Can y'all rate me? (Long)

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2013
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I posted this in relationships because, well, I want to see what people think of me.

1. General

• I’m a 26-year-old male.
• Officially, I’m Catholic, but I consider myself a Deist.
• I suck at leaving first impressions, what I usually do is not talk and maintain my neutral face (which, supposedly, makes me look angry). I don’t smile; I look odd due to my bigger than normal, rounder cheeks, so no smiles showing teeth either. I have a calm, serious personality and see things with a critical eye or logical perspective. Sadly, I can be a nice guy, I feel bad when I don’t do favors. I’m hardly playful and don’t have a sense of humor, the majority of my “jokes” make me look awkward, I don’t think I was meant to be funny in the first place. I can’t flirt either, I’ve never done it.
• Although I passed High School, I dropped out of College, without even getting the lowest possible Diploma.
• I live with my parents, it’s normal thing here in Mexico, and depend on them for many things, I’ve even asked them in helping me find a job, but due to how poor this country is, they didn’t even bother.
• I suck at defending myself, both physically and verbally. I avoid conflict altogether, even if I get bullied (which hasn’t happened yet), because I know my chances of winning are slim-to-none. I give up easily too.
• I’m not good at making decisions; I’m the type of person that does better in following orders instead of being a leader. I can get ridiculous sometimes, like how I fall into dilemmas whenever I get a secondary recommendation on anything, and I mean ANYTHING, maybe it’s because I want to please that other person and be a nice guy.
• I take short jogs every two/three days; they’re usually half an hour, 15 min. for walking and 15 min. for running. It may not be much, but at least I won’t get problems that are caused due to lack of exercise.
• I have a money box, $100 bills always go there. I am hoping to save thousands of dollars in it (I’ll be honest; I want $10,000 to get a RealDoll).
• I am a VERY picky eater, it’s always very hard for me to try new stuff, it’s a miracle if I like the food too, I don’t get tired of eating my miniscule range of foods every week though.
• I’ve never been in any romantic relationships or sexual situations. This is what’s currently killing me the most, the only one that knows about this is my little brother, he’s invited me to red-light districts before, but the internet tells that men should have more dignity than that. Whatever that means. =/ He’s also been a womanizer before, so I can’t take his advice seriously.
• I don’t know how to drive, I’ve never owned any type of vehicles and don’t have much knowledge about vehicles. Only Smart cars interest me.
• I’m “working” with my dad as an administrator in his wood factory. He’s hoping that I become his successor, but I’ve only managed to disappoint him and continue to do so. He “pays” me $50 a week.
• I have 6 online friends and 0 offline. Just about every day, I just sit in my room and browse the internet, following an agenda of hobbies to keep me occupied. I have high standards when it comes to friendships, I only like open-minded individuals, especially if they’re smart.
• I don’t know the names of places and streets of the city I grew up in and that I’m currently living in.
• I don’t know how to use ATM machines.
• I have a very poor taste in music, I don’t have any favorite artists or preferred bands, I mainly like movie and video game soundtracks. I do know two bands though, “Rhapsody of Fire” & “Mago de Oz,” I like some classic music too, especially Bach.
• My interests are very limited, besides browsing the web, I also like anime, video games…… and that’s pretty much it. I’m not interested in what’s popular, not that I don’t mind because the majority of it is mindless. I like to read some books every once in a while, especially classics.
• I don’t watch live-action TV series or sports, etc. Not even the news.
• I have no fashion sense, I only wear clothes that I find comfortable, doesn’t matter they matche with the rest or not.
• I can’t drink nor smoke. I think of this as an ambivalence because it prevents me from getting into possible fun situations, it would make look less weirder than what I already am.

