History and the Zodiac

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Oct 1, 2008
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"I know it will surprise you, but the sphinx actually unlocks the mystery of the zodiac. It is fascinating to note that in the Temple of Esneh in Egypt, there is a great sky painting in the portico on the ceiling which shows the whole picture of the zodiac with all of its constellations. Between the figures of Virgo, The Virgin, and Leo, The Lion, there is carved the figure of the sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion. The woman's face is looking at The Virgin and the lion's tail is pointing to Leo, telling us that we begin with The Virgin and end with Leo."


The Age of Leo (The Leonian Age)
* Common interpretation: ca. 10,500 BC to 8000 BC.
* Sacred Sites' interpretation: ca. 10,970 BC to 8810 BC:[30]

Overview "The Golden Age"

Historical similarities

The major event at this time was an ancient global warming to such a massive extent that it led to the deglaciation of what now constitutes much of the modern habitable world. The deglaciation ultimately caused a 300 foot (90 m) rise in the sea level. The sign Leo is a Fire sign and is traditionally ruled by the Sun in astrology, and it is entirely appropriate that in an Age ruled by the Sun, that the warmth of the Sun melted the glaciers that covered much of North America and Europe. Leo is also related to any kind of light source, and the carved stone oil lamp was invented during this time (Oil lamps existed previously, but this type was the first proper continuously-burning lamp.).

[edit] The Age of Cancer (The Cancerian Age)

* Neil Mann interpretation:[31] began in ca. 8600 BC and ended in ca. 6450 BC.

Overview "The Age of the Great Mother." Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and is associated with the process of bearing, birthing, nurturing, and protecting.

Historical similarities The Neolithic Revolution, including the beginning of civilization, with domestication of farm animals including pigs, goats & even bees. Some nomadic people settled down to living in permanent dwellings. For example, the city of Jericho, believed constructed during this age, was protected by a wall 12–17 ft (4 to 5 m) high & 5 ft (1.5 m) thick. (Cancer is always associated with 'protection' by utilizing an external barrier). There is also evidence of massive loss of coastal regions by the rising sea level following deglaciation of many areas on Earth. This loss of land caused the forced relocation of people to higher ground. Cancer's list of archetypes always include anything to do with the home (including houses, place of residence, migration).

Evidence of widespread use of boats (maritime vessels of all types are ruled by Cancer).

Rise of pottery (a protective vessel conforming to one of Cancer's archetypes).

Religious similarities Widespread evidence of the mother goddess in the Near East (the `mother' archetype in all shapes and forms is always related to the sign Cancer).

[edit] The Age of Gemini (The Geminian Age)

* Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 6450 BC and ended in ca. 4300 BC.
* Constellation boundary year: (not calculated).

Overview "The Age of Communication, Trade and the Twins"

Historical similarities During this age writing developed[dubious – discuss], and trade started to accelerate. This corresponds to the symbols the Gemini constellation represents. The constellation can be seen as two people holding hands (thought to be twins), believed by some to be symbolic for trade and communication of peoples. Regardless of the lore associated with the constellation of Gemini, both writing (including literature, newspapers, journals, magazines and works of fiction) and trade (including merchants) are traditional archetypes belonging to the sign of Gemini.

The wheel, although having been used earlier as potter's wheels, was used for the first time for transportation purposes around the 5th millennium BC. Most forms of local transportation (horse and cart, bicycles, suburban trains, trams, cars, motorcycles, walking, roads, freeways etc.) are archetypes associated with the sign of Gemini.

Religious similarities Multiple gods, such as the pantheon of gods in Ancient Greek literature, are believed to have appeared in this Gemini age[dubious – discuss] probably in Sumer (Mesopotamia)[dubious – discuss]. (Gemini not only is associated with the archetype of `twins' and `duality' but also 'multiplicity')

[edit] The Age of Taurus (The Taurean Age)

Symbol for Taurus: Taurus.svg

* Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 4300 BC and ended in ca. 2150 BC.

Overview "The Age of Earth, Agriculture and the Bull"

Historical similarities Bull worshiping cults began to form in Assyria, Egypt, and Crete which relates to Taurus symbolizing the bull.
Main article: Bull (mythology)

This age is notable for the building of the Pyramids, during the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. They personify structure, solidity, stability and attempts at eternity, keywords of Taurus. The completed Great Pyramid of Khufu, clad in smooth pure white limestone, must have been a sight of dazzling beauty in the sunlight. Beauty is another keyword of Taurus.

Taurus is associated with the metal copper, and bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) was for the first time smelted and worked into bronze swords during the early phase of this era.

Papyrus was invented during this time, enabling improved writing techniques. It could be manufactured into very long strips that could be rolled (but not yet folded) into scrolls or rolls for efficient storage and handling. (The Taurus glyph invokes the image of the partially-unrolled scroll).

Traits of Taurus such as 'stubbornness' and 'strength' but at the same time 'sensuality' may be attributed to civilizations such as Ancient Egypt's.

