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Rayri said:
im used to the whole..stay up late wake up early thing though.

No, you're not. You've indicated that you sleep in late.

Growth is change. Forcing yourself to sleep early is one of the easier things to do, if you can be consistent.

Try it. If you do sleep only for a little time naturally, then you'll find yourself waiting up around 5 AM or so - and then you can decide if you want to maintain that, or if the early morning hours offer you as much opportunity.
There is actually.a major benefit to getting up early. Apprantly people who get up early get more things done. Believe me when i say iv done.the whole sleep all day ...up all night(was for my job before i got to college). It fucks you up...dont do it. As others have said....go to bed earlier ..... it is not hard if you really want to keep your dog

i am still a night person these days....and being in college it really fucks with me....although i am doing my best to change it. These days i aim for 6 to 7 hours of sleep anymore or less i feel like crap or dont get anything done.

life takes effort...if you arent willing to work for wont get it.
Rayri said:
i could always take a break and have a nap in my freetime right ?

That wrks well too.

Napping is actually a fairly difficult technique to get down right. If you don't, it'll screw you up. Imagine being tired throughout school, or even sleeping in school and missing classes. Then you'll have worse grades, drama, and a whole new level of suck to deal with.

Just sleep one or two hours earlier. Honestly, if you wake up earlier, you can still do whatever you had wanted later at night, right?

Life's a complicated mess. Be glad for simple solutions; at least try it out? You're not forced to adhere to it.
I read about napping There is a trick into training your body for it. You lay down everyday at the same time, even if you don't sleep and set your alarm. You are telling your body that it's time to rest and eventually you'll be able to nod off. Don't know how well that works never tried it.
Sci-Fi said:
I read about napping There is a trick into training your body for it. You lay down everyday at the same time, even if you don't sleep and set your alarm. You are telling your body that it's time to rest and eventually you'll be able to nod off. Don't know how well that works never tried it.

It works, but you have to be really consistent about it. Enough control of your sleep can also be unexpected consequences, as I did when I got myself down to a few hours of sleep with regular nappings - you might also end up experiencing sleep paralysis with all its vivid hallucinations(essentially, lucid nightmares), so while its possible, you might not want to do it.

This is from experience, btw :p I ended up hearing voices from people I knew who couldn't be there anymore, knocking to get in; sensations of a demon made up of pure darkness; seeing small tribal-looking women with brown butterfly wings the size of two hands and the sight of severed heads of loved ones weeping.

Its not fun times. Or conversely, it can be interesting, but definitely something to consider before jumping in :p
O.O Eep...heck I already have to watch what I eat before I go to bed as it is, I don't want that. My naps are kind of random though...and come when I shouldn't be taking them. LOL!

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