Online relationships

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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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Would you ever have a relationship that was specificity just online? And never saw the person in real life,just talked to them online,and on your phone,what are your thoughts of this?
online love / sex relationships are short lived ... online friendships can last unless the real life relationship becomes jealous
No. But you look/sound like an artificial intelligence sometimes so I can see "where you're coming from", maybe build yourslelf into a robot? 0_0. Just kidding, sorry :), no pun intended.

But really: no. I'm getting way too old for this, if I was 16-25, yeah.
Exclusively online? No. Also, define relationship. If we're talking friendship, that may happen, sure, I think the end goal would be to get yo know the other person in real life, but depending on circumstances, that may not be possible. I still think it should be tried.
As for romantic relationships, definitely not exclusively online. I wouldn't even know how to work that. I'm not a fan in general of long distance or online relationships, but I think if something does develop, the internet is supposed to be a facilitator, kind of like the phone. The end goal is supposed to be meeting and seeing if there is something there or not.
I've entertained the idea a couple of times, but couldn't make it work in the long run. It's hard for me to have any sort of relationship with someone without wanting to be with them in person. Even with friendships.
friendship is ok but I go with my gut feeling so I don't accept online friendship with just anybody. I observe from a distance their beliefs, their stories- any inconsistencies that sort of thing. Absolutely no online relationships, i have trust issues concerning people online. I once knew a person (or thought i knew them) on an online game who got overly dramatic and faked their death for god knows what reasons. If that wasn't bad enough they had many alternate accounts pretending to be different people as well. This is why I am a skeptic through and through.
friendship is ok but I go with my gut feeling so I don't accept online friendship with just anybody. I observe from a distance their beliefs, their stories- any inconsistencies that sort of thing. Absolutely no online relationships, i have trust issues concerning people online. I once knew a person (or thought i knew them) on an online game who got overly dramatic and faked their death for god knows what reasons. If that wasn't bad enough they had many alternate accounts pretending to be different people as well. This is why I am a skeptic through and through.
Faked their deathhhhh omg lol that would stress me out !!
friendship is ok but I go with my gut feeling so I don't accept online friendship with just anybody. I observe from a distance their beliefs, their stories- any inconsistencies that sort of thing. Absolutely no online relationships, i have trust issues concerning people online. I once knew a person (or thought i knew them) on an online game who got overly dramatic and faked their death for god knows what reasons. If that wasn't bad enough they had many alternate accounts pretending to be different people as well. This is why I am a skeptic through and through.
That's screwed up and pretty crummy. That would put a damper on trust.
That's why I regard the internet in general as somewhat an extension of the phone. You take some, you leave some. I mean, it's useful; none of us would know each other if it wasn't for this and ALL has been a big plus in my life. But you don't REALLY know someone until you spend time with them sitting across or next to you. It's a bit of why I think online dating is kind of a bad thing; ppl hold off meeting waiting for the "next best profile". There's ALWAYS going to be a next best one. Meanwhile, you may be passing on something truly great and unique.
I never caught on with Instagram, reddit, discord, snapchat... An online personna isn't a thing I'm comfortable with, it feels egocentric and very fake :/

Here on a forum it's a bit different I'd say: No points to be collected (unlike reddit)
Not a lot of photo to show the world (unlike instagram)
Not too many pranksters, and a focused discussion website (Unlike Discord)
No instant gratification trough weird things (unlike Snapchat)

basically here it's mostly texts, texts that follow a directed discussion: it's not messy

I'm getting off-topic: I don't believe in online relations d:
Would you ever have a relationship that was specificity just online? And never saw the person in real life,just talked to them online,and on your phone,what are your thoughts of this?
Sounds more like a friendship to me, maybe with some phonesex thrown in. Not something I would pursue for long term.
I think it's gradually become more common for relationships to start online. That's basically what things like dating and hookup apps are. Although if they stay entirely online, is that actually a relationship?

I guess the way that I look at it is a little Orwellian. Machines are cool, but machines are still just machines. However, because they offer virtual interactive experiences, the line between what is real and what is not real can be blurred a bit.

I expect relationships to start online, but I think it's a little much for them to entirely stay online. That's, kinda creepy, even for me, and normally I love creepy honeysuckle. But yeah, that's just what it makes me think of.

I think within certain parameters it makes sense. Like if you meet someone an hour or so of a drive away. However that will vary from one person to the next based on income and practicality to visit. Obviously if you're living in say Georgia for example, trying to date someone online who lives in California is gonna be one Hell of an epic reach.

This could also be the old man in me coming out a bit. There definitely are people who date that way, I equate it to an old science experiment I saw once about a baby monkey in a cage with two different types of mechanical surrogate mothers. One surrogate mother monkey was just an animatronic with similarly looking and feeling features. The other was the same animatronic, but looking and seeming angry. The monkey was scared of the angry mother but fled into the arms of the normal one.
I think it's gradually become more common for relationships to start online. That's basically what things like dating and hookup apps are. Although if they stay entirely online, is that actually a relationship?

I guess the way that I look at it is a little Orwellian. Machines are cool, but machines are still just machines. However, because they offer virtual interactive experiences, the line between what is real and what is not real can be blurred a bit.

I expect relationships to start online, but I think it's a little much for them to entirely stay online. That's, kinda creepy, even for me, and normally I love creepy honeysuckle. But yeah, that's just what it makes me think of.

I think within certain parameters it makes sense. Like if you meet someone an hour or so of a drive away. However that will vary from one person to the next based on income and practicality to visit. Obviously if you're living in say Georgia for example, trying to date someone online who lives in California is gonna be one Hell of an epic reach.

This could also be the old man in me coming out a bit. There definitely are people who date that way, I equate it to an old science experiment I saw once about a baby monkey in a cage with two different types of mechanical surrogate mothers. One surrogate mother monkey was just an animatronic with similarly looking and feeling features. The other was the same animatronic, but looking and seeming angry. The monkey was scared of the angry mother but fled into the arms of the normal one.
There we go again, torturing monkeys...😞
No, I know. It's just the thing that struck my sleep deprived brain lol.
I already spoke my piece on this subject. I'd be curious to see where it goes 80 years from now, though.

That thought creeps me out a bit, I'm not gonna lie. lol.
I don't think experiments like that need to be replicated.
The data and archive footage are all already there.
The honeysuckle's inhumane. Educational, yes, but still inhumane.
Experience for me, life is a learning curve, and sometime that curve can be extremely painful.

Funny your grief counseling, I spend half my life, as a Psychologist, working in Psycho wards with mostly serial rapists, murders , violet criminals. But at times I would help out in the O.T department when short staffed, carrying out relaxation classes, and self awareness groups. I also worked as a researcher at the institute of Psychiatry London, with Dr P Fenwick, good friend, researching consciousness, OBE,s and NDE in the area of parapsychology . I did enjoy that time, but its many years ago now. Now life kicked me to the bottom of the snakes and ladders board of life. Lost my wife of 42 years, had a heart attact, which gave a small stroke, speach has had a little hit, but not too bad. but the bad one for me, if I now find ver hard to spell; at times its ok, but others, I cannot begine to try and spell words like ( could, or sometimes, examples) and that very debilitasting for me. Sometime I write something, and HELLO, what as I saying here. Pass I don't know, I see letters that arejust not there, and oftern competely miss reas stuff. What can I do, thats who I am now. Not who I was.

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