2. Physicality

• I’m chubby (5’11; 200-210 lbs.), out of shape, very physically weak.
• The alar groove area in my nose smells like greasy cheese every mornings.
• My teeth have bacterial plaque and my tongue is slightly white, although it’s much whiter further back. And have bad breath too, obviously.
• I have a double-chin; it looks ridiculous when I look down.
• I have a tiny, tiny amount of male breasts, they’re barely noticeable when I’m standing up, but appear whenever I sit down, get on my knees, kneeling or bending over. I hide them with a girdle shirt I always wear whenever I go outside.
• I have three small and two big scars on my tummy and front waist due to a kidney transplant I had in 2011.
• My elbows have a small amount of psoriasis and it grows a bit too around my ears, eyebrows and forehead, but those are more controllable, completely disappear when medicine is applied.
• I have a small fistula in my left arm.
• Some hair grows on the upper side of my back; it’s only visible when seen from up-close.
• My penis is small (4.5 long; 5 girth [I think]) and half of it, maybe more, is covered due to pubic fat. It’s circumcised too, but I am restoring.

3. Psychology

• I hate my cousins. All of them have accomplished everything that everyone does by the time they’re 26, while I haven’t.
• Watching couples makes me extremely envious; I simply can’t stand watching guys experience something that I should’ve felt a long time ago. I immediately try to ignore them afterwards, but the damage’s already been done. A chubby pair gives me a bit of hope, but it always makes me wonder what they did to be together.
• My social contact with people has been abysmal, although I never initiate conversations, I have no problems in talking to people, but it’s the complete opposite with everyone that’s out of my league.
• I tend to forget things easily and very often too, even when I fully pay attention, especially when it’s something long. I write things on a little notebook I have on my pocket instead.
• I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to money, it doesn’t matter who it is, I give reluctantly. However, I also have a tendency to save as much as possible, can be water, gas, wants, etc. I got self-accustomed to it because I think I’ll live alone in a poor apartment in the future.
• I get sad very frequently, it makes my mind and body shut down, I then either imagine how I would be if I were awesome or if I were actually useful.
• I have suicidal thoughts every once in a while. I Google for the painless methods available, so far, I’ve found three.
• Despite being tranquil, I constantly have thoughts of murdering, but I don’t mind, with the way everyone expresses themselves on the internet, they’re worse than me.
• This’ll be a hypocrite comment that’ll go against the thread, but I’ll mention it. Due to how I am, I think that I’m not worth enough to be part of other’s lives, I would cause them more trouble than anything else, I’ve even fantasized about ending relationships with non-existing girlfriends because “they deserve someone better than me.” I don’t know.
• I lack motivation to do things, because of how weak I am, both physically and mentally.
• I don’t like going outside that much; it’s gotten to a point where I feel uncomfortable. I do go to places every once in a while, but not by my own volition.
• I don’t have a lot of confidence in doing things alone and sometimes, I don’t do things out of fear. I feel more comfortable in not trying stuff to save myself from potential embarrassments or mockeries, I remember doing this in school tests too.

I’m sure there are other things I could write, but I think I’ve described 90% of who I am. There are a few other things I could mention, but I don’t want to get banned.
So what am I on a scale of 1 to 10? Also, what’s my level of hierarchy? I personally think that I’m a 2/10; an Omega. I might as well ask, am I temporarily dateable?
Warning: What I'm going to say might be seen as blunt or even rude. Reader discretion advised.

Go back to school and learn a trade. Volunteer your time with people who need it, there are plenty of people who need a helping hand in your country. Go help homeless teenagers, old people or hungry families. That will take your mind off thoughts of murdering people and your penis measurements. Stay away from women at least for awhile.

I won't emit any moral judgement whatsoever. All I can say is good luck.
SofiasMami said:
Go back to school and learn a trade. Volunteer your time with people who need it, there are plenty of people who need a helping hand in your country. Go help homeless teenagers, old people or hungry families. That will take your mind off thoughts of murdering people and your penis measurements. Stay away from women at least for awhile.

1) I can't go back to school, it's too expensive and failed pre-algebra 3-4 years straight. Plus, it always made me feel like sh*t.
2) Like I said, my parents don't want me to work here, due to how low the pay is. I can see the U.S. border from my house, but can't work there because my medical services are somewhere else.
3) You've never been in Mexico before, have you? Everyone here NEEDS to worry more about themselves than others.
4) I've been away from women for a loooooong time.
5) Can you please answer my question(s)? =)

Xpendable said:
I won't emit any moral judgement whatsoever. All I can say is good luck.

