Personalities Myers-Briggs

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Out of order
Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
Far away
I've seen it in another thread and now I'm curious.

What is yours? And what do you think about it?
I'm not much into such things. And I'm INTP, but sometimes INFP (in fact I'm the middle between T and F)
And I agree with Richard, it is all bull.
It's more relativistic than it is exact, and the accuracy is more of a slope on a graph than definitive and rigid.
This is why it's illegal for corporations to use it for hiring practices, actually.
Now I have seen some tricky bastards make derivatives as workarounds, and corporations will use those derivative systems as legal workarounds, bbbuutttt, I mean the only thing that typically happens is that whoever drummed up the derivative system, just swindled the corporation, the corporation finds out, and then fires them. Happens all the time.
There's also absolutely an Orwellian feel to a corporation using personality tests to suit a "corporate image" that pretty much froths at the mouth with greed and delusion. All those bastards do it, that's why that honeysuckle never works. And in higher end office jobs that's how and why you get whole floor cubicle sweeps of people losing their jobs.
Proper scientific method suggests that if after switching out the variable that the problem persists, than perhaps the problem is with the constant. But I mean, the affluent will never do that.
I think I just took one the other day and it said ISTP-A.

I pay no mind to that honeysuckle though, whether it's bullshit or not. It's just another label. It's just going to be used as another excuse on why someone won't do something. I am myself, I don't need a label to tell me anything. If I want something done, I find a way. If I don't, I guess I didn't really want it enough.
****, I did it the other night and now I've forgotten what it was. Anyway, I did it a couple of times after to get different results. I thought some of it was spot on but it was stuff I already knew so...yep.
Found it INTP
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I took it once, said I was INFJ-T and INFJ-A - probably the ones that are least social out of the whole lot... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've never met anyone with first E. Do extraverts exist?

For me it's just like a zodiac, just a popular funny thing. It can show if a person think he/she is an introvert/emotional/critical/etc. And in that point where a definition match, there is now wonder as I've just told the test this information.

I've heared though that there are some people who want to hire only Libra, well, it that case I'am grateful I'm not and I won't work with some fanatics.
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Honestly, I think these type of tests entirely depend on you mood and situation at any given time. And do people really, without a doubt, 100% know exactly where they fall in those stupid scales they use?
I done the test last week or something, it was ISTP-T.. whatever that means. Lol.
Honestly, I think these type of tests entirely depend on you mood and situation at any given time. And do people really, without a doubt, 100% know exactly where they fall in those stupid scales they use?
I feel the same.
I've even heard people say the same, that depending on the day they have gotten varying results.
I took this test 5 minutes ago ... Here is the result ...

Your personality type is:




I have never heard of the test till I read this thread.... So I took the test:)
I have no idea what this means to be honest.
I took this test 5 minutes ago ... Here is the result ...

Your personality type is:




Did you go through and just select the middle options varying a bit on intensity of agree and disagree. I did that after I answered honestly and the results looked similar.
I answered all the questions with the leftmost agree and the rightmost disagree .
And that is the result i got .

I really think it depends on ones mood .
Today was a day that my sister got a student visa to Canada .So i think i am a bit extra happy today ...

And an accounting course i have been doing for the past 2 years is nearing its end too .

That is another reason to be happy ...

Also , This time i answered all of those questions about socializing without any women in my mind .

I am a very active person around my male friends and my male co workers at my work place .

Maybe that is why those questions where easy to answer ...

I answered all the questions with the leftmost agree and the rightmost disagree .
And that is the result i got .

I really think it depends on ones mood .
Today was a day that my sister got a student visa to Canada .So i think i am a bit extra happy today ...

And an accounting course i have been doing for the past 2 years is nearing its end too .

That is another reason to be happy ...

Also , This time i answered all of those questions about socializing without any women in my mind .

I am a very active person around my male friends and my male co workers at my work place .

Maybe that is why those answers where easy to answer ...

Well results aside....its really nice to hear that you are happy today for yourself and your sister. 😊
Honestly, I think these type of tests entirely depend on you mood and situation at any given time. And do people really, without a doubt, 100% know exactly where they fall in those stupid scales they use?

This test has been a godsend for me

I've always told everyone in my family that I felt different from almost everyone, that I didn't fit in. I mean I remember calling my mother less then a year ago and telling her 'There's nobody like me. There's nobody like me.'

When the test told me I was INFJ, and I researched it, suddenly everything made sense. I finally understood WHY I felt so different. It wasn't in my head. It was simply because I perceive the world differently then the vast majority of people. And that branches off into other unique personality traits that I have which are synonymous with INFJs.

If your one of the more common or socially accepted personalities and/or you never felt out of place in the world I can see why you wouldn't view this test as big deal.

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