If you could have One Talent What would it be?

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Well-known member
May 24, 2022
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I was just wondering; if you could have one Talent what would it be?

I personally would like to either be a really gifted Mathematician or have a really super Memory.

Idk what we're defining as a talent, I'd go with something like never getting frustrated. If not that then maybe memory like you said. Definitely something related to learning.
Easy, but tough call at the same time.

Either storywriting/worldbuilding, or guitar/songwriting - probably the two things I admire most in others, and wish I could have in myself, and would give me a lot of energy and joy.

I'd want to either be like George Lucas and create something as cool as Star Wars, or something like my favorite bands and albums.

PS - I think drawing is pretty cool too, but one of my best friends is already a really good illustrator.
Artistic talent for sure. I'm a writer, but I'd trade my wordsmith abilities for the ability to draw things. I'm talking like the kind of drawing where an artist can flawlessly render a person or animal or landscape, down to the smallest, tiniest little details and have the end product look like a photograph.
To feel confident in all experiences...like Hugh Hefner plus Matthew McConaughey plus Sean Connery
Having a talent means nothing if you don't have time for it, so it's pointless to think about it for me. lol I used to sketch, I used to do photography, I used to bake/cook ALL THE TIME, I used to write...I used to do a lot of things...

That said, my kid is extremely good at math and I have a pretty damn good memory. Neither are all they are cracked up to be. I remember **** no one else does. Stupid **** that is completely irrelevant to anything outside of when it actually happened. I'm very good at remembering numbers (think phone numbers and social security numbers.) I can probably tell you if this forum has a similar thread to a new one, things like that.

What would you do if you were very gifted at Math?
What would you do if you were very gifted at Math?

1.) Become an engineer
2.) Grow a moustache
3.) Take up cigarettes
4.) Replace about 50% of my vocabulary with foul language, with the other 50% being composed of technical jargon
5.) End all of my conversations with banging my fist on the table/desk

Basically make more money than ever, but be angrier than ever for some reason, probably the stress.

Maybe I should take up grass instead :p
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Easy, but tough call at the same time.

Either storywriting/worldbuilding, or guitar/songwriting - probably the two things I admire most in others, and wish I could have in myself, and would give me a lot of energy and joy.

I'd want to either be like George Lucas and create something as cool as Star Wars, or something like my favorite bands and albums.

PS - I think drawing is pretty cool too, but one of my best friends is already a really good illustrator.

Another one I thought of - I find it interesting how songwriters get into the lyrical/poetic/metaphorical way of seeing things. I don't know how to get myself to see things that way. It would be neat if I could do that.
Another one I thought of - I find it interesting how songwriters get into the lyrical/poetic/metaphorical way of seeing things. I don't know how to get myself to see things that way. It would be neat if I could do that.
Google ' David Bowie cut up technique ' it's how he wrote most of his songs and how I write the majority of mine, William S Burroughs used it a lot too as do many other writers.
My husband writes the lyrics first and then composes the music. It's an amazing talent for sure. He also sings and plays keyboards and guitar.
This reminds me of danganronpa, if anyones familiar.

To answer your question, I would choose the ability to Learn anything quickly.

I would use that to learn to be the ultimate mma fighter, combining elements of many other styles and disciplines that I would just soak up due to my talent.
I would be a polymath. I've always admired and been envious of polymaths.

Like a cat they always land on their feet,
Like a duck they swim but don't get wet,
Like a tree, they become more impressive as they age and grow,
they soar high in the sky yet have seen the great depths...
Never a trouble do they seem to endure,
Intelligent, witty, capable, competent, brave, sensitive, artistic, accomplished, well read...

The polymath,
jack of many trades
master of them all...
Good point. Ha! ha! I should have said, deeply. It would be awesome to have real feelings of love towards myself. I would never feel the need of others.
As Oscar Wilde quite rightly pointed out, To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance

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