Hello from Briish Columbia

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Lonely in BC

Kind of interesting the things that pop up when you type words like loneliness into Google. I'm an almost 45 year old man in Southeast British Columbia in a very small community (came here from the city a few years ago). I love my surroundings- a beautiful lake, the mountiains (covered in snow at the moment) and an amazing sky at night. I'm not so big on most of my neighbors though- lots of pointless bickering and gossiping, can't really say I have much time for that. Outsiders like myself are viewed with suspicion, makes it a bit tough to fit in. The recession has hit this little corner of the world kind of hard forcing me to take a job that I loath- I've discovered that not being able to do what my chosen career is (I'm a carpenter) has damaged my self esteem. While I've been a solitary person for much of my life I've come to realize that I feel very much alone right now- its unsettling.
Welcome to the site.
Hi there

Welcome to the site friend, I’m familiar with that sudden realisation of loneliness, it’s hard to describe but after years convincing myself that I like being alone it was like a light bulb went off in my head and I realised that I really wasn’t, far from it in fact.

Oddly enough I was going to move to British Columbia at one point; it looks amazing but was fearful of those small community blues since I live in one myself, I share your frustrations. Is it possible to practice carpentry while doing another job? As in take a few side jobs on the weekends while doing the usual nine to five?
Lost Drifter said:
Hi there

Welcome to the site friend, I’m familiar with that sudden realisation of loneliness, it’s hard to describe but after years convincing myself that I like being alone it was like a light bulb went off in my head and I realised that I really wasn’t, far from it in fact.

Oddly enough I was going to move to British Columbia at one point; it looks amazing but was fearful of those small community blues since I live in one myself, I share your frustrations. Is it possible to practice carpentry while doing another job? As in take a few side jobs on the weekends while doing the usual nine to five?

Thanks for the welcome and the feedback. I have been doing side jobs and working on my own home to find some satisfaction. Here's the kicker though. I'm currently working on a site and was put into the role of Site Safety due to the first aid level I have. At first I tried to embrace it but I've realized that being on the tools or being site supervisor is where I find my level of satisfaction. Wandering the site looking for safety infractions leaves me feeling like I'm not contributing- its a very unsettling feeling. So here I sit- no career satisfaction, alienated from those around me because I'm "not local", and no real sense of family (grew up with alcoholics, have very little tolerance for that kind of grief). I'm not having a pity party for myself, I've just come to realize I'm truly alone- its a very bizarre place I find myself in.
Heya! Nice to see another from BC! I am currently in BC for school. Although I am younger, I know what it feels like to be lonely. I myself find it very frustrating, confusing, saddening....everything at the same time. It really breaks me inside sometimes, especially when I am not focused on something.

Its nice that you can atleast find some satisfaction on working on your own house. Although if job opportunities are not so great in the area you reside in, have you ever thought of possibly relocating again? Is it viable?
innerfyre said:
Heya! Nice to see another from BC! I am currently in BC for school. Although I am younger, I know what it feels like to be lonely. I myself find it very frustrating, confusing, saddening....everything at the same time. It really breaks me inside sometimes, especially when I am not focused on something.

Its nice that you can atleast find some satisfaction on working on your own house. Although if job opportunities are not so great in the area you reside in, have you ever thought of possibly relocating again? Is it viable?

Ola innerfyre,

If one of the job prospects I have right now doesn't pan out I suspect a return to Calgary to be the next step. I do love the natural beauty of my current location but it doesn't pay the bills. I guess I'll have to go back to life in the city for awhile and looking forward to my escapes out here.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
Thanks Anna. I talk the way I write and don't really use a lot of slang or curse words, it can be chalked up to a lot of reading and a personal vendetta against butchering the English language. I really struggle when people send me texts or emails and use many of the common abbreviated words and/or figures of speech.

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