Jewelry / Bling - Do you wear it?

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
I wear zero bling. But, I think most people do wear atleast some.
Do you? What do you wear?
Do you think people judge you as having wealth if you wear expensive jewelry?
Are you attracted to others that wear jewelry?
I only wear a watch, even though my phone has the time on it i think it's a lot easier to glance at my wrist instead of fighting with a pocket to see my phone. I'm also not a fan of it possibly catching on things, because you are in **** creek without a paddle when that happens. Also, too many arseholes are about who want to steal it.
If I wear jewelry, it's for personal reasons or special events.
Like going to a concert, or for seasonal celebration events.
The only jewelry I wore regularly was a necklace with a sigil, which I now have tattooed, so no reason to buy it again after it broke.
The jeweler who made it anyway was a friend who's now passed.
If I do, it's earrings (studs) or a necklace.

but I go through phases where I will wear only 1 piece of jewelry for awhile -a certain necklace. . and then I will stop and wear nothing.
I'm also picky when it comes to colors of gems that I choose to when I once wore my birthstone on a ring (long long ago), it had negative effects.
So, most of the time, I wear nothing.
I used to wear an emerald embedded ring. Was told that it would bring me luck. First day of wearing it, went into work and got hit by a power outage that lasted for most of the working day. As it happend during winter, I ended up freezing my arse off though still managed to blag free cups of coffess from a nearby cafe.
If I do, it's earrings (studs) or a necklace.

but I go through phases where I will wear only 1 piece of jewelry for awhile -a certain necklace. . and then I will stop and wear nothing.
I'm also picky when it comes to colors of gems that I choose to when I once wore my birthstone on a ring (long long ago), it had negative effects.
So, most of the time, I wear nothing.
I'm kind of surprised. I would have expected you to have various stones or crystals made into necklaces and / bracelets.

I think if I was a woman I'd wear a simple gold necklace with some kind of interesting pendant.
@Finished Nah. It really depends on my mood. I usually prefer to have nothing in contact w/ my skin.
I collect other things, - rather than jewelry.
I only wear a watch, even though my phone has the time on it i think it's a lot easier to glance at my wrist instead of fighting with a pocket to see my phone. I'm also not a fan of it possibly catching on things, because you are in **** creek without a paddle when that happens. Also, too many arseholes are about who want to steal it.
Smart! I used to wear a watch when I worked. It was easier to sneak a peak at it when in meetings. :)
Black diamond studs because they are the only diamonds I’ve ever owned that I bought for myself. A snake knot bracelet because I’ve been wearing one since I was in high school. This one is on 3 years. When the threads eventually break I will just make another. A silver band on my right ring finger because my son bought it and had it engraved. I don’t like jewelry, never have. I couldn’t care less if someone else wears jewelry. It’s like anything else though, too much is a distraction.
I had a finger bling that stayed on the roof when I jumped down. Needless to say I am grateful to still have my finger. I have been blingless ever since.

I wore a small gold cross in my teens.

I had a mood ring once. It stayed dark. :confused:

I don't mind dainty jewelry. Jewelry isn't supposed to make a person more attractive. It's supposed to accent the beauty they already have. Too much and the person might as well not be there.
Yesh. I wear my magical jewelry. An onyx ring with two silver serpents on my middle finger on my right hand.

A Yin yang necklace and a silver dragon with a crystal ball encased in the dragon necklace.
I used to wear gold rings and bracelets when I was younger, but it was more because it was all the rage back then. I have a neckless & dog tag now lol, but it's never really on show, I'm so used to wearing it I just don't take it off.

Oh and a watch.
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I have three pieces of jewelry that I always wear: the plain, silver ring from my husband, my dad’s wedding ring to my mum and a silver Celtic Tree of Life pendant on a silver chain, inscribed with the words “Keep Smiling”. I bought the pendant shortly after my dad passed away in 2015 and I rarely take it off - “Keep Smiling” was his motto. I plan to add another pendant to the chain, most likely a triskelion or spiral design in honour of my mother.

Any jewelry I wear is simple, affordable, but more importantly, has some kind of symbolism or emotional attachment to it. Not into flashy pieces at all, jewels, gold - not my thing.

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