Wow, am I THAT screwed? XD
You can be harsh if you want to, I forgot to mention that in my post.
All right, Anonymous, fair enough, you asked a few questions hoping to get answers.
There is a lot of missing information, despite your highly descriptive and lengthy list about your personal characteristics. What about your family? Do you get along with your mom? Your dad? You brother? What are your past experiences with dating women? Apart from the thought about dating women, what does your future hold for you?

What do you rate on a scale of 1 to 10? I don't know you well enough to come up with a number and that also seems like a reductive way to view someone.

Should you temporarily date? It depends what you mean by "temporarily". If you're looking for a vagina, go to that red-light district with your brother and some condoms. Seriously.

When the student is ready, the teacher will come. When you're ready to face your issues, you'll find that the answers were there all along. Good luck.


I will firstly state that I admire this method of self definition. If everyone were write out what they see in themselves like you have , they would learn a LOT about themselves. That being said, you seem comfortable enough and maybe even confident enough to understand yourself (which is a giant step in relationships); However, with all of this understanding you have of yourself, it would be beneficial to mark the traits you feel are your least attractive to your desired mate.

Be self-critical. Mark in BOLD what you believe are your weakest traits and seek to improve them. For example, the most attractive guy in the world may not have half the good traits that you have listed (think attractive beyond physical). Don't be so hard on yourself with what you can't do; acknowledge what you cannot do and seek to achieve these things. It's easy to preach the advice I am giving, but I myself have learned a lot from your post and I hope to follow my own advice and follow through with what I'm advising you to do.

Thank you for sharing this idea. This should be a sticky post in my opinion ('Rate Me').
SofiasMami said:
There is a lot of missing information, despite your highly descriptive and lengthy list about your personal characteristics. What about your family? Do you get along with your mom? Your dad? You brother? What are your past experiences with dating women? Apart from the thought about dating women, what does your future hold for you?

What do you rate on a scale of 1 to 10? I don't know you well enough to come up with a number and that also seems like a reductive way to view someone.

Should you temporarily date? It depends what you mean by "temporarily". If you're looking for a vagina, go to that red-light district with your brother and some condoms. Seriously.

1) About my family, we get along, but we’re not close, I grew up in a household that was more about discipline than affection, this made me more distant towards them as I grew up, even when they busted their asses off to make my transplant a success. My mom is the one I can relate with the most, but it’s still not someone I can express my feelings with; my dad and I can have small and casual talks, but I try to make him avoid me, I’m not apt enough to understand his job, his stubbornness is what’s causing us both have a semi-bad relationship; my brother’s an ass, I can’t talk with him about anything because he cares more about his agenda than anything else, and he has a girlfriend too (BTW, I saw her today and had a small conversation, you should’ve seen how quickly she became bored of me). Nobody knows how I really feel inside, my parents think that I’m currently like I am because “this is how I want it to be,” that’s false, I can’t accept the fact that I’m currently living this way and I can’t accept the fact that I don’t have the strength to change it either.

2) I’ve never dated. Since I was 14, I’ve made a total of 4 attempts in getting myself a girl, one in Junior High School, another one in High School and 2 in College, all spectacularly failed. I only asked the one from High School is she could be my girlfriend, but got rejected and despite happening in 2007/8, that memory is so embarrassing that I still vividly remember it today.

3) I don’t think I have a hopefull future. At best, I’ll have a low-wage job, hoping every day to not get fired, and live completely alone in a small, poor apartment. On a positive note, that would make me an independent person, so I would ascend to a 3/10. =)

4) My rate scale works like this: 1 = homeless and/or dumb; 5 = average family man and/or knowledgeable about things; 10 = Mr. Perfect and/or intelligent. As for the rest: (Yes, I still believe in it)

5) What I meant with temporarily dateable was that if I could be dated for a couple of weeks or even months, before getting ditched for who I am or for someone better than me. I don’t want my first time to be with someone that doesn’t love me, I’ll only think of getting an escort if I’m still a virgin at 60. Also, at the point I am, if I could get into just one relationship, I’ll be able to die happily.

Dear-_-Tragedy said:
Be self-critical. Mark in BOLD what you believe are your weakest traits and seek to improve them.

Thank you for sharing this idea. This should be a sticky post in my opinion ('Rate Me').

I re-read my list, it had 43 bullet points, I put in bold 38. =( And that’s not including other negative traits I didn’t list.

