how are you feeling today?

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Headache again today. But, I think I finally figured out why I keep having headaches. I noticed that they are trigger by my window AC. However, I can't figure out why. It's fairly new and clean. It's not that loud. I keep hydrated.

My ears are a constant problem in many ways. So, I think maybe it's changing the air pressure inside the room because I seem to get pressure headaches. When the AC is off for a few hours my headaches seem to go away on their own.
Again I’ve woken with my lower back giving my grief, which is annoying and debilitating. The problem is that today I’m again up for a long day helping a fellow photographer shoot another debutante ball, which has me on my feet the whole time, which aggravates my condition, so I already know I’m going to be more sore tomorrow. And I’ve been quite slack with my exercise routine lately, which obviously has a negative impact on my psyche and motivation. A catch 22 situation.
Stressed out about my job search.
I hope I can turn my life around, and that it's not too late where I need to just give up on life.
You never “need to give up on life” man. I Hope something comes your way. It seems trickier to find work these days. Imagine what it will be like in a century from now!
not good, having suicidal thoughts again. All I have been doing all these years is trying to get better but things have a way of happening and knocking my spirit down over and over. I'm tired and I don't see the point anymore.
Sorry to hear this. Life can be like that. You can talk with me if you like.
Slept nearly 7 hours straight for the first time in years.
Woke up at 5:30.
Worked out.
Took a 7 mile walk.
Going to do to a small workout now.
Have an appt with an escort at 2 pm in Manhattan (will be about another 3 miles walking to get to an from).
Will make something good for dinner tonight.

Yeah...I can do a lot when I don't have a hangover...

I may go out to eat to a nice restaurant after my appointment. Not sure yet...
Absurd. Broke my left big toe and the bruising/swelling is climbing my foot and leg..... so, it's silly and i feel ABSURD lmao in pain... dumb me
Feeling a little inebriated from my "merrydown" this is a medium sweet affair with a 6.8 kick and is low head pourer out of the bottle, sweeter than a vintage and more fresh apple taste, still gassy but hitting the spot, reading and replying to emails, checking forum accounts, scanning the local news, however feeling wise Im pretty much on a plateau atm and sleepy, had a large dinner about 1.30pm, been for a walk, emailed my Mom, weather-wise its bleak, cold rain and slippy underfoot due to fallen leaves. Sky is overcast, not clear enough to see the stars. Bedtime soon.

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