using social media and having poor outcomes with wellbeing

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Apr 11, 2020
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A Lancet study publbished in 2018 found that people who check Facebook late at night were more likely to feel depressed and unhappy
Another 2018 study found that the less time people spend on social media, the less symptoms of depression and loneliness they felt
found that S M users who felt envy while on the networking site were more likely to develop symptoms of depression
Some studies about social media and mental health reveal that there’s a correlation between networking sites and depression. Other research goes a step further, finding that social media may very well cause depression.
Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression”—was published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology in 2018
Social media is asocial media. It's bad for you. It enhances feelings of being a cog lost in the great unwashed anonymous morass. It may not have this effect on everyone, but if anyone expects to go there to "make friends" I think they will find mostly disappointment. I have made a lot more personal connections on forums such as this one then I ever made on Facebook. With no regrets, I disabled my Facebook account some years ago and I have no plans to rejoin.
I don't know why people follow accounts that make them feel bad. Social media is so broad. I like to follow nuns, scientists, drawings of cats, drawings of mice dressed in Victorian era clothes (!), cathedrals, graveyards, vegan food recipes that I never make... It makes me feel good to scroll through my social accounts, it's relaxing.
Social media, like anything else, is what you make it. You control what you see on social media. If you don't like something or someone, there is a block feature or you can just unfriend them. If it's an ad, you can simply request not to see them.

Like Sarah G, I enjoy scrolling through my social media accounts
I don't know why people follow accounts that make them feel bad. Social media is so broad. I like to follow nuns, scientists, drawings of cats, drawings of mice dressed in Victorian era clothes (!), cathedrals, graveyards, vegan food recipes that I never make... It makes me feel good to scroll through my social accounts, it's relaxing.
Huh. “Drawings of mice dressed in Victorian era clothes. . . “ - nice! Me too. 😁😜 Cathedrals and graveyards as well.
Social media is asocial media. It's bad for you. It enhances feelings of being a cog lost in the great unwashed anonymous morass. It may not have this effect on everyone, but if anyone expects to go there to "make friends" I think they will find mostly disappointment. I have made a lot more personal connections on forums such as this one then I ever made on Facebook. With no regrets, I disabled my Facebook account some years ago and I have no plans to rejoin.
I despise evil FB, I commend you for doing it. Not giving Zuck data gives me great pleasure.
Yeah......... I just don't freely give out my correct personal information and pictures. When Fakebook was still new I liked reading about other people that I used to know. But, now you have to have an account so I never visit the site any more.
The likes of Facebook are aware of their affects on the human brain, particularly the developing adolescent brain. Those seeking affirmations from the little notification of a response. It neither matters whether the response is positive or negative, the notification alone releases endorphins and serotonin reuptake, thus a genuine high on par with restricted stimulants.

Those with borderline personality disorders, can be further affected by receiving unprecedented affirmative responses. Leading to ideas only being played out to audiences who are known to respond positively. The Big fish in a little pond scenario.

Is all social media bad? No! It is what you make it, and your own responsibility to exercise good judgement and healthy practices. Don't assume everything is true. And don't be swayed by popular opinion. Likewise, never Google; two girls, one cup! 😵
That's amazing! I thought I was unique and special though 🤭
I know! Me too! Guess I’ll have to find some other kind of critter dressed in Victorian clothes to follow, eh? Hmmm. . . maybe guinea pigs or capybaras, hahaha. 😂🤪

How about an alligator?
I don't know why people follow accounts that make them feel bad. Social media is so broad. I like to follow nuns, scientists, drawings of cats, drawings of mice dressed in Victorian era clothes (!), cathedrals, graveyards, vegan food recipes that I never make... It makes me feel good to scroll through my social accounts, it's relaxing.
Haha! I agree with this- I never understood why the guy who will never go to the gym follows the Instagram fitness model with 6 pack abs and a Lamborghini.

I was cracking up about the nuns part. I didnt even know nuns had social media haha
I prefer to read a book than go on social media. However, now I want to see drawings of mice in victorian garb.
I guess like with everything in life, it all depends on how you use it.
It is easy to sit for hours looking at funny, meaningless stuff, then wonder where all the time has gone.
You could also be talking to a friend you already know in real life.
It is the same with cafés, you could get drunk every night there, while someone else might meet his future life partner at the same café.
You might think the café is a bad place, where you became an alcoholic, whereas that same place always brings back fond memories to the one who met his life partner there.

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