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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    I have no close friends

    I feel you. I dont have ANY friends. people tick me off more than its worth for their company. I guess ive switched from desperation to anger over the years...
  2. M

    What are you thinking right now?

    That i am very.. very bored. anybody want to pm?
  3. M

    My immigrant story

    why did you say 'im not from mexico?' mexican college is not cheap. as for your situation, sorry to hear that. sounds like a bas situation to be in.
  4. M

    No sense of direction, no motivation, no flair for life.

    I have some advice that might help. Box. Seriously. Boxing is the ultimate motivating sport. No teams, no one to rely on or blame. Its all you. And losing isnt just a bad score, its bruises and cuts. Very good motivator if you ask me haha. Also, that motivation might carry over to the other...
  5. M

    I wouldn't mind to date 5 men at long as they pay me well.

    material wealth is really very overrated. Plus, wont you feel weird every time you turn on your brand new xbox 360 knowing WHERE you got the money for it? Or new car or whatever floats your boat ;) Its why ive never stolen anything, It would feel weird using it. I guess perhaps this is...
  6. M

    Do any of you have some turn ons that you believe others may find odd?

    Most of my friends find it very odd that i pay so much attention to scent. I like good fragrances, but not overly powerful ones, even a shampoo thats too strong is kind of a turn off. And small hands. I just really like small hands. I think its because all of the ladies in my family have very...
  7. M

    what is the most romantic love song you've ever heard?

    thats a great song. my choice is Ill follow you into the dark, by death cab for cutie. Its alternative-ish and not what i usually listen to, but its awesome. Its about total and utter devotion. It makes my soul yearn for someone i could love like the song says. FOLLOW YOU INTO THE DARK Love...
  8. M


    whenever i dream of my ex girlfriend its always about slapping the shizniz out of her..... when i wake up and find out i didnt actually do it, say the exact same thing.... 'what a let down' haha. seriously though, that must have sucked bad.
  9. M

    When I die, I want to go out with a bang.

    this thread kicks ass. Id like to go out spitting, cursing and fighting. Like insane zombie aliens swarming all around me as i stand defiant with a military grade shotgun, a case of grenades, and a freaking war hammer in hand, while a bus full of women and children and... puppies... yeah women...
  10. M

    alone.. again

    attack the body mercilessly with hooks until shes out of breath, then go for the head with a wild looping left hand? I can do this!! :club: :D on a serious note though, youre spot on. Im alone because im picky as heck, I know this. even though its my fault, it still sucks. so where am i...
  11. M

    alone.. again

    Ive always loved the sport of boxing, and ive been active in local clubs since the YMCA at 8, to my first pro fight at 15, up until now at 21. I had the toughest fight of my life yesterday, it was an awesome match for me, i was in probably the best boxing shape of my life and i was really...
  12. M

    Sexually frustrated

    I see what you say, and i understand where you are coming from. But you dont understand where i come from. Yes my religion molded my views on sex, but its not the only thing i take into consideration. I dont just want to be a virgin until I marry, i want the woman i marry to be a virgin. Its...
  13. M

    Sexually frustrated

    most definitely my friend. No sex till marriage.
  14. M

    I still love my parents... but I just have to write this

    when his friends asked him how he let his girls leave home to go to college, and there fore be exposed to outside infuences, my grandfather always said this " when your roots are strong and well set, you can walk through the hottest of infernos and not get burned" maybe you can tell your folks...
  15. M

    Sexually frustrated

    have i ever been sexually frustrated? HAHA! all. the. time. seriously. first off, Im catholic, secondly I want to be able to give myself to the woman i marry (if i ever find her) completely mentally and physically (yeah i know... crazy huh? i guess its because i was raised by my mom so im...
  16. M

    another failed job application

    hey OP, you need to calm down. Mysis was only trying to help you. You come on here and type out a horrible sentence, both grammatically and information wise, and when someone asks you to clarify SO THEY CAN HELP you attack them? On top of that Mysis again tries to help and clear away any...
  17. M

    are you scared you'll always be lonely?

    To answer your question: I will never give up on looking for my partner in this life, but part of me just kind of... knows... that im never going to find her. ah well, i came into this world alone and I'll die alone. and as for the rest of you post, I dont see what the problem is. So you like...
  18. M

    One messed up dude

    Hey cloud, first off, you gotta stop putting yourself down. You just have a very active thinking process, thats a good thing. secondly, why not make friends at your work? they work the same hoursa s you, so you could hang out. welcom to the forums by theway
  19. M

    What Does " The Good Life" mean to you??

    To find the one i dream of. The one that i fight for. I dont need money, or friends, or vices, just Her. I do not know what she looks like, what she likes doing, her hobbies or her fears; but its for her that i fight. For her that Im busting my hump to get a good career, so she and our...
  20. M

    Am I wasting time with this girl?

    She's flaking brother. Sad to say, but you are simply being too much of gentleman. Stop trying to be so nice and be a man. If she keeps flaking, move on. there are SOOOO many women on this planet, dont waste your time with one dumb one who cant see your value.