I was a teenager in the 80's. It totally kicked ass.
It was before MADD. It was when we could cruize the town and drag strip. Park in paking lots in mini malls or the main mall...get total wasted.
If we get cuaght with pot or beer...the cops would just make us pour it out and just tell us to go home...but they
bascailly let us have the town on the weekends...they knew what we were doing. it was becuase we weren't violent.
We used to park all cock eyed.
once you park you can't get out of the parking lot..lmao Then the cops would show up at 1 am..wtf???
Every satureday morning the parking would be totally covered with beer cans..lmao
If we got into a fight...it was a fist fight...then we probably became friend or still talk to each other.
Or we would go hang out at the home stead( out side of town) have a barn fire party.
Or there were always kegger parties.
Every weekend all the teenagers would be out and about partying just having a great time.
No major gangs activites...no fucken creazy drive by. No one getting kill becuase of stupid honeysuckle.
There were still drive in...We used to go hang out there too.
Make out in the back seat with your girl...hahahaaaaa
It was way before the innernet...we were simply more active. vedio games were cool..but we hang out in arcades
We used to play street football..guys/gals.
Sex, drugs and rock N roll. Wild, young , and crazy.
heavy metal, new wave, punk...disco was dead.
Skateboarding , BMX was really in.
Gas was still under a dallor..forever.
You can own a bad ass muscel car..sup it up and burn rubber all day long.
The girls dressed totally kicked ass...anywhere from mini skirts, pre madona, tities t-shirts...wild..long wild hair.
Nobody were cutting themselve as a fad...
Hardly anyone had tattoo up the ass.
No one had body peircings..just on thier ears.
Guys didn't even wear earings back when.
hahahahaaa...I was totally wasted throughout the 80's...Evenscence...just beer and pot ...mostly pot.
i was a major pot head in HS. I got stoned 24/7s....Show up to class..got striaght A's..didn't cuase any problems...
I was mellow, happy go luckie. Most of my teachers knew it...
Every so often they'll have raids and go through our lockers.hahahahaaaaa
But they fucken told us before hand...Errrrrr.
Gotta go hide your stach somewhere else aside at school.lmao
Guess who I was if I was in the breakfest club...hahahahaaa
When I drive through town on a friday night at 9:30 PM to 2 pm it's like a fucken ghost town now.