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On many occasions and i just don't see it

Have you ever been called names by a stranger in the street?
Not usually but a couple of months ago some random girl started yelling at me. I backed up and confronted her and she went from loud bark to tail between her legs. She was all bark and no bite.

What store do you shop most at?
I don't have a favorite day of the week. I do prefer good days to bad though.

Would you buy a new mattress if your over excited puppy couldn't hold her pee and took a wee on your bed?
Yes, because the smell of piss is quite potent and i wouldn't like the stain on the mattress

What is your favourite mode of transport?
Yes, because the smell of piss is quite potent and i wouldn't like the stain on the mattress

What is your favourite mode of transport?

As in my favorite mode of transport that's ever been available to me?

Or possible in the real world?

Favorite available, my old Mustang of course.

What's your favorite insect?
I don’t have a favorite insect. I don’t like being stung or bitten by any of them though.

Do you have a happy place?
Usually in my room with the door shut and me lost in some fanciful writing. I have a hundred stories that I work on. Which it is depends on my mood. Fighting pirates, surviving a holocaust, battling werewolves... I can go anywhere. If I never finsh one to publish, oh well. It's my happy place.

How do you spend your spare time?
Herons, cranes and storks. They're excellent hunters in both marshes and lakes as well as in upland meadows.....they're strong fliers and they don't seem to be on the menu of the predator birds....hawks etc.

Is there a hero from legend or myth that you wish you could know?
Perseus had game. He could teach us how to pick up chicks. Ha! Ha!
"He was the son of Zeus, who disguised himself as a shower of gold in order to impregnate Perseus' mother Danae. As a young man, the gods helped Perseus to slay the snaky-tressed gorgon Medusa, who was so ugly that she could turn to stone anyone who looked directly at her. After slaying Medusa, Perseus rescued Andromeda from the sea serpent Cetus and wed her. He later gave the severed head of Medusa to the goddess Athena."
I think I could get laid all the time if I could disguise myself as a shower wand.

Do you absolutely LOVE hot showers? OMG! They are the best.
You're right. It kind of does, doesn't it?

I don't remember my first kiss. My dates weren't that sophisticated and neither was I

Where did you go on your first date?
To eat and see a movie. He picked me up in his mothers Volvo station wagon because I was only allowed to go if my sister and her boyfriend came with us.

Did you sneak out the window or just go out the door when you were a teenager?

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