Was he right?

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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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So my besties boyfriend is a little…. Annoying but i’ve been thinking lately.. is he in the right?

So my bestie and me were having a snuggle on the sofa, lights off, watching a horror film on her tablet, holding hands and you know… just chilling out. Nothing … out of the ordinary for me and my girls anyway…

Her fella got home from work and was visibly upset… he was like whats going on… like he caught her with another man or something 🙄

She jumped up started turning lights on and acting really nervous, I dont like upsetting my fella either so i can understand, you know… but he was really overreacting imo, I kinda said were just girls and giggled… omfg … whooo told me to say that he exploded started shouting “I dont give a f…” I was shocked, left, now when she invites me over i feel too awkward to go… did he over react? Should I go back? Was he feeling disrespected because I laughed when trying to calm the situation down?
I don't think he was wrong. I mean...lights out, holding each other on the couch? Yeah, kind of makes you wonder. Doesn't matter if you would never go there or not, it kind of crosses a little line. And her reacting the way she did kind of makes it seem like she was doing something wrong.

That might be just what you all have always done and it's completely innocent, but at the same time, she's now in a relationship (as are you), so maybe put yourself in his shoes and try to see it from his perspective.

Also, in today's world, it would not at all be shocking if you were having an affair with your best friend, right?
So my besties boyfriend is a little…. Annoying but i’ve been thinking lately.. is he in the right?

So my bestie and me were having a snuggle on the sofa, lights off, watching a horror film on her tablet, holding hands and you know… just chilling out. Nothing … out of the ordinary for me and my girls anyway…

Her fella got home from work and was visibly upset… he was like whats going on… like he caught her with another man or something 🙄

She jumped up started turning lights on and acting really nervous, I dont like upsetting my fella either so i can understand, you know… but he was really overreacting imo, I kinda said were just girls and giggled… omfg … whooo told me to say that he exploded started shouting “I dont give a f…” I was shocked, left, now when she invites me over i feel too awkward to go… did he over react? Should I go back? Was he feeling disrespected because I laughed when trying to calm the situation down?
Hmmm. Yeah, I think he over reacted. Even if you were a guy, I still would have held in my reactions, kept quit, and discussed it later. It may be innocent, it may mean she wants more then I can give her, or it may mean there are other problems. I do know that some woman are just very friendly to each other and that's as far as it goes. I might have a look on my face that screams, WTF! But, I wouldn't just go nuts right then especially if it was my girl and some other girl. It would bother me, until I knew what the deal was. But, I would think I would already know that, that is just how my girl friend is so then it would bother me. I would probably get into comfortable clothes and sit next to my girl on the couch with you.
I don't think he was wrong. I mean...lights out, holding each other on the couch? Yeah, kind of makes you wonder. Doesn't matter if you would never go there or not, it kind of crosses a little line. And her reacting the way she did kind of makes it seem like she was doing something wrong.

That might be just what you all have always done and it's completely innocent, but at the same time, she's now in a relationship (as are you), so maybe put yourself in his shoes and try to see it from his perspective.

Also, in today's world, it would not at all be shocking if you were having an affair with your best friend, right?
Honestly I thought he was joking at first, but he was being stone cold serious. Yeah she reacted soooo weird almost like she was scared of him.

Its really been what we have always done never known a man to even comment let alone be upset about it. If we were kissing sure but genuinely was just comforting each other. Felt like he turned something so innocent sexual, its not like we are gay or bi or anything like that.

Hmmm. Yeah, I think he over reacted. Even if you were a guy, I still would have held in my reactions, kept quit, and discussed it later. It may be innocent, it may mean she wants more then I can give her, or it may mean there are other problems. I do know that some woman are just very friendly to each other and that's as far as it goes. I might have a look on my face that screams, WTF! But, I wouldn't just go nuts right then especially if it was my girl and some other girl. It would bother me, until I knew what the deal was. But, I would think I would already know that, that is just how my girl friend is so then it would bother me. I would probably get into comfortable clothes and sit next to my girl on the couch with you.
Would you really be surprised? Idk how else to act its just us, we both like touch and warmth nothing sexual it didnt even look that way just 2 girls and a horror film, but he was also like why didnt we watch it on the tv why did we watch it on the tiny tablet it was like everything was a problem
I'd say he was over-reacting. Or at the very least if he felt the situation was weird, he could have handled it much more maturely instead of flying off the handle like he did. It sounds like your girlfriend didn't help the situation by acting all guilty though.

