I see Polygamy Becoming Legal and Encouraged Before Regular Single Men are Helped

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2015
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Population collapse is on the horizon.

Elon Musk is a good example of what the future holds - one man with children from numerous women - while dozens of regular men will go loveless and childless.

The government will step in and make polygamy legal, so elite men like Musk can try and stave off the coming population collapse by having numerous children with numerous women, while regular men will be left to porn and AI girlfriends.

I wish I were born 60 years ago
Fortunately for the dozens (or way more) men, I doubt the vast majority of women are going to attach themselves to sister wives. At least, not for several generations.
And elites aren't going to look to the average woman to fulfill the multiple child thing.
And the average man, who has multiple kids with multiple average women, is getting too bit in the ass.
The fatalism in your words is hard to tolerate and I don’t accept them at all. I don’t know any men personally that would embrace polygamy, and most I know barely tolerate their one partner lol. As for the govt stepping in, I don’t believe that for one second except that perhaps they might abolish the law against it maybe one day as such things become more acceptable, but they wouldn’t be pushing it to be a favourable option. Perhaps you just have to get out of the society in which you live, and maybe change your definition of regular men.
I think you're over-dramatizing and living in the past, the both of you.
Plenty of women still believe in traditional relationships and are seeking out love. Technically speaking, even if polygamy is illegal, polyamoury is getting a push these days and despite it having a modern coating of paint, it still has the same problems in the vast majority of cases; one ends up dominating the other and it doesn't last.
Sure, plenty of women might be attracted to men like Musk who hold money and power, or even Donald Trump 30 years ago, but it begs the question; is THAT your role model and would those women be the kind of women you'd like to frequent? I wouldn't. World is full of "fickle honeys" who look all manner of gorgeous but who's values are intrinsically opposed to what I consider healthy and good. I'd much rather have an equal partner than an attractive underwear mannequin, which is what men of power often go for. Musk seems to have it in for disposable starlets; not my cup of tea.
In fact, I view Musk as a failure, not a success, when it comes to women; if he didn't have the money and name, would any of these women given him the time of day? What does it say about his character? I sure as hell wouldn't want to have sired 9 kids with different women; I'm saddened that I had two with someone I'm no longer with. If I could have made it work, I would have.
Society isn't on the verge of collapsing, not by a long shot. Like has been the case for over 2000 years, it's changing. Wether it's for better or worse is a matter of debate, but if you start looking at celebs and thinking they're a model to follow, well...you're not out of the woods yet.

I already decided the next girl will be the LAST girl. I have this romantic notion if growing old and dying with her. I hope she'll be on board with that and put effort into it like I will, when I meet her. Rest of the world? Iy can do whatever it wants. It'll be us two against it.
I think you're over-dramatizing and living in the past, the both of you.
Plenty of women still believe in traditional relationships and are seeking out love. Technically speaking, even if polygamy is illegal, polyamoury is getting a push these days and despite it having a modern coating of paint, it still has the same problems in the vast majority of cases; one ends up dominating the other and it doesn't last.
Sure, plenty of women might be attracted to men like Musk who hold money and power, or even Donald Trump 30 years ago, but it begs the question; is THAT your role model and would those women be the kind of women you'd like to frequent? I wouldn't. World is full of "fickle honeys" who look all manner of gorgeous but who's values are intrinsically opposed to what I consider healthy and good. I'd much rather have an equal partner than an attractive underwear mannequin, which is what men of power often go for. Musk seems to have it in for disposable starlets; not my cup of tea.
In fact, I view Musk as a failure, not a success, when it comes to women; if he didn't have the money and name, would any of these women given him the time of day? What does it say about his character?
His character isn't in question though: He has 9 children. At the other end of the spectrum, the socially awkward, unremarkable man working an unremarkable job is left to age alone with no incentive to move beyond mediocrity (or worse).