BTW, what's a sticky post? o_O
Xpendable said:
I won't emit any moral judgement whatsoever. All I can say is good luck.

Wow, am I THAT screwed? XD
You can be harsh if you want to, I forgot to mention that in my post.

That wasn't my intention. I was really stating that I can't advice you with honesty because I'm on a similar position to you. I know most people here will try to come up with some trite method that they heard somewhere else and not actually try to empathise with you. Honestly I also considered making a list like this in the past but I never took the time. I will list my own and try to share some words. I won't call it an advice but I'll make an effort to have an insight. I will use your template.

1. General

• I’m a 28-year-old male.

• Atheist.

• My first impressions seems just bland, but not terrible (I also look angry but that hasn't been an issue so far). I also have round cheeks, even when I'm pretty skinny. Wouldn't say fat cheeks but they look disproportionate to my face when I smile too. I have a calm, serious personality too; very logical. I can be pretty funny actually, but that never got me anywhere with women. Funny is just ONE thing, sadly.

• I dropped out of College too, and didn't get my diploma. Now, I'm studying again but I'm 7-9 years older than my classmates. That can be hard to handle when relating to them and vice-versa. It feels bad to think I'll graduate after my 30'.

• I live with my parents as well. it’s not THAT normal but it's not rare.
My country is also poor and never had a handout with a job. I had to look all by myself; sometimes for months. I've washed dishes, I've been a gardener, a janitor and now I put shopping carts in its place. I feel I should be a garbage collector to go even lower. You never feel more invisible to women that when you have a low-paying, degrading job you don't deserve.

• "I suck at defending myself, both physically and verbally. I avoid conflict altogether, even if I get bullied (which hasn’t happened yet), because I know my chances of winning are slim-to-none. I give up easily too."


• I can make decision by my own most of the time, but they end up being the wrong ones. I did it with my studies. I lost 4 years studying something I wouldn't finish. Without mentioning the huge debt I'm in. I was naive enough to think I could defeat the system and follow my passion instead of choosing a safe job that didn't like; like most people do. It took me another 3 years to recover enough to studying again, and guess what. I'm still going for my passion regardless of my previous failure.

• I exercise quite often. (i'll get into my body later)

• I literally have $25 dollars on my possession right now. I'll have $300 around tuesday. I have to pay my previous debt, my braces treatment, house income to help my parents and my current career. I cannot save and I can't work full time to due to my studies. Can only work 2 days a week, at 2 dollars an hour. I haven't buyed things like clothes or shoes in months because everything goes to paying debts. I've have used the same snickers for around 6 months.

• "I’ve never been in any romantic relationships or sexual situations. This is what’s currently killing me the most"

Same. Only that all my family know this. Recently I found out I'm the last of my cousins to not have a relationship.Even the ones who are 3 or 4 years younger than me and were really awkward (and can be now) have a girlfriend. I'm seriously just waiting for my 12 yr nephew to beat me.

• "I don’t know how to drive, I’ve never owned any type of vehicles and don’t have much knowledge about vehicles."

Same. Not even a bicycle.

• I have 1 online friend who I can meet offline. I have my classmates but I wouldn't call them my friends.

"I only like open-minded individuals, especially if they’re smart."


• "I have a very poor taste in music, I don’t have any favorite artists or preferred bands, I mainly like movie and video game soundtracks. I do know two bands though, “Rhapsody of Fire” & “Mago de Oz,” I like some classic music too, especially Bach."

That's good taste actually. I don't have a band or artist that are "idols" to me, but that doesn't mean you can't have good taste.

• I watch sports. Mostly Football.

• "I have no fashion sense, I only wear clothes that I find comfortable."

Same. Not that I can afford anything else.

• "I can’t drink nor smoke. I think of this as an ambivalence because it prevents me from getting into possible fun situations, it would make look less weirder than what I already am."

I could but it doesn't call my attention. I don't want to do those things. It's true that that prevents you from most modern socialization but that's just how I am.

2. Physicality (oh, boy)

• I’m skinny (6’01; 135 lbs.) Flat,very weak.

• My hands are too big and my wrists are too skinny. Same with my feet and my ankles. Can't gain weight easily.

