Did you ever love me?

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I wonder. Breaking my heart was not enough for you. You don't even acknowledge what you did to me.

Do you ever stop thinking about yourself long enough to take responsibility for yourself and the things you do?
I think the same thing about someone who told me she was committed to me, then turned around broke her promise and stabbed me in the back.

So much for all that garbage, right.
potato said:
I wonder. Breaking my heart was not enough for you. You don't even acknowledge what you did to me.

Do you ever stop thinking about yourself long enough to take responsibility for yourself and the things you do?

I noticed you are new here. You also didn't post this in the diary section. Are you addressing this to someone actually active on this website? If not your post almost wouldn't make any sense. If you are maybe it's best handled in private messages.
Kenny said:
potato said:
I wonder. Breaking my heart was not enough for you. You don't even acknowledge what you did to me.

Do you ever stop thinking about yourself long enough to take responsibility for yourself and the things you do?

I noticed you are new here. You also didn't post this in the diary section. Are you addressing this to someone actually active on this website? If not your post almost wouldn't make any sense. If you are maybe it's best handled in private messages.

Seems to be a smaller world than we may think.

I trust that if the mods feel this thread is misplaced, they will move the thread.

potato said:
Kenny said:
potato said:
I wonder. Breaking my heart was not enough for you. You don't even acknowledge what you did to me.

Do you ever stop thinking about yourself long enough to take responsibility for yourself and the things you do?

I noticed you are new here. You also didn't post this in the diary section. Are you addressing this to someone actually active on this website? If not your post almost wouldn't make any sense. If you are maybe it's best handled in private messages.

Seems to be a smaller world than we may think.

I trust that if the mods feel this thread is misplaced, they will move the thread.

Alrighty I hope you find peace in whatever way you are seeking. I've spent a few years around forums like this and I just wanted to offer my advice that issues like this which clearly seem to be personal business with another forum member usually deteriorate rapidly out in a public thread.

All the best,
If that person were a member of this forum I wouldn't be surprised. But to my knowledge, they are not.

I'm hurting and lonely from a long relationship that went sour. I don't see why it needs to go in the diary section. I think I just wanted to be reminded that I am not the only one who goes through this.
not misplaced at all really.

I know exactly how you feel, I've begun to doubt whether my love ever loved me at all.
Kenny, you don't need to moderate. Potato is probably just getting something out of mind, off the chest, off the shoulders.

Actually, I also feel the same way about someone. Which is why I'm stopping myself now.
It's cool but you've gotta admit it did read like was addressed to a specific person. I'll bug off.

Kenny said:
It's cool but you've gotta admit it did read like was addressed to a specific person. I'll bug off.


I won't lie, it obviously is. Even if it was in the diary section, it still would be. I don't see the difference? lol.

Whether or not they will ever see it, I don't know. I'm unconcerned. I know I won't get the answers I want. There is also nothing I can do to fix what they have done to me. I'm just trying to pick up the pieces, and struggling at it.

Well,potato,probably this person just hasn't realized how you feel,and if he did/you told him,then probably he took it as you being in a bad mood for the time being
Will...I know my exwf posted in the diary section.

love is so **** complicated sometimes...

Of course I loved you..why in the heck did you think I married ya..
To divorce you than have weekly visit to the fucken shirk???

Breath by Breaking Benjamin
Just because someone loved you in the past does not mean they will love you in the present. Love is like any other emotion. It can change into something else. If someone no longer likes you what do they care if your heart is broken?

Plus so many hearts are so fragile. Someone could be as gentle as possible with the break up and still be accused of breaking a heart.

As Butters said on South Park
butters said:
Since I feel this bad I must have felt really good at one point
You lose more by brooding over the other person's feelings. Instead of going out and finding the next person to make you happy.
I think one of the hardest lessons in all of this is that I need to learn how to make me happy and love myself.

A broken heart is enough. I do not know how to digest everything else.
It is a complicated thing... I will give some theoretical situation's of why someone might end a potentially very good relationship.

What if someone thought they didnt deserve the person they fell for?
Maybe this person could of thought their partner would have a better life without them, especially if they were partially depressed. People can have thoughts like this which can seem pretty irrational and even selfish. Ofcourse thats not to say this person was right about their choice and may even regret it when they have properly reflected on the situation.

If the person was new to relationships and especially if the person is young then maybe they got scared?
Scared because of where the relationship could lead, the fact it could turn into something very serious and simply wasnt experienced enough to cope or got confused by it. Falling in love at a very young age... love is a confusing thing and can cause all sorts of emotions in a person. Having such emotions can be very confusing especially at a young age and especially if they are not really quite developed emotionally yet. It can cause someone to make an irrational choice.

Maybe the whole breakup was a mistake due to this confusion or from incorrect assumption. Maybe this person didnt realise how much the other really loved them and also maybe the person loved the other back too but got scared.

What if something happened which was embarassing to the person and wasnt experienced enough with relationships to deal with it?
It could be something that the other in the relationship thinks is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, as if its insignificant... but it could of actually really affected the person quite badly causing them to decide to end the relationship out of embarrassment. Especially if the person is not good socially and/or new to relationships.

Ofcourse i dont know your own situation potato, i could be completely off the mark.... but i thought i would throw some ideas out there anyway also in hope that others might even be able to reflect on their past relationships and why the relationship could of ended especially if it ended abruptly for seemingly no real reason. Sometimes a relationship was just never meant to be but sometimes a relationship could of been the best thing in the world for both people. The person who ended it could of made a mistake potentially because of many reasons like circumstance, relationship inexperience, confusion, social inexperience, emotional inexperience etc.
ShybutHi,don't convince yourself that most people break up just because "they're scared",mistakes or even for lack of experience.

I once broke up with a girl just because I stopped feeling love for her. Yes,the relationship was great. Yes,she was an awesome girl and even more today. But no,I don't regret it. I though I was carefull with it,she cried her eyes out and had her friends screw me over. It was a long time ago and we're both friends now anyway,so you see where it goes.
I'm afraid this won't help much,
but I'm reminded of a saying that I heard fairly recently:

Every relationship
is under the control
of the person who cares the least.

Ouch is right, I don't believe that one bit. Some might be but not every. Truth is it's the one who cares the most that take it the hardest.
It's true.

The one who cares the least in a relationship has the most power.

One person brings love to that relationship and the other brings control.

Oldest trick in the book.
Poueff said:
ShybutHi,don't convince yourself that most people break up just because "they're scared",mistakes or even for lack of experience.

I once broke up with a girl just because I stopped feeling love for her. Yes,the relationship was great. Yes,she was an awesome girl and even more today. But no,I don't regret it. I though I was carefull with it,she cried her eyes out and had her friends screw me over. It was a long time ago and we're both friends now anyway,so you see where it goes.

Well yeah man thats obvious that people will sometimes break up if they are not attracted anymore. My post was actually from the situation of a couple who are still attracted to each other, but for whatever reason, the relationship finished. :)

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