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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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Ladies, Gents … all else under the moon and stars

please can you explain to me why some preferences are deemed fetishes and some aren't?

For example… why is liking plus size women a fetish? I just dont get it..
Society likes to normalize certain things, and demonize others. Typically religious zealots have a lot to say about what is or is not deemed kinky or fetish.

Oddly enough, my own penis was in a fetish book in the local library. It was at this point the librarian told me to get dressed and get out. That's not fetish, that's fascist. 😁
ypically religious zealots have a lot to say about what is or is not deemed kinky or fetish.
Kinda ironic when you think the word fetish comes from something they do.

Fetish definition: an inanimate object worshipped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.

please can you explain to me why some preferences are deemed fetishes and some aren't?
Basically, it's being aroused by something that is not arousing to the majority of people as in your example, no offence intended to anyone.

  1. a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs.
    "a man with a fetish for surgical masks" ·
    fixation · sexual fixation · obsession · compulsion · mania · weakness · fancy · taste · fascination · craze · fad · idée fixe
    • an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.
      "the western fetish for all things North African"
  2. an inanimate object worshipped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.
Does that make me a cheesecake fetishist? 🍰 😱
depends what you do with it. Take it to dinner by all means. Tell it that you love it. Smother it with affection. But just don't believe it's the rebirth of Christ, and definitely don't put your penis in that!
depends what you do with it. Take it to dinner by all means. Tell it that you love it. Smother it with affection. But just don't believe it's the rebirth of Christ, and definitely don't put your penis in that!
During particularly vanilla sexual encounters I've often found myself thinking " I wish I had some cheesecake "
Basically, it's being aroused by something that is not arousing to the majority of people as in your example, no offence intended to anyone.

Im so bloody offended 😱 is that what this crap means… so wtf is an Asian fetish? Majority of people are attracted to them… i hate this world 😅
I think enough non-Asian men like Asians that they get their own term, rice chasers. Ha! Ha! But, if you are doing something that doesn't have a term yet, it's best to keep it to yourself. ;)
I cant stand this cruel world 🙃
Yes, the whole subject of fetishes is pretty incoherent. Some so-called "fetishes" have even reached the level of psychiatric disorders. For example, homosexuality was, until relatively recently (1973), an official "disorder" in the United States.

The Merck Manual defines it like this:

"Fetishism is use of an inanimate object (the fetish) as the preferred method of producing sexual excitement. However, in common parlance, the word is often used to describe particular sexual interests, such as sexual role-playing, preference for certain physical characteristics, and preferred sexual activities or objects. Fetishistic disorder refers to recurrent, intense sexual arousal from use of an inanimate object or from a very specific focus on a nongenital body part (or parts) that causes significant distress or functional impairment."

In reality, humans are so fundamentally sexual that just about anything turns them on. While researching "fetishes" I've come across so many I can't even list them all, but some include: bug squashing in high heels, furries, tickling, biting, pain, coprophagia, foot, elbow, underknee, neck, eyebrow, giantism, smallism, piercing, suffocation, shaving, cosplay, bondage, bestiality, branding, blood-letting, videos, pictures, feather boas... the list goes on and on and on...

Humans can imprint sexual desires on to just about anything and it's just a part of human sexual desire. Some "fetishes" can be harmful, of course, such as non-consensual actions or anything involving minors. Those are absolutely no good. So I would delineate that as the boundary. As long as an action takes place between two consenting adults, and "consenting" and "adults" are very key words, it's pretty fair game. Bestiality is a tricky one, because can animals consent or not consent? I would argue that they can't, but I won't wrangle down that vortex right now. But whether to call something a "fetish," I don't know, it seems like a personal or a cultural preference. The word is so inconsistently used as to be almost meaningless at this point. Opinions and definitions will differ country to country and culture to culture and even person to person. But human sexuality, regardless, seems pretty consistent in its vastness and indefinability.
Dammit, I've a strawberry pie fetish....😂
Being french, though, I've an unrealised fetish of having sex in english lol. Is that even a fetish?
Ladies, Gents … all else under the moon and stars

please can you explain to me why some preferences are deemed fetishes and some aren't?

For example… why is liking plus size women a fetish? I just dont get it..

I don't think liking plus size women is a fetish per se, now that I see the definitions. That would be like saying, that liking thin guys is a fetish (since I imagine most women like muscular guys instead, and that is the norm). It's more like a body type preference.

A fetish, I think, is like a foot fetish, or being turned on by a certain costumes or people in certain jobs, and things like that - especially if it's unusual. That's my impression, at least.
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A fetish, I think, is like a foot fetish, or being turned on by a certain costumes or people in certain jobs, and things like that - especially if it's unusual. That's my impression, at least.
That's always been my impression too. But what about a situation like this? I think I can safely say that most men find women in lingerie alluring - I wouldn't consider this a fetish as it's very common. But what if a woman found men dressed in lingerie attractive? Would that be a fetish? It's somewhat unusual. Or maybe it's more of a kink according to this definition:

A kink. ... Kinks are employed to enhance an experience, fetishes are integral to them. Another way a kink becomes a fetish is if the other person can be removed from the equation – if you are turned on by the shoes alone, for instance, and don't need anyone to be wearing them, that's a fetish.

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