• My teeth also have bacterial plaque so I have to brush more than the usual person. Making me spend more money and delay my dental treatment. Now my teeth are straight. They used to look like honeysuckle but at least that's a positive thing I changed. Too bad I took me a year of work to pay them and I'm not totally free yet. I have to keep paying the visits and treatment and I've them for more than 3 years now and still don't like my smile.

• I have a predisposition to grow a chin; even when I'm skinny. If I don't exercise regularly, that and my belly are the first thing to gain fat. It's called "skinny-fat"

• I have a small butt. All my pants look shaggy. I don't have chest hair but by legs and butt are full of them.

• I can't grow a proper full beard to cover my face.

• My hair is greasy and really hard to handle. It doesn't grow enough to go down and is not malleable enough to have style. I also have dandruff and even when short it looks like a mess because is curly as hell.

• I have and unibrow and I have to pluck it every couple of days. (Yes, I'm a man that pluck his eyebrows) They even grown over my temples. I've been doing this for over 4 years and they don't show any sign of growing less thick.

• My nose is hook´-like and big. It looks like an arab nose and it makes me look awful when looked from the side.

• My lips are extremely big for being a male and for the average genetic of my country. I got bullied for that and for the eyebrows too when I was a teen.

• I have a slight speech impediment with the letter L. Haven't been able to fix it even with practice until this day.

• My penis average (5.5 long) Circumcised.

• My back is slightly crooked, making my right leg feel shorter. It also changed the bones in my torax.

3. Psychology

• "Watching couples makes me extremely envious; I simply can’t stand watching guys experience something that I should’ve felt a long time ago. I immediately try to ignore them afterwards, but the damage’s already been done. A chubby pair gives me a bit of hope, but it always makes me wonder what they did to be together."

Same. But I see more chubby guys with girlfriends thatn skinny guys.

• "I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to money, it doesn’t matter who it is, I give reluctantly. However, I also have a tendency to save as much as possible, can be water, gas, wants, etc. I got self-accustomed to it because I think I’ll live alone in a poor apartment in the future."

Same. I'm extremely cheap with myself. Now I'm going through some hard times with money and I can't even eat in a restaurant.

• "I get sad very frequently, it makes my mind and body shut down, I then either imagine how I would be if I were awesome or if I were actually useful."


• "I don’t like going outside that much; it’s gotten to a point where I feel uncomfortable. I do go to places every once in a while, but not by my own volition."

I gave up on going out, at least with the objective to meet people. I still do but always for someone else's plans. There's no interesting people anymore.

• I try my best to seem natural when meeting someone or talking to them, but at the end is very visible that they won't mind if I never speak to them anymore. I'm simply not memorable or likeable enough to them.

In my opinion I'm a 3/10.

It was hard to write this down. I agree with the person who said more people should do it. I rated myself according to what society values. I'm not live in Mexico but at least live in Southamerica, so I can relate a little more. People don't understand that besides countries like EEUU, Britain, Australia and other first world powers, other places don't have the same commodities to socialize. The population is smaller, the cultural diversity is smaller, there's less places to meet people and less people who can share your interests. Not to mention the culture is different and the social environment also changes. We have another type of genes and heritage and came from totally different circumstances.
My only suggestion (not advice) is that you can make a choice. You can take this same list and and use it as a guide to try to fix all those problems, or at least most of them. Step by step. I know it doesn't sound too auspicious but it may be a good process. Would it work? I don't know. I myself hasn't been strong enough to put it in practice at full, but only in some aspects. You can have that type of goal and I won't lie to you and say this will automatically will change your life because I don't believe individual power can overtrown societal power. It would be a blind enterprise for all that matter, but it's worth the shoot in my opinion.
Xpendable said:
I'm seriously just waiting for my 12 yr nephew to beat me.

Same. But I see more chubby guys with girlfriends thatn skinny guys.

I have 4-year-old and 6-year-old nephews and I think they've already beaten me. T_T

Dang it, we were born in the wrong countries. >_<

I'm not really good at giving advice, so, much to my irony, I'll say the exact same you said to me: good luck. X) And I hope you get to improve your overall situation.
I wouldn't rate either one of you based on what you provided. Not because what you wrote was all that horrible, but simply because almost all of what you wrote was NEGATIVE, what you don't like about yourself.

