Be Your Own Publisher

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Wales, UK
A good thing for all the unpublished writers on this forum (y)

Why Not Be Your Own Publisher?
Writing a book is a feat. The problem is that most books do not get published, not necessarily because they are not good, but because their authors are unknown. Many works, now considered classic, were originally self published. Felibri can help you become your own publisher at the lowest price with print on demand technology (POD).

What is Print on Demand?
In the past, authors who could not find a publisher either forwent the idea of publishing or paid thousands of dollars to a vanity publisher to print thousands of books that they could not sell because they did not have a distribution network.

New revolutionary digital technology has changed that. Now, you can see your book in print without having to give up an arm and a leg for it. With less than a hundred dollars and in less than two weeks. And sell it all over the world with no effort.

Print on Demand allows us to print as little as one book after it is sold or a demand is generated. We print only what is needed to meet your current demand - whether that's a single book or 1,000.

Once an order is placed, we print and deliver the book to its intended destination. You don't have to worry about logistics, inventory management, distribution or collection and credit.


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