Good years, bad years

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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In this thread, post about years past and how they in one way or another stand out (for example, good and bad), and why.

2001 (i learned about new hobbies that i became kind of obsessed with, i still pursue them)
2002 (just a good and somehow idyllic year. for one thing i discovered one of my favourite musical artists.)
2004 (a year where i partipicated in a couple of competitions online. i seemed to enjoy life and be relaxed, and a productive year about my hobbies.)
2008 (I found again some fun in life after difficult times, somehow i was relaxed and dreamt freely.)
2010 (i rediscovered some artistic interests that didn't strictly concern computers.)

2007 (the year after high school was over. a very depressive year. i did stupid and destructive things to myself. however, an important turning point.)
2009 (hm, online, my guiltful nature kept me to be loyal and serving(?) to people although they didn't deserve it. i think thats why i felt bad much of the year. this would change though.)
2010 (broke relations with someone online who i realized was a bad influence, and broke some other "expectations" that people had put on me concerning a hobby project. None of that went smoothly, and myself i did not handle it well at all, i was irritated much of the year)
It's funny, my current situation for the past going on 7 years now makes both lists.

1997-98: Ran family business, messed up business deal, lost lots of money and left good job.
1999-01: Worked for ******* of a boss that enjoyed manipulating people
2002: Jobless, depressed, lost.
2005-Current: Moved away from family for job, lonely, sometimes depressed/stressed,

1993-1996: Great group of friends, had a life (last few years of high school and business college).
1996-97: Good job, great coworkers
2003-Current: Got a new job with a decent employer. Independence, got involved with hobbies, met new online friends, worked on fun projects online. best years were secondary school and college (1990-1997). I had bad years from 2000 to 2010, the last one being the worst so, I have to discover how to do well and be happy. In 2011, I was basically recovering from 10 bad years and building myself up. So we'll see what happens in 2012. It could be my first good year in a long time, I hope it is. I'm really looking forward to more years so I can catch up in happiness what I haven't had so far.