Arrogrance is low self esteem. Or Lowselfsteem in denial.
If you encounter an egotistc a-hole.
It is evident that the a-hole hasn't figure out his honeysuckle stinks.
Not to worry...usually the last person to figure it out is him/herself.
Be humble or having humilty is accepting oneself as a human being.
Being human one can accept human's imperfections, flaws and defects.
We all have assets and liabilities.
Graditute...that's the opposite of envy. Which means i don't want what others have.
I'm so grateful I'm not an arrogrance son of a ***** and i don't want what an arrogrance prick has.
Repect...First you have to repect for yourself before you can repect others.
I repect myself enough today to tell arrogrance ass wipe to fresia off.
Responsiblities...That's being able to stand on my own two feet, carry my own wieght and keep my side of the street clean.
I'm responsiblible for my happiness, actions, and life today.
I take full responsiblities for my life today...I take actions to tell arrogrance a-hole to fresia off and die
if they fresia with me. In other words...keep your own **** trash on your side of the
Moderations...that's living a balance life.
Maybe on a tuesday I'll tell arrogrance asswipes to fresia off...Ya can't over do it..lmao the opposite of Anger.
I'm slow to anger today. i have compassion for myself today. I love myself.
I don't get angery at myself for telling arrogrance ass wipe to fresia off and die.
Generocity...which is the opposite of greed.
That's knowing i have more than enough or spreading the wealth.
I have plenty more of fresia OFF and DIE to
Sharing is caring.
Evidently i don't feel depressed becuase I'm not allowing myself to get obpressed by arrogrance ass
I humble myself to tell arrogrance ass wips to fresia off. For I do not live in fear. I love myself today.
LOVE over comes arrogrance ass wipes.