love to bowl even though I wasn't very good at it, but I haven't bowled since I had my cervical spine surgery. I really think it would be something I could do now though.

Did you ever smoke pot?
I was a very good bowler. I was in tournaments and won a few. But, it all became mundane and I lost interest.

Yes, I grew pot, sold pot, and smoked pot all before 18.

Did you ever roll your own cigarettes?
No, but we did share a few weeks of field work with my Dad's cousin who lived near us and he would roll a cigarette for me. I always really liked him. Probably because he gave me cigarettes and talked to me.

I knew you grew pot, but didn't know if you smoked it or not.

Did you ever end up going out on a date and you couldn't wait for it to be over?
Only every time. I do not like dates. It's very stressful for me because I need to pretend to be having a great time, the place is wonderful, the food is fantastic, and we just seem to mesh perfectly. But, not too perfectly. It's got to seem real when all I wanted to do was stay at home and eat / watch a movie. Ha! ha!

Do you ever end a date early?
It's been decades since I was on a date, but I generally tried to be polite and suffer through it. I also find dating very uncomfortable. Non-traditional dates with someone you already kind of know are much better.

Would you ever go on a date out in a setting with nature like a park or a beach?
Is pizza involved? Ha! ha! My preferred dates would be walking around somewhere and seeing the sites preferrably something involving nature.

Would you ever meet a stranger on a first date in the middle of a park?
Absolutely Pizza is involved. That's what the menu would be! And being in nature would be the perfect setting.

Yes. If it was a public park and not a secluded park.

Same question.
Not anymore, but I did on occasion in the past. Homemade vegetable soup, stuffed cabbage rolls, sloppy joes, chef boyardee box Pizza, but added my own toppings, pot roast, barbecued ribs, etc. But now I just use the microwave.

Do you like to go to fairs?
Sure. Why not. I have some expectation that life goes on after death, but I don't expect any chance of contact with the departed. And since so many find the idea of living where there had been a brutal murder alarming the real estate is cheaper. 😜

Do you think everyone could be capable of murder?
No. But I went by a house that a lady was stabbed over a hundred times and its for sale which is why I ask ed that question. I do think anyone can kill. I think most people don't not because they think its wrong but because they don't want to go to jail.

What is an absurd thing you've been told or read lately?

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