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Giant cupcake pan

Cupcakes is a cross between sweet cakes and pastries. As a rule when made add to cupcakes raisins, nuts, jam, jam, marmalade. Cupcakes are prepared mostly from sponge or dough, cooking cakes in general - a frequent phenomenon in the kitchens of various nations. In many countries, cakes are a traditional wedding or a Christmas dessert. Cakes can have different sizes and shapes, from small to large portioned cakes round or rectangular cakes. There is a special form for the big round cakes - giant cupcake pan. Coming out this form, cupcakes take the form of a ring.
Giant cupcake pan

Grill pan

Grill pans, grills or pan with corrugated bottom is made of different materials. Grill pan made of cast iron are durable and reach high temperatures for a quick browning products. The lighter quality non-stick pans too convenient as well as hard anodized pans. But do not buy too cheap grill pan as it can be damaged quickly or non-stick surface quickly erased. Before using the grill pan without indelible inner surface of its need to rinse and wipe dry. Wash the pan if possible, until it is hot - a rag, sponge or soft brush using dish detergent.

Grill pan

Popover pan

Martellato factory is known for its equipment and popover pan for confectioners, who enjoys an ever-growing popularity and is gaining market share at the expense of optimal combination of price - quality compared to other manufacturers of similar products. Total stock inventory includes about 4,000 titles.
Popover pan

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