Holiday Turkey - Big Meal

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
So, are you going to be fixing a nice big holiday meal for Thanksgiving? From what I heard, most of the turkeys are going to be the normally large size. But, meals will have few people due to Covid. So, good luck getting a smallish turkey. I will be eating alone as always. But, I think I'll go ahead and cook a 20 or so pound turkey. It's been a couple years since I've eaten any and I really like it. Mmmmmm.

If it's been a couple years, how do you know if you still like it? Lol

No idea what my family is doing. There has been talk of my mom cooking the dinner like always. We talked about staggering everyone's arrival so not many are there at one time. Hell, if it's nice out, we could do it outside.
Worst case scenario, the meals will just get delivered to everyone else.

All I know if my kid requested a triple chocolate 3 layer cake and I have to make my brother a pumpkin roll.
I'll be partaking of triple chocolate cake at TheRealCallie's place. I haven't received an invitation yet, but I'm sure it's on its way.
TheRealCallie said:
Hell, if it's nice out, we could do it outside.

That sounds like a great idea! Hell, lets all plan on going over to TheRealCallie's holiday party on Thanksgiving.

I bought a 15 pound turkey at the store yesterday. I'm quite pleased about it too. It's rare to find one less then 20 pounds. All the other turkeys I looked at were 22+ pounds. Since I'm alone and don't celebrate holidays, I'm going to cook it this coming Tuesday. I'll be eating turkey everything for a few weeks. I'm also going to try to find another small one for later.
Finished said:
I bought a 15 pound turkey at the store yesterday. I'm quite pleased about it too. It's rare to find one less then 20 pounds. All the other turkeys I looked at were 22+ pounds. Since I'm alone and don't celebrate holidays, I'm going to cook it this coming Tuesday. I'll be eating turkey everything for a few weeks. I'm also going to try to find another small one for later.

It's really cool that you're doing that and choosing your own day for the feast and all.  Turkey sandwiches are great, and you'll have them in ample supply for a while.
Alyosha said:
Finished said:
I bought a 15 pound turkey at the store yesterday. I'm quite pleased about it too. It's rare to find one less then 20 pounds. All the other turkeys I looked at were 22+ pounds. Since I'm alone and don't celebrate holidays, I'm going to cook it this coming Tuesday. I'll be eating turkey everything for a few weeks. I'm also going to try to find another small one for later.

It's really cool that you're doing that and choosing your own day for the feast and all.  Turkey sandwiches are great, and you'll have them in ample supply for a while.

In the past I've waited to buy turkeys marked way down after Thanksgiving. But, that doesn't happen any more. I think the stores donate them so they can tax write off the full value of the bird.

I love turkey sandwiches, turkey croquettes, and plain turkey with black olive juice. Turkey wrapped in lettuce with jalapeno slices and cream cheese is really good too. Not to mention the first crispy skin parts placed under the broiler like the wings. Mmmmm.
honeysuckle I wish they make bigger turkeys. I usually make 6-8 turkeys every year for homeless people, soup kitchens, and other of I need people and I still don’t have enough.
soresoul said:
honeysuckle I wish they make bigger turkeys. I usually make 6-8 turkeys every year for homeless people, soup kitchens, and other of I need people and I still don’t have enough.

Top man Soresoul :).Going to all that effort to help the homeless at Christmas.I try to slip a bit of cash occassionally to the people on the streets but sometimes my head fills with all the the negatives with what they gonna do with it,other times I just give it and think who cares if it goes on booze or dope( ex alcoholic here)if it gets them through the night ,takes them away from the crap life on the streets so be it,maybe helps with the lonliness as well.Maybe they will spend it on a hot meal who knows just give it.I had the same quandry this morning ,fiver in my pocket ,bloke in his sixties sitting on a wet cold street with the sign homeless and hungry,but a lady was talking to him which confused my thoughts on it even more I don't know why .Least we got the option of roof over our heads,warmth,TV and space to do hobbies whereas they only have shelters with the risk of violence and the like. Anyway sorry about the ramble ,I just take my hat off to you the good that you are doing.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I always have no problem helping out anyone in need. I might be opinionated and even call people out on their bullshit or lack of resources on such topics, I never want to see anyone suffer.
Well, I cooked my turkey on Tuesday. I put both breasts into the freezer for later and all the other meat in the frig. I've eaten turkey everyday for lunch so far with plans to continue to do so for about another week and a half. There are so many ways to fix turkey that I'll probably only duplicate a couple meals. Mmmmm! Good!
This is looking like the first year of my life that Thanksgiving won't happen for my family. One of my parents is very high risk so having a close-knit gathering while sharing mounds of food really doesn't sound very wise. Most of us have never experienced anything like this before, but countless people in the past put up with such things far more often. So, silver lining? Maybe.
^ Yeah, it's best to skip the big family meals. Maybe people can start having vaccination parties in about 4 to 6 months. Families can call them late Thanksgiving meals. The younger generation can call them sex parties.
Because of the very large number of new cases daily in my state over the last week or two, my mom will be making the meal and everyone will just pick up and take it home.
My state has no new cases and everything is the same. So next Monday I’ll be getting to work making the birds.
TheRealCallie said:
Because of the very large number of new cases daily in my state over the last week or two, my mom will be making the meal and everyone will just pick up and take it home.

Your mom sounds very nice. Does she send meals through the mail to weird strangers? Ha! ha!

soresoul said:
My state has no new cases and everything is the same. So next Monday I’ll be getting to work making the birds.

Wow! Lucky!

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