AQ's Art

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That's awesome!

Keep up the wonderful work!
How long does it take to make something like that?

Thank you very much hon! I work hard on my little things so it means a lot when someone cares enough to look at them and appreciate them. :)
Hey again nice people!

I used to have a forum called Arsenic Pudding (where I was of course the Arsenic Queen). A lot of friends joined but they all eventually stopped going (school, work, busy, loss of interest, whatever made them just stop) and about a year ago I closed it. But I still got a few little goodies I had made for it.

Today I'm bringing the Arsenic Ooze Smileys, toxic but cute mini jelly men, inspired from the weakest enemies in videogame RPGs. I'm posting the links to them, so if you want to use them instead of regular yellow smileys (if it's ok with the Mods here...), just post them the same way you'd post an image, where you'd normally post a smiley. Each of them is 23x23 pixels, with a transparent background.

The Arsenic Ooze Smileys

This is my little guys without their awesome displays

And here's the whole list in links. I suggest you right-click the links to copy the shortcut properly.



Big Smile/Excited




Roll Eyes/Doubtful




Unsure/Not happy


All that stuff is (c) Billie Lith / Arsenic Queen (me), 2008. :)
** If the Mods here don't think Arsenic Ooze smileys a good idea, simply tell me and I'll remove this.
Thanks people, it's very sweet of you to stop by and take a look, and I love your kind feedback. I like to share my stuff.

I still have a treasure-box of pretty artworks, animations and stuff I found online along the years, made by other artists. I kept some of this stuff for over 15 years! Maybe after my death some of my little things will still be shared by people.

I've been harshly criticized in artschool, one of my teachers even told me repeatedly I wouldn't make it and should give arts up. If you nice people like my little things, I musn't be that bad.
Im no art critic and don't know a ton about it, but I think whether art is good or bad is something that is entirely subjective so just because one ass art teacher doesn't like it doesn't mean its bad. I mean if someone looks at some art and gets a positive response from it then to me that art is good. I looked around your site a bit and I like a lot of the stuff you made. I like the illustration with the like puzzle pieces and I really liked the pictures you had in the "is it a sphere,diamond or square" segment of the site. Like the one with the black and white sections of a building and things twisting around is really cool. I really like art like that and have saved up similar ones from the internet haha. Like I enjoy art or photos that are like dark, black and white, and abstract. And I like images or art like that gives you different directions to look in or like tunnel vision type of views if you know what I mean. I'm probably not making too much sense haha. My avatar is something like that although it has color haha. Its from Tool album art and by the artist alex grey ( I just love that picture My computer background image is always something like that or a black and white style photograph/picture haha.

Arsenic Queen said:
Thanks people, it's very sweet of you to stop by and take a look, and I love your kind feedback. I like to share my stuff.

I still have a treasure-box of pretty artworks, animations and stuff I found online along the years, made by other artists. I kept some of this stuff for over 15 years! Maybe after my death some of my little things will still be shared by people.

I've been harshly criticized in artschool, one of my teachers even told me repeatedly I wouldn't make it and should give arts up. If you nice people like my little things, I musn't be that bad.

Hmmmm, an art teacher telling you repeatedly to give up, makes me wonder what the teachers problem/shortcomings are. When I was in high school the physical education teacher became the art teacher- it was laughable. Kind of like making the math instructor an English lit. instructor.

Glad you've stuck it out A.Q., your postings sound like an artsy type is writing them.
Hey there 21, thanks for your appreciation of my art pieces on my website. It's kind of you. I checked the alex grey picture mentioned, quite cool too! It reminds me of the background textures in some videogames sometimes. Shining Force I think. Certain palaces had these kinds of textures on their walls when the characters attacked monsters. It's really cool indeed. Kinda surrealistic.

Thanks a lot Lonely in BC, kind of you. You know, when you're a student, you can't always feel "expert" enough to know if the teacher is right or not. Hindsight view is always 20/20, now I can see she was way too insisting with that crap, and I think you're right, it's probably a frustration about her own life she was taking out on me. There's some of the stuff she considered lame, that I actually put in my final portfolio because I really liked them.

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