I Need Help With "Final Fantasy 13"(PS3) Please

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Island Of Patmos
Hi Everyone.:)

Just for the record. I know there are a plethora of sites devoted to gaming. I just thought I'd get more succinct info here because I can describe my problem easier as opposed to reading other people's questions.

I'm currently playing "FF XIII" for the first time, and am curious about something. I'm in chapter 3. Using the Crystarium System is now available. I basically understand how it goes except for one thing.

I have Snow who is using the "Commando" role. Along with it, the "Sentinel" and "Ravager" are also available. My problem is that all of the slots in each of the 3 roles are full. The only place that seems untouched is this blue grid with nothing on it but a big crystal in the center. I assume it's a grid for another type of role. Where do I go from here? I have about 35 CP to use, but nowhere to use it.

Am I doing something wrong? Why is this other grid completely empty. I can't even find areas on the grid to pump my strength, defense, magic, etc.

Any help however little, would be dynamite.

Thanks for viewing.
I believe it is in Chapter 5 you unlock the ability to branch out into other roles. The Crystarium in this game assigns three primary roles to every character. Later on you can pick up other roles. However, their trees are not very big. Also remember that each character has a crystal associated with their Crystarium. This is simply there for decoration.

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