Friendship, is a responsibility.

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
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Sweet, sweet, U S of A.
Am I capable of being a friend?  I have had good friends in this life.  And I have been a good friend to others.  After all these years, I feel inadaquete to describe what friendship is.

I want to roar that friendship is being there for some one.  Friendship is having and being some one that can be relied on..!

Friendship is a fragile, and precious thing..
cheers to that! truth has been spoken.And I say that with no trace of irony. It's so true and precious as you said.
I find it easy to be someone else's friend. I like to fix things and be helpful. But, I usually get taken advantage of and then ignored. I think some people feel like they owe me and it's easier to avoid me then give back.
TropicalStarfish said:
Am I capable of being a friend?  I have had good friends in this life.  And I have been a good friend to others.  After all these years, I feel inadaquete to describe what friendship is.

I want to roar that friendship is being there for some one.  Friendship is having and being some one that can be relied on..!

Friendship is a fragile, and precious thing..

Yes :)
What you want to roar is truth!

Finished said:
I find it easy to be someone else's friend. I like to fix things and be helpful. But, I usually get taken advantage of and then ignored. I think some people feel like they owe me and it's easier to avoid me then give back.

This ^
I feel exactly the same, I guess I overwhelm people sometiimes...
Yes, I need to make more of an effort....probably why I have zero friends.
I can see how it could be a responsibility. It's a good responsibility though, that enriches your life - as opposed to an annoying responsibility that's forced on us.

Unfortunately, I've been in a mental place where I haven't really been up to it for a while though. I think part of being a friend is continuing to have things to talk about, and to do that, you need to continue to take in new things, learn things, do things, and I've been too burnt out on life to do any of that for a while.

A lot of the time, when I don't talk to people, it's not out of annoyance or no longer caring about a person. I still think of them, wonder what they're up to, and care for their well-being. It's because I don't have anything to say cause I've gone through a period of just feeling blank or unhappy, and I don't have much to say, and I don't want to come across as boring or too negative/complaining too much. I've been feeling blank mostly out of anxiety for my future in terms of career, being able to be good at anything, ever being interesting enough or whatever you need enough to be attractive. I'm not in the right headspace to hold a conversation. So I just say nothing until the feeling passes...but unfortunately, life also passes while I'm waiting, though.

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