Any other stay at home moms out there?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
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I am a stay at home mom. And there can be a loneliness to it. Yes it is true that I am never actually alone but during the day it can be boring and quiet. I have tried to go to mom's meets ups and coffee morning things but something is wrong with me:

I am boring, I have nothing to stay, I'm not funny and sometimes it feels like other moms don't like me and I dont even know why. I just dont fit it. I dont know why. I try to accept everyone but I think because I dont have a strong or interesting personality, or maybe because I dont dress well or something I am not accepted or ever invited anywhere and it is huge effort to make friends with very little outcome.

I dont think everyone else has it this hard to make mommy friends but I cant be sure as I havent lived anyone else's life.

Are there any other moms or housewives in the same situation..

Does anyone in general have any ideas on what I could do about this?
Since what you're describing is actually a quite general problem, not just applicable to stay at home moms, I'll take my chances and comment.

It sounds like you feel socially awkward in the typical conversation based social settings, and that's okay. Perhaps you could do something else that's more activity based. Try joining a class, course, a sport club, a charity, ... etc
jales said:
I am a stay at home mom. And there can be a loneliness to it. Yes it is true that I am never actually alone but during the day it can be boring and quiet. I have tried to go to mom's meets ups and coffee morning things but something is wrong with me:

I am boring, I have nothing to stay, I'm not funny and sometimes it feels like other moms don't like me and I dont even know why. I just dont fit it. I dont know why. I try to accept everyone but I think because I dont have a strong or interesting personality, or maybe because I dont dress well or something I am not accepted or ever invited anywhere and it is huge effort to make friends with very little outcome.

I dont think everyone else has it this hard to make mommy friends but I cant be sure as I havent lived anyone else's life.

Are there any other moms or housewives in the same situation..

Does anyone in general have any ideas on what I could do about this?

Hi there,

Yes!!! I have with mine, although they are much older now. It can be massively lonely. There is nothing wrong with you at all. It is amazing how many parents feel like this.

I think having kids is a bit like starting high school again. You are thrown into situations with your kids and having to interact with other people. Like clinics, playgroups, and don't even start me on school yards, even the park and play centres. Unfortunately with this comes all the people as an adult you don 't bother with normally. The people who look down their noses, the competitive ones, the nosey ones, the bullies. So that can make these situations intimidating as well.

I have had a Mother in a clinic express her disbelief that I gave my child the MMR vaccine. According to her, it was a must to pay private and have the individual vaccines. I have experienced the cliques at playgroups. Sometimes I think the cliques have been forged out of a few people being so insecure they have latched onto each other and don't actually like each other much, but are too scared to do things on their own, I have seen it loads and they start bitching behind each others backs. Amazing what you over hear when on your own at a playgroup lol. Then their are the families, who have each other. Sometimes people don't like change and don't accept or allow others. All I can say to that is you are better off not spending your time worrying about them.

If I can give any advice it would be going to as many different things as you can, without tiring yourself lol, and just focus on enjoying that play time with your little ones or sitting having a brew while they explore. While there look for a new face, someone who looks terrified at the same things, I promise there are more than you think. Give them a friendly smile. You might see that Mum with the newborn in one arm and a demanding toddler in the other looking bedraggled, offer to hold the baby while she sees to the toddler, it starts a conversation and she might be so relieved. Just be yourself.

I never made any real friends at that time of my life, just acquintances that I would be able to chat to when I went, but also I didn't want anyone coming close either. Occasionaly I would pluck up the courage and ask one of them if they fancied meeting up at play centre on another day. I found it easier once they started full time school. You get chatting in the schoolyard. You get to know them bit by bit. I now have a few friends that I know I count on and vice versa.

An idea I toyed with, but didn't have the guts to do, was create your own group, maybe in a area with few things going on if you can travel. Or create a group with a different theme? Like a craft or baking.

Anyway sorry for the waffle, but I understand how you feel. I hope it might be of some help.

Take care.
I don't think there's anything wrong with you. A connection isn't always made between people. It happens. I'm sure, if you decide to go to meet-ups and whatnot again, there will be at least a few people that you can have nice conversations with eventually.
I was a stay at home mom for 10 years. Then my ex and I separated and now I'm a work at home mom.

I don't think there's anything wrong with you at all. I think it's probably just that you have been set in your routine for so long you find yourself boring and don't know what to do with yourself. Switch up your routine, find something to do.
Thank you for your replies. Serenia that is a really good answer. It is good to know that others have been through it. I guess it is part of life learning to rely on yourself and your family more and less on random people who may have different priorities and likes etc. Maybe one day I will find people who I click with and till then I just have to keep myself busy. It is good that such nice communities like this one exist.

Thank you for all answers.
Jales, I am a new mom and I feel exactly the same as you. I thought that being a new mom would allow me to make friends easily from mom groups. I've been trying and trying and the effort is not reciprocated. I don't understand why...they always seem very receptive but when the time comes, I don't hear back from them.

I am still trying...I found a mom on Facebook and will be meeting her this week. Hopefully she is not a flake. There are many mom groups on Facebook. I'm not a fan of FB, but I've resorted to it because I feel my loneliness when I see other moms bonding with each other and their children as well. Maybe give that a try?

Even lonely for friendship as I am...I'd rather be a stay-at-home mom than a working mom. Both situations can be lonely but being a stay-at-home least you get to see your beautiful children and you don't have to deal with ridiculous people in the workforce. I go back to work in a few months...I wish I didn't have to.

Keep joining groups and see how that goes. My last trip, I thought to myself "Why did I even come? The loud people are shouting over everyone...I can't even get a word in!" but sometimes you just gotta fake it until you make it. I hope to find one good friend and I will be happy.
I'm hoping for the same... just one good friend and I'll be good. Good luck to us both. If you are free in the day to skype maybe we can try that as well?

IceCastles said:
Jales, I am a new mom and I feel exactly the same as you. I thought that being a new mom would allow me to make friends easily from mom groups. I've been trying and trying and the effort is not reciprocated. I don't understand why...they always seem very receptive but when the time comes, I don't hear back from them.

I am still trying...I found a mom on Facebook and will be meeting her this week. Hopefully she is not a flake. There are many mom groups on Facebook. I'm not a fan of FB, but I've resorted to it because I feel my loneliness when I see other moms bonding with each other and their children as well. Maybe give that a try?

Even lonely for friendship as I am...I'd rather be a stay-at-home mom than a working mom. Both situations can be lonely but being a stay-at-home least you get to see your beautiful children and you don't have to deal with ridiculous people in the workforce. I go back to work in a few months...I wish I didn't have to.

Keep joining groups and see how that goes. My last trip, I thought to myself "Why did I even come? The loud people are shouting over everyone...I can't even get a word in!" but sometimes you just gotta fake it until you make it. I hope to find one good friend and I will be happy.
I used to be in the same position and I have social anxiety which made matters worse. I think you have to find something that genuinely interests that way you already have something that you can talk about. I think parent groups can be too cliquey and coffee mornings only work if you're willing to put in the effort to go up to someone,ask people questions and get to know them. Are there any college courses that you can do in the day time or any social centres nearby that offer classes?
LOW CONFIDENCE IN you .Read books online on how to make friends .pozitive thinking ,law of attraction ,you will succed

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