Did she mention anything to you later about it? She's invited you back and you say you feel too awkward now, so I'd ask her if he's still pissed about it.
Would you really be surprised? Idk how else to act its just us, we both like touch and warmth nothing sexual it didnt even look that way just 2 girls and a horror film, but he was also like why didnt we watch it on the tv why did we watch it on the tiny tablet it was like everything was a problem
The tablet!!!! OMG! That changes everything. Ha! Ha! Well, if I see two women being close the first thing that pops into my mind is something sexual. Then if one of them is my girlfriend I'd think cheating maybe? But, again, if she was my girlfriend I would surely already know that she was like that. So, it wouldn't be a problem.
I'd say he was over-reacting. Or at the very least if he felt the situation was weird, he could have handled it much more maturely instead of flying off the handle like he did. It sounds like your girlfriend didn't help the situation by acting all guilty though.

Did she mention anything to you later about it? She's invited you back and you say you feel too awkward now, so I'd ask her if he's still pissed about it.
Truly I was shocked, I dont know whyyy she acted like that, maybe he told her not to do it before with someone else... She never mentioned it and I felt bad bringing it up, she only wants me to come over when he's at work lol I feel like the whole situation is awkward, im gonna just ask her because it feels so crazy to me.
The tablet!!!! OMG! That changes everything. Ha! Ha! Well, if I see two women being close the first thing that pops into my mind is something sexual. Then if one of them is my girlfriend I'd think cheating maybe? But, again, if she was my girlfriend I would surely already know that she was like that. So, it wouldn't be a problem.
IDK my fella made a joke when I told him about it, like yeah I'd sit right in the middle and hold the tablet but... again he said it in a way that made it sound all creepy when we was just being friends, you know?
Truly I was shocked, I dont know whyyy she acted like that, maybe he told her not to do it before with someone else... She never mentioned it and I felt bad bringing it up, she only wants me to come over when he's at work lol I feel like the whole situation is awkward, im gonna just ask her because it feels so crazy to me.
I think that's your best bet Princess, just ask her. Her jumping up and being all nervous and stuff kinda says to me she knew what his reaction would be. It seems his behaviour was totally over the top to me, you saying she seemed scared is pretty worrying too. Was the way she was behaving when he came home totally out of character?.
I think that's your best bet Princess, just ask her. Her jumping up and being all nervous and stuff kinda says to me she knew what his reaction would be. It seems his behaviour was totally over the top to me, you saying she seemed scared is pretty worrying too. Was the way she was behaving when he came home totally out of character?.
Totally randomguy I thought oh maybe she was just upset that she upset him, I can get like that too sometime when I feel like I disappointed my fella but it was sooo weird she never acts like that.
I’ll ask her but i felt like maybe i’d be embarrassing her brining it up
Totally randomguy I thought oh maybe she was just upset that she upset him, I can get like that too sometime when I feel like I disappointed my fella but it was sooo weird she never acts like that.
I’ll ask her but i felt like maybe i’d be embarrassing her brining it up
You're a smart lady and she's your bestie, you'll find the right way to do it :)
It's quite normal for girls to have cozy relationships, holding hands etc. It doesn't mean they're gay, and even if it did there's no reason to kick off like that. Kicking off doesn't help a situation. It sounds as though he doesn't like her having friends??
It's quite normal for girls to have cozy relationships, holding hands etc. It doesn't mean they're gay, and even if it did there's no reason to kick off like that. Kicking off doesn't help a situation. It sounds as though he doesn't like her having friends??
Omfg worlds latest reply but you have noooo idea how relevant this is now.
So i went back to my friends house and she explained to me she asked her boyfriend about another woman in the bedroom and they had a massive fight about it 😂 I was like omfg… im too holy for this the most me and my fella argue about is what im allowed to wear to the gym im running out of clothess
I was gonna say, before I read the reply above, that it sounded like she might be interested, he knew it and wasn't happy...lol
It's quite normal for girls to have cozy relationships, holding hands etc. It doesn't mean they're gay, and even if it did there's no reason to kick off like that. Kicking off doesn't help a situation. It sounds as though he doesn't like her having friends??

Agreed with this. I was under the impression that while guys probably wouldn't, girls cuddle and stuff like that all the time and it isn't a big deal or doesn't mean they are gay. At least, I feel like that's how it is in modern, first-world countries anyway.

I think the guy made a big deal out of nothing. Maybe he comes from a really conservative culture where that isn't the norm. I don't know.
Agreed with this. I was under the impression that while guys probably wouldn't, girls cuddle and stuff like that all the time and it isn't a big deal or doesn't mean they are gay. At least, I feel like that's how it is in modern, first-world countries anyway.

I think the guy made a big deal out of nothing. Maybe he comes from a really conservative culture where that isn't the norm. I don't know.
Im telling you Skafish mannn i just like comfort and warmth not to like start developing bisexual or gay uhmm .. whatever its called lol

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