I have a couple of questions...

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Purple Reign

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
and I'm not sure where to put them. Is there a "random thoughts" thread somewhere that I can toss stuff in without starting a new thread? That wasn't really one of my questions, so it doesn't count as one of my "couple."

Is there a photography thread where people share pictures they have taken?

The other is more a comment than a question. I was just looking through the member list and holy cow, so many new members today and so many of them already banned. That must keep y'all really hopping keeping the riff raff out. Thanks for your hard work! Is banning people therapeutic? Because I think it would be for me. Sometimes I have a lot of pent up anger. :D
I find banning in chat to be very therapeutic. You should come in sometime. :D

I promise not to ban you unless you do something wrong :p
LOL Now I'm scared of chat. We all know everything I do is wrong. I'll check out the threads. I wasn't sure if I should just start posting pictures or if there was a thread dedicated to such things. Thanks.

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