Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity

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I think it's going to horrendous. I believe that a huge war will have taken place. I believe natural disasters will run rampant. I also believe that crime will be way up there. Don't know for sure. Just what I believe. You?
LoneKiller said:
I think it's going to horrendous. I believe that a huge war will have taken place. I believe natural disasters will run rampant. I also believe that crime will be way up there. Don't know for sure. Just what I believe. You?

Doesn't that describe what has happened already? Either way, I agree with you. The history of war, disaster and violence will continue to repeat itself, and things will probably only get worse.
Locke said:
LoneKiller said:
I think it's going to horrendous. I believe that a huge war will have taken place. I believe natural disasters will run rampant. I also believe that crime will be way up there. Don't know for sure. Just what I believe. You?

Doesn't that describe what has happened already? Either way, I agree with you. The history of war, disaster and violence will continue to repeat itself, and things will probably only get worse.
Hi Locke.:)
You're absolutely right. These things do occur now. My apologies for being too vague. I guess what I mean is, utter chaos in the world. All out war. Super storms, mega-quakes, murder left and right. Stuff like that.
LoneKiller said:
Hi Locke.:)
You're absolutely right. These things do occur now. My apologies for being too vague. I guess what I mean is, utter chaos in the world. All out war. Super storms, mega-quakes, murder left and right. Stuff like that.

In that case, I hope enough good will happen in the world in the next 20 years to keep destruction and chaos of that magnitude at bay. I believe that we can avoid such a bleak future for longer than two decades.

EDIT: Hi to you too, LK! Always nice talking yo you! :)
LK, you do realize you posted a thread asking the same question but in 15 years? ;) That thread hasn't been posted in for a year and half so...you'll get a pass. :D :p Well, I'll give you a pass, not sure about my co-mods they may come in with the :club:

I kid...or am I?

That's where I hope to see myself in 20 years, able to still kid around with people...and still be around.
Locke said:
LoneKiller said:
Hi Locke.:)
You're absolutely right. These things do occur now. My apologies for being too vague. I guess what I mean is, utter chaos in the world. All out war. Super storms, mega-quakes, murder left and right. Stuff like that.

In that case, I hope enough good will happen in the world in the next 20 years to keep destruction and chaos of that magnitude at bay. I believe that we can avoid such a bleak future for longer than two decades.

EDIT: Hi to you too, LK! Always nice talking yo you! :)
I won't lie. I was just too **** lazy to search first. My bad. Won't happen again.
LoneKiller said:
I think it's going to horrendous. I believe that a huge war will have taken place. I believe natural disasters will run rampant. I also believe that crime will be way up there. Don't know for sure. Just what I believe. You?

Very good topic. Thank you for posting this.

-Natural Disasters: Will probably continue at the current rate. There is fluctuation in the level of hurricanes that depends on the El Nino/La Nina cycles. The only reason that hurricanes have been so much more devastating is because there are more and more population centers concentrated along the coasts.

-Crime: This will probably vary from one country to another. I can't speak for the UK or the rest of Europe, but crime in the US has been falling since the mid 90s. One of the reasons for this is because our population has gotten older, a trend which will continue into the foreseeable future as the Baby Boomers retire. Teen pregnancy rates have fallen as well, which means fewer children born into a home situation where they're more likely to drop out of school, develop drug or alcohol addiction, and end up in prison.

War: There are two possible scenarios here, India/Pakistan or Sunni/Shia. India and Pakistan have a population of over 1.2 billion (1.3 billion if you include Bangladesh, a historical ally of Pakistan) and they're situated in a land area not much bigger than the US east of the Mississippi. Throw in a desert covering about 1/4 of the land, a falling water table, and two groups of people who have already fought three wars in the past and you have a recipe for disaster. Did I mention that they each have nukes?

The Sunni/Shia divide is somewhat more complicated because it could spill over into so many different nations. Most Muslim nations are Sunni, but all Sunni nations have Shia populations, some more than others. Iran is mostly Shia, and has butted heads with Saudi Arabia to be the cultural center of Islam.

Iran has threatened on numerous occasions to block the Strait of Hormuz, which would cut off the flow of nearly 15 million barrels of oil per day. I seriously doubt this would ever happen considering that it would be an act of war, an act which would justify the US, British and French navies to take retaliatory action. Still, it is a possibility.

Famine: Sorry to say, but this is going to get much worse. We're dangerously close to reaching carrying capacity based on existing technology, yet we refuse to accept limits on our population. Population control is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to discuss.


What actually frightens me more than this is the next global pandemic. It's not a question of if, but when. The last major pandemic was the 1918 Flu which circled the globe in 18 months and claimed over 50 million lives. This was before the era of air travel however. If it were to happen today it wouldn't take 18 months, but probably 18 days.

It's not very often that an influenza strain will make the drift from animal to human, then make a shift to human-to-human contagion, but it has happened. Swine flu, to use as an example, can spread from pig to human only if the conditions are as such that you have close contact with an infected pig. Something like that can be contained. It's when it makes a shift to be spread from human-to-human that you've got a major outbreak on your hands.

Only one other disease in recent memory has taken lives on such a colossal scale, and that's AIDS. Since 1985, AIDS has claimed over 25 million lives. Based on the current rates of infection, it is likely that another 25 million lives will be lost by 2020. AIDS is different in that we know how to prevent it, and do so to great effect. This isn't the case with flu.
Sci-Fi said:
LK, you do realize you posted a thread asking the same question but in 15 years? ;) That thread hasn't been posted in for a year and half so...you'll get a pass. :D :p Well, I'll give you a pass, not sure about my co-mods they may come in with the :club:

I kid...or am I?

That's where I hope to see myself in 20 years, able to still kid around with people...and still be around.

Maybe a merge?:)
There will be great achievements and massive disasters. There will be war, famine, pestilence and death, but there will also be love, happiness and kindness. There will be crime and there will be altruism. In the end everything will balance and the universe will go on largely as it always has.
The distance between the rich/poor and the "social class's" will be as far as ever. If there hasn't been another financial meltdown by then, one would definitely be due. Joining the army and going to war would be a more popular career than it already is.
Savings reached £1500 today! :D

With around £200 floating about elsewhere~
I like to think so. I had my house paid off by the time I was 30.
I think the weather will be more chaotic. Technology will have advanced a lot. We'll have bionic eyes, highly advanced robotic limbs and nanotechnology will be all the range. We'll probably have population control because apparently, no one can take responsibility for their own genitals anymore. Our kids, of which we had too many of, will pay the prices we and our ancestors paid. Oh yeah, greenhouse gasses will be tremendous. There will be super recessions. There will be major space projects going on. Maybe we'll be going to Mars. All sorts could be happening :D
We all are aware of the childhood obesity problem.
Just earlier this evening there was a dude on television who blames video games and the internet but didn't mention parenting as one of the causes.

No offense to the parents on the forum, but I believe that they are partially responsible. I've seen it. About a few weeks ago I was at a chess club member's house playing some casual chess during the afternoon. He has a small child who is around 8yo think.

Because he didn't want his child bothering us, he gave him chips and pop and told him to go into the livingroom and play around with his Wii. This was a beautiful afternoon with lots of activity outside with other kids playing on swings and digging in the sand. Things like that.

Don't you think that he should have sent his child to play outside? Instead, he's inside chowing down on junk food and gaming for several hours. As a parent, doesn't what he did with his child make him a contributor like many parents, to childhood obesity?
I know it's true as a matter of fact, I know of someone who's parents actually talked down on them (yes their parents) for their weight, pretty much ruining their already low esteem even further.
Negative self image is still an issue to this day because of it.
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