What about what you DO like? What about the good qualities others see in you? What about the things you enjoy and the GOOD about you?

The good comes with the bad and I would never judge someone solely on ONE part of their life. Everyone has layers, everyone has good and bad, everyone has negative thoughts and everyone is different. Judging someone on one layer is wrong because it's not the whole picture.
So, add some good to your posts. Stop focusing so much on what you perceive is wrong with you and change what you can, focus on the good things, focus on what you can do to better yourself and your situation.
AnonymousMe said: parents think that I’m currently like I am because “this is how I want it to be,” that’s false, I can’t accept the fact that I’m currently living this way and I can’t accept the fact that I don’t have the strength to change it either.

To me, this says it all right here. With this attitude, I think you will ultimately be ok. Don't lead yourself to the false conclusion that the way things are now are the way things will be forever.

I don't know everything about your illness but if you were sick enough to need a kidney transplant, my guess is you were out of the social scene for awhile in your late teens and early 20s, putting you socially behind your peers. But so what? Not everyone peaks in their 20s. Thank goodness for that or I would have packed it in a long time ago lol.

I don't know if you should try to date but if you're feeling isolated and lonely, which I suspect is the real problem here, maybe turn off that computer and accept invites to social gatherings with your family or neighbors. You're bound to meet new people there, even if it's just new guy friends.

TheRealCallie said:
What about what you DO like? What about the good qualities others see in you? What about the things you enjoy and the GOOD about you?

That would be the bottom of Maslow's Pyramid.

TheRealCallie said:
I wouldn't rate either one of you based on what you provided. Not because what you wrote was all that horrible, but simply because almost all of what you wrote was NEGATIVE, what you don't like about yourself.

So, add some good to your posts. Stop focusing so much on what you perceive is wrong with you and change what you can, focus on the good things, focus on what you can do to better yourself and your situation.

It's not like I only wanted to write all my negatives, I also told my positives and ambivalences. So despite giving a general description of how I am, you still think that I suck as a whole?
Just so you know, I've tried before to work on my flaws and I am still trying today, but the progress has been so miserable that I've given up on correcting many of them and I don't think I'll be having any drastic, positive changes anytime soon. Now that you know this, could you please answer the three questions I asked on my original post? =)

SofiasMami said:
To me, this says it all right here. With this attitude, I think you will ultimately be ok. Don't lead yourself to the false conclusion that the way things are now are the way things will be forever.

I don't know everything about your illness but if you were sick enough to need a kidney transplant, my guess is you were out of the social scene for awhile in your late teens and early 20s, putting you socially behind your peers. But so what? Not everyone peaks in their 20s. Thank goodness for that or I would have packed it in a long time ago lol.

I don't know if you should try to date but if you're feeling isolated and lonely, which I suspect is the real problem here, maybe turn off that computer and accept invites to social gatherings with your family or neighbors. You're bound to meet new people there, even if it's just new guy friends.

The very first time everyone noticed that my kidneys were not functioning properly was when I was 8-years-old. While my Junior Years were fun, things started to go downhill when I entered Junior High, I only had a few friendly classmates (I actually related more with the teachers than with the students), but didn't had friends outside of school, I always had to be supervised in case of an emergency. By the time I was in College, I was 100% friendless and my condition reached to a mortal state. So yeah, I grew up without being very social.

And by the way, I don't accept family gatherings because everyone in my family knows how I am, they leave me alone most of the time and get approached out of pity. I could try to go out with my brother and meet his friends, but I don't fit within their group, they're extroverts, drink and smoke and they're loud too; I would just bore them. This is the whole reason I wanted to find a job, to have a fresh start with new people and improve on socializing, even if it meant working in a grocery store, but again, my parents won't help or let me.

Thanks for telling me that I'll end up OK though, I'm sure living with a small wage can't be all that difficult, especially when living alone. You still haven't answered my questions though.

Xpendable said:
That would be the bottom of Maslow's Pyramid.

That pyramid is actually outdated, it was revised in 2010 as you can see below. Feel free to investigate more about it if you want to.

AnonymousMe said:
TheRealCallie said:
I wouldn't rate either one of you based on what you provided. Not because what you wrote was all that horrible, but simply because almost all of what you wrote was NEGATIVE, what you don't like about yourself.

