In one word. Post your current mood.

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Lilith said:
Mood: Disturbed and irritable

Reason: Sleep-deprived, dizzy, PMS

Lack of sleep would cause that or would at least make things feel worse. Maybe you should get some rest. *hugs*

SophiaGrace said:
neutral, more alert, less of a feeling of sadness, more of a feeling of numbness.

Well, I guess it's a step up from sad (hopefully). Hang in there Sophie. :)
Mood: Cozy and happy

Reason: Freshened up in bed after a nice, productive day today, and my boyfriend has returned from his business trip! I get to see him tomorrow and we are dressing up for a wedding dinner! Woowoo!
Alma lost her spoon said:
Thanks Eve, it's been such an Epic of my 'fans' even made a banner for me! I've missed the buzz!

I'm so so so so so happy for you Alma. :)

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