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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    I am pretty sure that I am beyond repair

    Sounds like my life. Maybe you'll have to get into the mental health system before you can see yourself better.
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    Fear of intimacy

    I was the same way. In my twenties I sought out a gf and stopped as soon as it got to kissing and such. But I have physical issues that make me afraid of being intimate. You didn't mention any. Your reaction seems purely psychological and you should cure yourself by thinking about why you have...
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    24 year old single virgin

    Having something to say is the vital key to most loneliness. Nothing worse than an embarrassing silence.
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    What do you do when loneliness hits you?

    I've been alone for ten years. Haven't had a girlfriend in twenty years. I bask too. I watch CHEERS on TV when I get lonely. They haven't learned my name yet, but I'm sure they're glad to see me.
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    Is being alone such a crime?

    Scientists say loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking! Maybe it should be a crime. It would be horrible to be forced to make pals or even DATE. That's going too far.
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    I started at a community allotment recently. I love it. So nice to just sit in the hut drinking tea and eating biscuits and just chatting as the rain falls. DO STUFF. get out of your home and meet folk. Even if its just to be around them.
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    24 year old single virgin

    Take up as much hobbies as you can, so you always have something to talk about.
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    What is your passion?

    My passion is painting and making model figurines. The kind you get at Games Workshop etc. I like to make them from scratch(nothing). Actually they are made of paper clips and modelling clay...not nothing. That would be silly. here's an example. It's Richie and Eddie from BOTTOM. Anyone a fan?
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    I use to have friends.

    I've had loads of friends from all walks of life. I just didn't form a meaningful bond with them. I blame my brain. I was always odd.
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    I'm finished

    I'd just like to qualify how weird I am...I'm very weird. Here's some of my's not all me, most of it the first screenfuls are me. ...oh and I just got out of a rehab unit for people with mental problems. :)I told you I was weird...
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    Getting laid is really overrated

    I had a gf twenty years ago. I didn't really try for another one. People seem a bit boring. But I am into odd things, like using magic and looking for meaningful coincidences.
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    Been rejected so many times that I turned very bitter.

    I'm the same way. I shout at people in the street. Charity beggars especially. I'm not mad I just pretend to be so I can get away with it and blow off some steam.
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    I'm finished

    I made that same mistake. I'm forty now and I've been alone for ten years or more. I hate it. The good side of being a loner soon wears off. I'm currently trying to make friends. Anyone live in Hull, England and needs a weirdo for a pal?