Called an escort and got robbed...

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
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It wasn't the first time I called an escort but I never had problem like this before.
I paid the cash, then she mentioned she forgot the condoms and went back to the car and her and the chauffeur immediately drove away. And told me to think twice before complaining, I didn't understand what she ment but now I know it was a threat, for not going to the police.
However I think the reason for this was because she found me very unattractive and simply didn't want to do it with me.
I am still stunned by this ordeal and will probably never call an escort again, as i've become really unattractive for women recently.
She could at least given me the money back.
DarkSelene said:
That's why you don't pay up front.

Actually, that's why you don't call an escort.

Hawx79, the only thing hiring escorts is going to do is put bigger and bigger dents in your self-esteem. Not to mention, it will keep you from developing skills or at least trying to get with women in other healthier ways. And, not to mention, bigger dents in your pocket.
DarkSelene said:
Somnambulist said:
DarkSelene said:
That's why you don't pay up front.

Actually, that's why you don't call an escort.

I can't judge someone's wishes about that.

It's not judging. I think the OP is posting this here to get some advice from us. Giving advice is not judging.

If someone says, "I killed someone, but didn't wipe the evidence clean.", I'm going to respond with "You shouldn't kill people."
Somnambulist said:
DarkSelene said:
Somnambulist said:
DarkSelene said:
That's why you don't pay up front.

Actually, that's why you don't call an escort.

I can't judge someone's wishes about that.

It's not judging. I think the OP is posting this here to get some advice from us. Giving advice is not judging.

If someone says, "I killed someone, but didn't wipe the evidence clean.", I'm going to respond with "You shouldn't kill people."

Well, I don't think calling an escort could be compared to that but I get the point.
DarkSelene said:
Well, I don't think calling an escort could be compared to that but I get the point.

Right, I just mean that hiring escorts is wrong on many levels (in my humble opinion, of course) ...

- First and foremost, I think there is something fundamentally wrong with paying for an experience so primordial and essential that everyone should have it. It's like paying for Oxygen.
- I don't know how it is to other guys, but when I make love to a woman, there is ALWAYS an emotional connection for me. Sex makes me want to stay up and talk to a woman all night long. It makes me wanna get up out of bed in the morning and bring her breakfast in bed ... even if it's a friend with benefits or a bar hookup. I cannot begin to fathom pulling out my wallet after pulling out of a woman.
- The people that run these escorts, as the OP had the misfortune of finding out, are, by the very nature of their line of work, cunning and conniving, and will not act with your best interest in mind. They will not hesitate to knife you (I witnessed an incident, firsthand) to get your money, knowing that you cannot go to the police.
- To me, paying for sex is the most self-degrading and self-denigrating thing one can do. It's like saying that no one on this Earth wants to have sex with me, and you (the prostitute) are doing me a huge favor by having sex with me ... a favor that has a monetary value. That has got to be a major self-esteem killer.
- Last, but not least, it can lead to big dents in pockets and bank accounts.
- STDs ?

OP, I'm not saying this to judge your actions. It is with the intention of making you see what you're inviting into your life, that I say this.

I'd rather make love to my right hand all my life than hire someone for sex. I don't consider sex a favor. It's far simpler and purer than that.
Some people do pay for oxygen. You know, when they don't get enough of it...
I'm sorry you got robbed, but I hope this really does put you off escorts from now on, given your other posts about them. I don't think they are good for you, considering.
Well, as a female, i really would not want to date a man who is engaged in that sort of thing. And, in reality, that effort and time you are expending in that regard makes you less available to really meet your soul mate. Just my opinion and it's your life.
I doubt it had anything to do with your looks, and I doubt this is the first time an escort has robbed a client. Just be glad it wasn't worse, like they drug you or knock you out and harvest your organs. This is the risk you take with escorts/prostitutes/random person at a bar etc, some are out just to rob a person with zero intention of ever having sex with them, no matter what they look like. You think many of these people want to have sex with every person who hires them? Probably not, many are just in it for the money not the sex. From interviews I've seen about the industry that is why many get into the sex trade, for the money and not the sex, and people get robbed quite often. I don't know why you'd have an escort and not have condoms yourself. If she wanted to use her own you just ask for the money back and give it to her when she comes back with her own condoms. You can't trust anyone these days.
Somnambulist said:
DarkSelene said:
Well, I don't think calling an escort could be compared to that but I get the point.

Right, I just mean that hiring escorts is wrong on many levels (in my humble opinion, of course) ...

