How good are you at mathematics ?

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2019
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Every government test i have to write for a better job and salary involves lots of mathematics .

I found two books with which i can improve my mathematics .

I am sharing it here

Denise, Ph.D. Szecsei-Homework Helpers_ Basic Math And Pre-Algebra-New Page Books (2006)

Arithmetic And Algebra...Again

Those books can help me prepare for government tests for government jobs

The problem is i cant find enough motivation to practice those mathematics in the book .

Please help
Let me also suggest this book too

Allan Bluman - Pre-Algebra Demystified-McGraw-Hill Professional (2004)

All of the three books i mentioned here should give you a good understanding of the basic mathematics .

I know many including myself are struggling with basic mathematics or pre algebra

So good luck
I suck at math and I think I genuinely hate it. 
It's so horrible that I flee from every math situation.
Bleh 😐
Basic Maths For Dummies (UK Edition) by Colin Beveridge (published 2011 and paperback still costs under a tenner). It's a good read. :)
I was not very far from being a genius at math. That being said, school was about 25 years ago. I've probably forgotten more than I ever knew lol.
Only thing I can recommend is practice. There is no secret to being good at math, or any other discipline. Repitition. Practice and examples. It's the only way to get better.
I already went through this book

Denise, Ph.D. Szecsei-Homework Helpers_ Basic Math And Pre-Algebra-New Page Books (2006)

This is one of the best basic mathematics books i have ever read .

I cleared a lot of little doubts with the help of this book

So i decided to get a copy of every book written by Denise Szecse
Growing up I was in the "more than regular math, but not all the way in the advanced math" group. I wound up taking through Calc 2 in college. It started getting really hard then, and I also was starting to not need more math for most majors.

I guess you could say I was on the high end of "just OK" at math. I can get it, but I wouldn't call it "easy". I couldn't just coast or sleepwalk through math class, I had to try fairly hard.

I kinda wish I was better at it, because STEM (of which the "M" is "Math") seems to be where all the money is, and although I wouldn't say I'm greedy, and I don't much care for capitalism, I don't care for living in dysfunction and misery either. But I don't know what I'm suited to.
Not very. It was one of the things I struggled with most at school. I've always had a flair for the more creative subjects, such as English, art/design and music. Arguably not as useful as maths, but much more enjoyable.
I was good enough to be admitted in a top technical university but not to go through it ... because I lacked basic knowledge and meaning about human nature and human relations which probably I'd have acquired if I had read literature books or humanities
I have a Degree from the University of Leicester in Mathematics. Although, I only got a pass (the lowest grade possible), due to ill health in my final year.
I would recommend the "CGP" series of books on Mathematics.
I would also recommend the "Master Math" series of books, written by Debra Anne Ross.
Also, "Understanding Pure Mathematics" by A. J. Sadler and D. W. S. Thorning is a good book.
Also, check out "Khan Academy" on Youtube.
"Mathantics" on Youtube is also good, for very basic Mathematics.
There are lot of interesting Mathematics channels on Youtube.

"Mathologer" is very entertaining, its presented by this German Guy. He did a video where he said lots of people were accusing him of being an illuminati member and did a video denying it. I hope he isn't a part of that "Order", he comes across like a nice guy anyway.
Below average. I only seem to have fun with maths when I'm doing programming and solve problems fairly faster than I did in school.
As an inventor, designer, and engineer wanna be, you'd think I'd need to be good at math. Nope. Close enough is close enough. And if not, make it closer.

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