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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
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Do you ever get in moods or moments where you just kinda shut down? Like.. it's hard to express any emotion and you have a hard time even physically moving your face sometimes? Kinda like, everyone is staring at you feeling.
Hey Okiedokes,

Yeah, I do sometimes though I'm not sure if it feels like everyone is staring at me. Its more like I'm so overwhelmed with sadness or worthlessness that my physical body just shuts down. Thankfully, such episodes happen way less now than they used to.

Hope you're ok though!
Hey friend *hugs* Hope you're okay.

Yeah, sometimes I get like that too. I always think it's another one of those stupid moments with that sort of stupid emotions that makes you numbed or walled up and unable to speak about anything. Or do anything. It comes and goes though.
I rarely have this happen to me. Somehow, I just manage to keep on moving, as depressed and dejected as I may feel.

The last time I really felt it was early last year, because of a certain event that happened. And before that, it was when my ex-girlfriend broke up with me. The latter took a lot more time to get over than the former, despite how badly my ex treated me.
I'm doing alright, thanks guys :) *hugs* I seem to get this way when I self doubt, get depressed, or worry too much. It's hard to show when somethings wrong at times. Part of it is because it's embarrassing and another part is I've been used to holding it in for so long till this year. Just something I need to push past I suppose.
It's not so much as getting that being stared at feeling for me. It's more like, trying to reach out then getting stood up again and again. After so many times, I feel it's safer..less painful anyway, to be by myself. I guess I need to find real friends than those who says they are but don't show up.
Of course, I do need to shut down emotionally, but that is not a bad thing for me. In fact I think I need it.

Or maybe this shutting down is just external. I do tend to reach within emotionally and maybe purify myself. It's hard to put a finger on what I'm really thinking/feeling at that time. But I know that the human mind never stops working.
Yes. It's my "steely-aloof" face, usually in spaces where I know I'm unsafe (by myself at 2 in the morning on public transit), or in a classroom where no one likes me.

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