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Sep 30, 2021
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I happened upon this forum by simply googling "Lonely forum". So here I am. And yes, you guessed it, I'm lonely.

A bit about me and my situation:
My name is Paul. I'm 38 years old. I am a father of one.

I am British. I moved to Canada 12 years ago with my Canadian wife, so that our daughter would be born there.
We have recently separated.

I have no family here. I no longer see my in-laws. And I don't have a social life.
I don't drive, so hardly go anywhere. I now feel more alone than ever.
My wife and I are on good terms, but she is distancing herself more as time goes on. I see my daughter a few times a week, and she stays over at the weekend.

So, simply put, my daughter is all I have in Canada. I absolutely don't want to leave her, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can cope with this loneliness and isolation.
Welcome. :)

It sounds like you need to find a life for yourself. If you don't live out in the country is there taxis or something that you could take to get out and do stuff?
what part of England are you from? My mother actually grew up in South Harrow, met my dad in the late 60’s and has been in Minnesota for over 40 years. She still misses home.
you’re definitely going through a lot so, let me know if you want to chat.
take care,
what part of England are you from? My mother actually grew up in South Harrow, met my dad in the late 60’s and has been in Minnesota for over 40 years. She still misses home.
you’re definitely going through a lot so, let me know if you want to chat.
take care,
Hey! Thank you for your response.

I'm from Somerset, which the is in the South-west.
Welcome, Paul.
I hope you do find a solution to start feeling better about your situation. Like many men before you, including myself, you've gone and got married without seriously considering that your wife may one day get bored or tired of you. As they say "love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener". Welcome to the club, mate.
If you need someone to talk to or have any questions about your situation, give me a holler. I do care about Men and what they have to face in today's so-called society ( and it ain't pretty ) and with two past marriages, I have a lot of wisdom to share so don't be shy.
Hi Paul 👋 Are you working in a job with colleagues? If not volunteering might help to meet people. I'm British and moved away too so I know how isolating it can be. Anyway, I don't like giving advice so I'll just say enjoy the forums.
Greetings and Welcome to the forum Paul! We can be a friendly bunch here in Canada 😁
Ah, in my youth, what I wouldn’t have given for a British boyfriend! I wish I had some words of wisdom for you but you are tied to where your child lives. I would not have left my daughter either. It may not seem this way now because your breakup is very new, but I promise you that 38 is still very young and when that constant dull ache in your heart starts to ease up a bit, you’ll find the friendship and love you deserve. Your daughter won’t always be young and I’m sure there are trips to England in both your futures. Love will come - don’t give up hope.

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