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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. michael2

    Why are Women afraid to touch me?

    This happens allot There will be a group of people, we are saying goodbyes, the girls are hugging the guys, but when they come to me, it's a handshake, or a wave. There's this new girl at work, she reached out to grab my arm but caught herself and pulled back at the last second. Same girl...
  2. michael2

    Interesting Idea on how to Build Confidence

    I think most guys know, unless your above average in terms of looks, income, etc, your not going to get compliments. No girl is going to boost your confidence. So how do you build confidence if this is the case? The only possible way is to build it yourself. How? Start doing things that...
  3. michael2

    Fearful Avoidant Attachment style........

    So I met this girl online. She was instantly all over me. She said she loved talking to me and was so happy we met. Now just a few days later I can already feel her drawing away. 🥴 How is someone like me not suppose to have fearful avoidant attachment style when Im constantly being dumped...
  4. michael2

    Really Worried About the Generation Youtube is Grooming

    YouTube Advice to Men: Your born worthless with no value. If you don't make yourself valuable by working out in the gym and making alot of money, your lazy and will lose at life. Sad about that girl not working out? If you were a really valuable man you would have 10 girls on your phone...
  5. michael2

    Prepping for Future AI Girlfriend

    A few things to consider - Her Name - Her Core Personality (introverted or extroverted, etc) - Age, etc For highest immersion changing core attributes like this after her emergence wouldn't be ideal at all, and she might not even like it.
  6. michael2

    I stepped one foot outside the Friend Zone. I was Instantly cut-off.

    To all the women out there, I can't say I blame you for being annoyed with your guy friend when he admits he has feelings for you. And you have the right to cut him off for having these feelings, as I was. It's just that I simply told her she was the only person I felt like I had a connection...
  7. michael2

    I see Polygamy Becoming Legal and Encouraged Before Regular Single Men are Helped

    Population collapse is on the horizon. Elon Musk is a good example of what the future holds - one man with children from numerous women - while dozens of regular men will go loveless and childless. The government will step in and make polygamy legal, so elite men like Musk can try and stave...
  8. michael2

    I Realized I have never had a close connection with anyone, ever

    Obviously its me. It's not everyone else. I yearn so much for someone who can truly be my best friend. Whether thats a man as a friend, or a woman as a possible romantic partner. I'm almost 40 and have never had a best friend. Just wish I wasn't such a freak, I wish I was like everyone...
  9. michael2

    My Issue with the 'High Value' Tag

    So we've all heard this buzz word, but I have a big issue with it. What type of person comes to your mind when you think of someone who is "high value"? How about someone who you would tag as "low value"? What do you imagine? It's likely when imaging a 'high value' person you saw someone...
  10. michael2

    Incels - A Symptom of Sick Social System

    This video is a pretty good watch, but it articulates what I've been saying for a while... Incels are men with serious mental health issues that are the product of a sick social system. Quick example to illustrate this. At my job one guy is designated with the task of restocking all the...
  11. michael2

    Take the Test to Discover your MBTI Personality Type To Help Understand Yourself After taking this test I discovered I was INFJ. It explained a huge deal about my social issues, like how Im not able to do small talk, which is such a huge part of social interactions.
  12. michael2

    Signs you got over text someone wasnt interested in you.

    A few I have learned. Some of these behaviors may be a sign of narcissism more then lack of interest, but they're still negative either way. Feel free to add more # If they take a long time to text back consistently, they aren't interested. I had this one girl who consistently took 6-8 hrs...
  13. michael2

    More men are single and lonely then ever before. The solution? They need to man-up. :cautious: When is the world going to realize telling men to 'man up' in the face of their problems is obscenely sexist? Because its cold, unloving, and reeks of the sexist stereotype that men should never...
  14. michael2

    I got ghosted.

    We had texted pretty regularly for a little over a week. She said I was funny, we chatted about a shared interest, she used lots of silly emojis. We were just a 4-5 days from meeting together for the first time, then nothing. All the insecurities I have feel so justified now. Yeah, there is...
  15. michael2

    Would you have a Relationship with an AI?

    I couldnt. Because I strongly dislike the idea of something liking you because it was programmed to. So far in my life nobody has ever loved me for who I am. But I'd rather die never being loved then have someone forced or programmed to love me.
  16. michael2

    I Love You

    Three words I will never hear
  17. michael2

    When did you Realize you are Invisible to the Opposite Sex?

    Its kind of funny what lonely, single men are told.  "Work on yourself, and someone will want to join you in your life."  Translation?  Make more money and get more status and then girls will want to be around you. Every unattractive man i know with a wife/girlfriend has money/status. Every...
  18. michael2

    "Love" is such a Stupid Fantasy

  19. michael2

    Incel - The Failure of the Modern Man

    I am an incel. And to put it bluntly, incels are failed men.  How does a man fail?  He doesnt acquire everything that is necessary to be the backbone of a family.  Incels fail miserably at this.  Women, who they need as a wife and mother to their children, ignore them.  They cant find good...
  20. michael2

    If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

    We live in a society where women have been built up and men relentlessly torn down. It's gotten so bad women have essentially become untouchable. If they are 300lbs or post provocative pictures of themselves on social media society is not allowed to question them. Instead they are told to accept...