So, add some good to your posts. Stop focusing so much on what you perceive is wrong with you and change what you can, focus on the good things, focus on what you can do to better yourself and your situation.

It's not like I only wanted to write all my negatives, I also told my positives and ambivalences. So despite giving a general description of how I am, you still think that I suck as a whole?
Just so you know, I've tried before to work on my flaws and I am still trying today, but the progress has been so miserable that I've given up on correcting many of them and I don't think I'll be having any drastic, positive changes anytime soon. Now that you know this, could you please answer the three questions I asked on my original post? =)

You may have told your positives that you can see, but someone that is depressed or "resigned" isn't going to see much good, so I don't believe you included everything and some of the negatives might be exaggerated. I'm not saying you're lying, just that it may seem like a bigger problem to you than it actually is.
As for your questions. I told you I can't answer the first two. As for the third, everyone is dateable, but what's the reason you want to date? So you aren't alone, so you can say you have a girlfriend or some other reason? My main point of that question is whether you have genuine interest in dating someone or if you just want to use someone.
I'll rate you as self centered. You focus too much on what other people think about you if you feel like writing such a post in the first place.

I've been there too, so I don't mean this in a condescending way. Just want to say there are better ways to spend your concentration and time than this.

What do you want, what do you like in other people, etc. Those things are equally important.
TheRealCallie said:
As for the third, everyone is dateable, but what's the reason you want to date? So you aren't alone, so you can say you have a girlfriend or some other reason? My main point of that question is whether you have genuine interest in dating someone or if you just want to use someone.

What's the reason I want to date? To be honest with you, I really don't know how to respond to that, not anymore at least.
Ever since I read your question, I thought of a couple answers, but I don't know which one to one(s) to choose.

1) Because of natural instinct? Maybe I don't want to waste another youthful decade without knowing romance. Maybe my body is craving for companionship too.
2) Because I want to stop feeling constantly envious? I'm not kidding, even watching fictional pairs makes me feel a certain grudge towards them.
3) Because I don't want my 4 and 6-year-old nephews to beat me? The older one says he already has one. =/
4) Because I want to stop being the only one in my family without a partner?
5) Because I want to normalize my view on women? Being always single has affected my view on women, I see them as casual entities that are always around me, like trees, cars, buildings, etc. I still respect them as a whole, but there is a part of me that makes me think of them as objects. =(
6) Because I want someone to save me? I'm aware that this has no chance of happening, but I do dream of a girlfriend helping me correct my negative flaws. X)
7) Because I'm simply... desperate? That's quite a negative trait about me, especially when I know I would put any girlfriend on a pedestal.

Those are the reasons I can currently remember. I don't think this is now a question that can be simply answered, I'll only know my true feelings regarding this when I get into a relationship, if it ever happens.
Now that I think about it, I guess I should have asked if I was approachable, instead of wondering if I was dateable. As I am, there really is no point in making the first move on someone that catches my attention.
What do you bring to the table that the kind of woman you are looking for would be interested in?

Lets hear some positive things.
kamya said:
What do you bring to the table that the kind of woman you are looking for would be interested in?
Lets hear some positive things.

• I’m 26-years-old. I'm still young! =D I've been wasting many years, but I'm still young. =)
• My hair is pretty awesome. It's confirmed that I won't become bald in later years. >=)
• My feet are very clean and pretty, the right one has two fish eyes, but they're BARELY noticeable. >.<
• I’m a good writer, very "orthographical." I can write many paragraphs and not get bored or tired of it. =/
• I’m a patient man, except when expecting messages, I tend to open my my e-mails about 5-10 times a day. -_-
• I'm very open-minded and logical, even disturbing subjects are difficult to faze me. o_O
• I put personality over looks. Although I have my "types," a girl that plays video games is more beautiful to me than every female celebrity. ;)
• I see things from its purpose, it doesn't matter if it's any cheap chair or the Throne of England, I would prefer the former option to just sit. =P

That's all what I could think of.
Something about your positives is that there must be at least another person that appreciate them. All good things still can be stationary and just not produce anything in the rest. Or they can even play agaisnt you regarding the context.
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