Forgiveness will free you of emotional baggage.

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
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Canada. Toronto
To forgive others & yourself is important for emotional healing.
No matter how badly someone has hurt must release them & break the bond that has gripped your mind & soul.
A new inner-peace will replace the old wounds.
You will feel changed for your own serenity.

Enjoy your is your greatest gift.

Love will win.
You are worthy of all the Universe has to offer you.
You are unique & special & loved on high.
Know this & heal your essence.
You are # 1 .
Nice post!

But, it sure can be difficult to forgive others and especially yourself. I still carry alot of crap on my back that I just can't put down. I think I don't want to forget so I do not forgive. I've forgiven and forgotten things people did to me in the past. Then I aloud it to happen again. Then I get really mad at myself.
Nice post!

But, it sure can be difficult to forgive others and especially yourself. I still carry alot of crap on my back that I just can't put down. I think I don't want to forget so I do not forgive. I've forgiven and forgotten things people did to me in the past. Then I aloud it to happen again. Then I get really mad at myself.
We all are learning...the hard way.
Peace to you friend.
Nice post!

But, it sure can be difficult to forgive others and especially yourself. I still carry alot of crap on my back that I just can't put down. I think I don't want to forget so I do not forgive. I've forgiven and forgotten things people did to me in the past. Then I aloud it to happen again. Then I get really mad at myself.
Forgiveness is something I am willing to give. But many people take forgiveness for granted; they see it as an opportunity to hurt you again.
I will never forgive my brother or sister. I no longer consider them my family. It might be healthier for me to forgive them. But, I just can't do it.

I don't constantly dwell on it. I normally just don't even think about them either way. It's like they are meaningless to me any more like the box of Cheerios that I just finished.
I just watched the disturbing movie "Cleveland Abduction" last night and found myself thinking afterwards about forgiveness. As a Christian, I would be compelled to forgive an evil man who kidnapped, raped, beat, and imprisoned me for 10 years, effectively ruining my life afterwards with a lost son and permanently scarred emotions. But, I think my human nature would be too strong to live up to such expectations.

The main reason we are to forgive is because God requires us to do so if we expect him to forgive us from our own offenses against him - and we all have plenty of those to be judged for. Losing the emotional baggage though that Dan27 suggests is no doubt a major side benefit.

While I remain lacking in forgiving the worst offenses against me done by previous bosses and coworkers, I have gotten better at forgiving minor offenses that strangers routinely commit - like pulling out in front me in traffic, bumping into me in the store aisle, or saying something wrong. I've found that while some people are just rude ********, most commit unintentional offenses.

When I make an honest mistake, I want forgiveness. No doubt, forgiveness is a form of the golden rule - to treat others as you would have them treat you. That's really hard for us sinful natured humans, but a good goal for everyone to strive for.
I could tell you things that would make a statue cry.
Daddy left when I was 8, my step-father was an alcoholic wife-beater that tortured my Mom !
A failed marriage robbed me of my 2 sons !!
Drinking & driving was my final undoing...
There's more but it just doesn't change the damages done.
My own family has betrayed me.
My brother suicided 3 years ago...
I have issues with a Loving Creator.
Still, I soldier onward to my eventual death knowing someone has had it WORSE than me!

Be grateful for the positives in your life.
Cherish your health & friends.
Follow your bliss.
Heart's mend.
Troubles pass.
Never give up.
What if you'd be happier dancing on their grave, before pissing on it? That seems more cathartic
Funny you said that. I basically did that to the only person I’ve ever truly hated. It was very satisfying from what I remember.
Some things can be forgiven. Some not a chance in hell. I’d rather hate with passion than forgive the unforgivable.
I long for the day, that I can finally say... I forgive you... to the people that hurt me the most. To my birth mother, my adoptive mother, my attackers, my sister and well my ex.

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