Polygamy/polyamoury is a social disaster waiting to happen. Societies where this was the norm had to be strictly hierarchical and authoritarian as the only way to keep the vast number of unattached men from causing mayhem. It might be an incel argument but it's not hard to see what a large group of testosterone-fueled angry young men with nothing to lose could turn into. It's a mob ready for radicalization.
Polygamy/polyamoury is a social disaster waiting to happen. Societies where this was the norm had to be strictly hierarchical and authoritarian as the only way to keep the vast number of unattached men from causing mayhem. It might be an incel argument but it's not hard to see what a large group of testosterone-fueled angry young men with nothing to lose could turn into. It's a mob ready for radicalization.
yeah, they already do cause serious problems, like murder, (Elliot Rodger comes to mind), but I don't think it's polygamy/amoury that causes that. the guys just have mental issues that need addressing.
His character isn't in question though: He has 9 children.
I STRONGLY beg to differ; he has nine children. With different mothers. Including one, I just read, who wants to disown him and not carry his name. That right there speaks to his character; irresponsible, not very worried about the consequences of his actions and, in at least one case (though when you take into account his social media posts) obviously either closed minded, uncaring or toxic. ANY fool can make children. How you raise them, how you care for them and how you love and treat them is what reflects on who you are. I'm damned happy my dad was a blue collar working stiff; besides his money, I'd have hated a dad like Musk seems to be.

At the other end of the spectrum, the socially awkward, unremarkable man working an unremarkable job is left to age alone with no incentive to move beyond mediocrity (or worse).
Well, that's my dad. He used to hide under a balcony when girls wanted to speak tobhim when he was 14 (don't tell him I let THAT cat out of the bag). WlHe's been with my mother 45 years now...
Socially awkward can also be worked, I think that's a poor excuse. Just like fear of rejection is, it can also be worked at. The real crime is never trying to put yourself out there and show some pride into who and what you are, as opposed to what you aren't.
Incentive...how about a shot at spending your life happy with someone? That incentive, even if I'm single still by the time I hit 70, will still be enough to try. I don't need to be Musk or have his money to think someone compatible exists for me out there. But if you never try, if you always look at someone else and think "he has everything, I've got nothing, what's the point", then nothing WILL ever change. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
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I think the last thing the government gives a honeysuckle about is who is having sex with who. National Debt, Gun Control, International Diplomacy, they've got bigger problems. Much bigger problems. Including the fact that it's probably cheaper to see Iron Maiden than it is to see Taylor Swift. Bigger problems, much bigger problems.

it's not hard to see what a large group of testosterone-fueled angry young men with nothing to lose could turn into. It's a mob ready for radicalization.

They're looking at it from the wrong angle, IMO. Nothing to lose means you've got everything to gain. It's actually a very beneficial position if you know how to play your cards. Maybe it's because I grew up rough but I'm very used to being in that position. To be fair, I never said I wasn't crazy, I just learned how to use my crazy more intelligently, that's all. But yes, the teens in particular, because they're still pumped full of hormones and not thinking clearly, they do need help. Unfortunately if I told these kids that everything mellows out between 30 and 35 they either wouldn't believe me, or write it off and just shoot me anyway. :rolleyes: But yes, that is a problem that needs fixing. I believe there is an FBI investigation going on about the Incel Movement (I hate even calling it that), but I mean, it's an on-going investigation, so nothing to report about it, yet. Those guys aren't dumb, is the thing. Socially underdeveloped? Yes, but stupid? Definitely not. I mean, from my perspective the solution is simple, but that's from my perspective. My perspective is: Stop pedestalizing love and relationships, and deprogram yourself from the social indoctrination that was forced upon you as a child. It takes a weight off the mind. Of course, that's also probably why I'm crazy, but I mean, nobody's perfect. Look man, if I waited around for love, nothing in my life would ever get done, alright? 😂

My own relationship is different. It's sort of an anomalous surprise, I guess. In a weird way the only reason it happened in the first place is because she's running from the same group of shady people I'm running from sotospeak. Once you see The Big Ugly I don't really think it matters if you see its glowing eyes or its whipping tail, that thing just shouldn't exist and you tend to haul ass and just try not to look back. Just she ran from one direction, I ran from the other, and we kinda bumped into each other, both running from the same thing. Hell, she's even moved as many times as I have just to try to avoid them. It was the last thing I'd expect, tbh.
"Before regular single men are helped."
What exactly does this mean here? Are you looking for someone to hand you what you want? Figure out the issue and fix it. Help yourself.