- First and foremost, I think there is something fundamentally wrong with paying for an experience so primordial and essential that everyone should have it. It's like paying for Oxygen.
- I don't know how it is to other guys, but when I make love to a woman, there is ALWAYS an emotional connection for me. Sex makes me want to stay up and talk to a woman all night long. It makes me wanna get up out of bed in the morning and bring her breakfast in bed ... even if it's a friend with benefits or a bar hookup. I cannot begin to fathom pulling out my wallet after pulling out of a woman.
- The people that run these escorts, as the OP had the misfortune of finding out, are, by the very nature of their line of work, cunning and conniving, and will not act with your best interest in mind. They will not hesitate to knife you (I witnessed an incident, firsthand) to get your money, knowing that you cannot go to the police.
- To me, paying for sex is the most self-degrading and self-denigrating thing one can do. It's like saying that no one on this Earth wants to have sex with me, and you (the prostitute) are doing me a huge favor by having sex with me ... a favor that has a monetary value. That has got to be a major self-esteem killer.
- Last, but not least, it can lead to big dents in pockets and bank accounts.
- STDs ?

OP, I'm not saying this to judge your actions. It is with the intention of making you see what you're inviting into your life, that I say this.

I'd rather make love to my right hand all my life than hire someone for sex. I don't consider sex a favor. It's far simpler and purer than that.

It's clear as day that this is a self-esteem issue. Thinking that someone who's been hired to do a job, or many jobs (pun intended), is worried about your physical appearance and not just about what they'll get out of the whole deal is incredibly naive and, bordering, depressing. 

Now, my personal opinions on calling an escort and on sex itself won't help the OP at all in this matter, which is why I just think he should've acted like Sci-Fi puts in his post, you can't trust someone like this with your money... so, any further discussions on these specific points are unecessary to this thread.
Well yep makeing love to your right hand but I actually think that's just about equally undermining...which brings me on to the subject of realistic dolls, I advertised for quite some time for a cuddle buddy on a paid basis because I thought it would improve my general frame frame of mind but got very little response and the response I did get was not at all what I was seeking...there is such an entire world of scammers out there I've totally given up but still looking for based on the popularity of realistic dolls I figured sod it !! hopefully it can be a better option than I've placed my order and can only hope that what turns up isn't totally horrendous, for anyone interested in this subject visit the Dolls Forum, are the posters tragic, some because they look to the doll to be a substitute for a partner, others look at it more realistically and are simply seeing some solace and it does appear to work for some...these things are not cheap £1500-3000+
sothatwasmylife said:
Well yep making love to your right hand but I actually think that's just about equally undermining...which brings me on to the subject of realistic dolls, I advertised for quite some time for a cuddle buddy on a paid basis because I thought it would improve my general frame frame of mind but got very little response and the response I did get was not at all what I was seeking...there is such an entire world of scammers out there I've totally given up but still looking for based on the popularity of realistic dolls I figured sod it !! hopefully it can be a better option than I've placed my order and can only hope that what turns up isn't totally horrendous, for anyone interested in this subject visit the Dolls Forum,  are the posters tragic, some because they look to the doll to be a substitute for a partner, others look at it more realistically and are simply seeing some solace and it does appear to work for some...these things are not cheap £1500-3000+
But you have to realise that anything designed to represent a child and unfortunately these do exist on various vendors sites will quite likely and entirely justifiably be seized and destroyed by customs and quite possibly result in a visit by the police...I'm not suggesting anyone from this forum would be so inclined ,just pointing out that UK Customs will not tolerate this kind of aberration.
DarkSelene said:
any further discussions on these specific points are unecessary to this thread.

First off, sharing opinions and viewpoints is kind of the point of this forum, in the hopes that others can get something from them. Secondly, my post was intended for the original poster of this thread. So, it is immaterial what you or anyone else thinks about my opinion. Even if he thinks it's unnecessary, I had something to say, I said it ... take it or leave it. Thirdly, if you take a minute to read between the lines of what I said, or just scroll down to the last couple of lines, it will become obvious that I stated my opinion about sex with the direct intention of getting the OP to ponder the subject of paying for sex, which is the root cause of the issue here. I could have given him some advice on a more superficial level, like don't pay up front or take your condoms, but I addressed an issue I thought was far more important and potentially impactful.

For the record, I think that the more superficial advice that was given to the OP is "unnecessary". But, I didn't feel the need to say this until I heard this absurd comment about my advice being "unnecessary".

But, I do agree that some people on this forum have weaker voices and cannot be heard, no matter what they say, so it's best for those voices not to speak.

In any case, I'm done speaking about this topic. Thank you for honoring me with the time you took to read and respond.
I actually thought my post was entirely relevant to this thread and for entirely obvious reasons...loneliness and a desire for sex are two absolute fundamentals that make major contributions to unhappiness your not seriously telling me that in 2016 this site is clinginging onto puritanical viewpoints more in keeping with the 1950s.
As for the right hand comment I do have a personal viewpoint and it is my thinking that this form of release can become deeply undermining

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