Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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Lol I think that is a pretty funny rule. Solves the problem of stupid goodbye letters, I find it easier just to leave and not say anything when I go away.
A few forums I've been on have a rule saying that you may NOT EVEN POST goodbye threads. Partly because of the issue you stated and partly because they were only hate threads.
Callie said:
A few forums I've been on have a rule saying that you may NOT EVEN POST goodbye threads. Partly because of the issue you stated and partly because they were only hate threads.
Yeah. I can understand that.
Callie said:
A few forums I've been on have a rule saying that you may NOT EVEN POST goodbye threads. Partly because of the issue you stated and partly because they were only hate threads.

Oops, forgot to answer the question. I think that is a little harsh, 6 months is a long time and a lot could happen in that time. Depending on the type of forum, it could be extremely beneficial for the person to come back sooner than that (I'm talking medical type forums, not gaming forums).

The rule, while harsh is still a reasonable one. Honestly, I wish everyone forum had the "no goodbye thread" rule. They are USUALLY (there are a few legit ones) either to ***** about the site, get attention, and/or have the last **** word.
Callie said:
The rule, while harsh is still a reasonable one. Honestly, I wish everyone forum had the "no goodbye thread" rule. They are USUALLY (there are a few legit ones) either to ***** about the site, get attention, and/or have the last **** word.


6 months does seem a little extreme but I get where the administrator is coming from. A lot of people will rage quit a site. I've seen that happen many times, some do it just for attention. They'll rage quit posting a nasty goodbye message, then come back for awhile and be apologetic to only do the same thing again, and again, and again. Gaming sites I can see that happening a lot, people can be really passionate about their beloved games. Some of the fan sites I'm on are this way as well. You start poo pooing on something and holy hell will break loose.
He must have been pretty ticked off because 6 months is extreme.
Personally I don't care much... I'd prefer if members could have the chance to express themselves with a goodbye thread if they feel like it. Those kind of theads seem to amuse me... They can be funny... For me at least.

I also think we should be understanding, like someone said, most of us if not all of us here are going trough a tough time in our lives. Is not that much of an issue anyway, we don't really get those threads that often.
God I HATE incompetent Admins. That is a stupid rule.

I'll tell you all a story. My favorite game of all time is a game called Gotcha Force (as I may have stated elsewhere on here) Naturally I looked online eventually and found a forum based primarily on the game (called GotchaForceFan) Aside from the Admin, I was the first person to join. Over the next year or two, I kept the forum busy with about 80% of topics being made by me, most of which are still around today (loopy = me) I'd lurk on that forum day and night, like I do on here now, posting away. Then one day this brand new member joins and argues with me about something really small. But rather then the Admin warning us, he just bans me instantly and then makes a new warning system where people have levels of warning before they're banned. He also deleted all evidence of the discussion between me and the new member so no one knew what happened to me. It just looked like I'd closed my account. Luckily I spoke to then outside of the forum. Anyway 2 years or so later I came back, just to see how the people I got on with were. The Admin said it's all cool for me to stay, but not with my old account. So I left again and to this day haven't returned. The site is pretty dead now. Most of the old members have left.
Who would you haunt? Ex boyfriend/girlfriend? Someone who picked on you in school perhaps? I'd haunt everyone who picked on me in school 24/7. You?
I personnaly do not carry anger and hold grudges against people in my life. But i would enjoy hauting child molesters.
I'd haunt my friend Zacky who moved and is haunt all the people who made fun of me for being the"weird metal chick"
i'd haunt skeptics...how much ******* fun would that be...i'd drive their debunking asses crazy...:D
If I was a ghost (especially after a sex dream I had with Sigrun last year - presumably a long dead psychic medium - dressed in a black robe with black lace undergarments), I would head to Aldebaran in the Constellation Taurus which is around 60+ light years away.

It was the best "sex" AND "dream" I have ever had.

Why waste my time haunting someone on earth when I could be ...

*Sigrun is in the middle.


[*Maria Orsic-Sigrun-and the Vril Society]

... Maria Orsic, also known as Maria Orschitsch was a famous medium who became the leader of the Vril Gesellschaft ... In Munich Maria was in contact with the Thule Gesellschaft and soon she created her own circle together with Traute A. from Munich and several other friends: the “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik”, official name of the Vril Gesellschaft ... this became a disctinctive characteristic in all the women who integrated Vril which was maintained till May 1945. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond ... For identification, Vril members (also called “Vrilerinnen”) wore a disk which represented the two mediums: Maria Orsic and Sigrun.

In December 1943 Maria attended, together with Sigrun, a meeting held by Vril at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was to deal with the “Aldebaran project”. The Vril mediums had received precise information regarding the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and they were willing to plan a trip there ... It was decided that a Vril 7 “Jäger” would be sent through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light to Aldebaran. According to N. Ratthofer (writer), a first test flight in the dimension channel took place in late 1944. The test flight almost ended in disaster because after the flight the Vril 7 looked “as if it had been flying for a hundred years”. Its outer skin looked aged and had suffered damages in several places ...

Phaedron must have high-jacked my account on ALLf due to the post above. :p
I don't think I would want to stay and haunt anyone I'd be too curios about what comes next to waste time on idiots who had wronged me when I was alive. :shy:
I'd haunt the guys who proposed the twenty-second amendment. It sets terms for our presidents.

Why? Cause I'd want George W Bush to be our President four-evar!
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