And yes, I completely ignored the first part of the topic because it's ridiculous.
so what big deal? ... if those women are content to share a man for money then the rest of the men can share a woman for money too ... "where is a will there is a way" and "nature always find a way"
I agree, I think polygamy will be encourage instead of shamed in the next 5-10 years. I know so many women who would be happy to husband share, not in the west as such but deffo in developing worlds, as the wealth gap between the have and have nots increases so will poly relationships. There is no alternative in my opinion, side note …regular men? I dont even understand what that is? A man who doesn't earn enough to support his household?
Musk just paid for it, I guess. There are some women who will "love" for less.

And how the single men can be helped? How is it going to work? Should the single men be handed over the women, like a kind of a humanitarian aid?:rolleyes:
And after all I can understand how a goverment can make a woman born a child, but to love someone?
Love can't be forced.
I think the last thing the government gives a honeysuckle about is who is having sex with who. National Debt, Gun Control, International Diplomacy, they've got bigger problems. Much bigger problems. Including the fact that it's probably cheaper to see Iron Maiden than it is to see Taylor Swift. Bigger problems, much bigger problems.

Yep, everyone sees the problems of men as a non-issue.

Roughly 40k women a year die from breast cancer in the USA. The NFL has numerous breast cancer awareness campaigns throughout the season to raise awareness of the issue. Roughly 40k men die a year from suicide in the USA. The NFL has zero awareness campaigns during the season to raise awareness of the issue, despite the fact 60% of NFL fans are men, not women.

This issue is like global warming. Play it off at your own peril. When the population collapse begins, it will already be too late.

"Before regular single men are helped."
What exactly does this mean here? Are you looking for someone to hand you what you want? Figure out the issue and fix it. Help yourself.

And yes, I completely ignored the first part of the topic because it's ridiculous.

How do you help regular single men? Bring back jobs for them so they can afford a family. Bring back manufacturing so men can have access to more unskilled higher paying jobs. Maybe the government could start paying for men to learn a trade or some kind of skill that isnt some expansive 2 or 4 year degree.

It would be extreme but possibly ban dating apps like Tinder. Probably not going to happen, and for freedom's sake probably shouldn't happen, so we have to find a way to make choosing a potential mate more then just swiping right or left on a profile picture. Maybe dating apps themselves aren't so bad, maybe its just the way they are currently built, which prioritizes physical attractiveness, a profile bio, which for all we know could have been written by an AI, and text messages.

I agree, I think polygamy will be encourage instead of shamed in the next 5-10 years. I know so many women who would be happy to husband share, not in the west as such but deffo in developing worlds, as the wealth gap between the have and have nots increases so will poly relationships. There is no alternative in my opinion, side note …regular men? I dont even understand what that is? A man who doesn't earn enough to support his household?

Regular man = the bottom 80% of men. The top 20% are there by being in the top 20% of income or good looks.

Musk just paid for it, I guess. There are some women who will "love" for less.

And how the single men can be helped? How is it going to work? Should the single men be handed over the women, like a kind of a humanitarian aid?:rolleyes:
And after all I can understand how a goverment can make a woman born a child, but to love someone?
Love can't be forced.

Its not about making women love men, but rather making the men we have more attractive to women, by increasing their wealth.

So much work has gone into getting women higher paying and prestigious jobs just to satisfy some arbitrary equality people have completely forgot a large percentage of women want men to be the breadwinner
How do you help regular single men? Bring back jobs for them so they can afford a family. Bring back manufacturing so men can have access to more unskilled higher paying jobs.
Yes and in addition, maybe END fed govt policies that forced corporations to create artificial make-work jobs in HR and what not.
More engineers, programmers, accountants and business analysts. Less "counselors" and "diversity compliance officers".
.... except that's not a problem. It's a measure of people's bad taste and it is AWESOME that it'd cost less. For us 😜 lol

Well played, Sir. Well played. 👏😂

Yep, everyone sees the problems of men as a non-issue.

Roughly 40k women a year die from breast cancer in the USA. The NFL has numerous breast cancer awareness campaigns throughout the season to raise awareness of the issue. Roughly 40k men die a year from suicide in the USA. The NFL has zero awareness campaigns during the season to raise awareness of the issue, despite the fact 60% of NFL fans are men, not women.

This issue is like global warming. Play it off at your own peril. When the population collapse begins, it will already be too late.

The worst that'll happen is I'll return fire.

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