Religious similarities

* Ankh: thoracic vertebra of a bull - Egyptian symbol of life
* Worship of Apis, the bull-deity (see also Bull (mythology)), the most important of all the sacred animals in Egypt, said to be instituted during the Second Dynasty of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and worshipped in the Memphis region until the New Kingdom (16th century BC).
* When Moses was said to have descended from the mountain with the ten commandments (c. 17th - 13th century BCE, the end of the Age of Taurus), his followers were worshipping a golden bull calf, he instructed them to kill each other in order to cleanse themselves. This represents Moses "killing" the bull and ending the Age of Taurus, and ushering in the Age of Aries, which he represents.
* Marduk

[edit] The Age of Aries (The Arian Age)

* Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. 2150 BCE and ended in ca. AD 1.
* Shephard Simpson interpretation: began ca. 1875 BC to ca. 100 BC

Overview "The Age of War, Fire and the Ram"

Historical similarities Aries represents a Fire symbol as well as bold actions, a lot of these behaviors can be seen during any age. However, the themes emphasised during this age relate to courage, initiative, war & adventure. Nations during this age such as the expanding empires of China, Persia, Greece and Rome, are often cited as examples of the archetypes of Aries in action. Also the Aries constellation shows a ram running. This could correspond with the sacrifice of Abraham's Ram. While the number of names containing the sound of the ram during this period is noted: Ra (Sun God), Ram, Rama, Brahman, Brahma, Abram/Abraham, Amon Ra, and Ramesses I. The battering ram was employed by the Assyrians, Greeks and Romans with great success during this time. (The symbol of Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, evokes this interpretation.) According to the Roman state religion, the Roman people were the "Sons of Mars".

Aries is associated with the metal iron, and iron ore was for the first time smelted and worked into iron swords in Anatolia during the early phase of this era, replacing the heavier, softer-metalled, duller-edged bronze swords of the previous Taurus Age.

Traits of Aries such as 'initiative' may suggest the explosion of originality in the development of social aspects, sciences and arts in regions such as Ancient Greece but at the same time traits such as 'Impulsivity' may be attributed to the various Wars of the time.

Religious similarities The Age of Aries ushered in efforts to replace polytheism with monotheism. The earliest known attempt was by the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, who, in about 1350 BC, decreed the Sun God Aten to be the supreme deity, apparently in reaction to his earlier lack of inclusion in religious rites by his family. After his death, however, power reverted to the original polytheistic priests, who re-established the old religion. Speculation (including that of Freud) has it that later, during the reign of Ramesses II, Moses was influenced by rumour of Akhenaten's revolutionary idea, and grasped the idea of a single supreme God, Who especially favoured His people, as an inspirational mechanism that best suited his people held in bondage. The symbol of Aries can be seen as representing the power of multiple gods streaming down into a single god-head.

Moses (born c. 16th–13th Century BC; 7 Adar 2368 - 7 Adar 2488 in the Hebrew calendar), an early Biblical Hebrew religious leader, lawgiver, prophet, and military leader, condemns his own people upon finding them worshiping a 'golden calf' (a symbol of the previous Age of Taurus and of the worship of the bull deity) after coming down Mount Sinai. These events may have occurred during the Age of Aries (see also Dating the Exodus overview).
See also:

* Mithraism
* The Mithraic Question and Precession

[edit] The Age of Pisces (The Piscean Age)

Symbol of Pisces: Pisces.svg

The Age of Pisces is technically the current age and some astrologers believe it will remain so for approximately another 600 years. At that time, the vernal equinox point will no longer be facing Pisces, but moved into the constellation of Aquarius, thus beginning the Age of Aquarius. However, there are many astrologers who believe that the Age of Aquarius has already arrived or will arrive soon.


* Neil Mann interpretation: began in ca. AD 1 and ends in ca. AD 2150.
* Constellation boundary year:

* Shephard Simpson interpretation: began ca. 100/90 BC and ends ca. AD 2680.

[edit] Overview

"The Age of Monotheism, Spirituality, and the Fish"

Historical similarities

The Age of Pisces is characterized by the rise of many religions such as Christianity (founded 1st Century CE), Islam (founded 7th Century CE) and Buddhism (founded 6th to 4th Century BCE) due to the "spiritual" nature of Pisces and its ability to go beyond the boundaries of the physical world. The Age of Pisces is mainly marked by the continuous research of mankind about the truth hidden behind what's perceived by five senses (see platonism).

Traits of Pisces such as being "gentle" and artistically able but at the same time "impractical" may hint to the dominance of European empires on the world.

And then I saw the symbol for Aquarious, the two waters, and I immediately knew it meant the deepest depths of the oceans and finally going out into space. That's right, the space age is just around the corner, not that that should really come as a shock to anyone.

Also, the age of Virgo for those of you wanting to go back before Leo. http://www.carnaval.com/prehistory/#Virgo
Reluctant Messenger believes that lucifers rebellion took place here, nearly destroyed the whole world, and Genesis was God patching it up again.

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