Poker? The Gentle Person's Game

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Sweet, sweet, U S of A.
I've taken to playing poker, over the past few years. I play for fun, for free, no money involved.

I use the PokerTH program (Free Software, as in Freedom.)

I'm not really interested in being a master of ceremony, organizer, or leader or anything, however...

...on a whim, I suppose, if by chance you are interested in a friendly game, and enough of us get an interest, perhaps we can set up some periodic games, ongoing.


If you interested:
1: state your interest, download the program, setup an account, and get setup
2: state your timezone and what kind of times, roughly, work best for you to meet for a game
3: if enough interest is garnered, we can start planning some games

4: if you feel like organizing, it's very easy to host a game, and all you'd need to do is coordinate with others on when the best time for the game is.

Generally, a good game, will last anywhere from a half hour to a little over an hour, depending on how things are set up and how many players there are.

If anyone would prefer to take over as an organizer, have it.

I'm just testing the waters here, not committing myself to anything. If this kicks off, kewl stuff...

If other's have any interest in some other games, chess, video games, etc.. feel free to start your own thread.

Anywho, cheers!
I just now signed up 😎
EST time zone (GMT -4)
Evenings are good, but I don't have routine and availability can be variable.
Let me check out the app/game a bit more and then we can set up poker nite 🃏
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@StarDust @mizera

I'm GMT -7

Sorry I hadn't gotten back to you @mizera

Evenings are good for me as well, usually; that may change. I'll be indisposed for a few days here, however.

Sounds like we have three possible takers...

Feel free to collaborate amongst yourselves if you'd like, etc..

As for me, I'll try to be in touch further.
What is the difference between "Internet Game" and "Set up a Network game" ? I don't play online games much and may need some guiding instructions once Mizera is activated 🙂 to connect. My login name for the poker is Star Dust.
Say that to the glorious, yet dead, Wild Bill Hickok....hell, a certain hand is attributed to that very game
I setup an account for this site. But I think you need to be a computer geek to understand it. I tried playing a few hands and I can't tap my actions but instead have to press on my laptop, which is annoying. I tried setting up a game but it's unclear how to provide an address to have others join the game. There's no info in the FAQ or forums.

Is there any reason to play on this site? I'm sure we can play for free on Poker Stars or any other reputable site. The software is far superior.

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