incredible changes

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Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Charolette, NC
I have always thought myself a well balanced person getting along very well in the world. Adjusted to every circumstance or stressor. Wow, things have changed and quickly. I have lost my family friends and continued self isolation has seen to it I am now isolated and apart from the world. Sometimes i just want to fill my backpack with the necessaties of survival and leave it all behind. At least that way I wont have to watch those around me those intergrated into the sickness of our society continue to lead their "happy" existance. Not that I have a problem with wanting to be happy and fulfilled. It is just the emptyness and sadness I feel is somthing I will never recover from. I have not always been filled with such negativity its just seeing the underbelly and sadness that truely exists in this world has inpacted me and had a terrible toll on my psyche. I am hoping that this current state of mind will eventually fade if not I feel that I may be on a slippery slope a slope to pure and unending sadness and pain. Thanks more later.....
I see all the crap in the world and it does suck but then you have to give equal time to seeing the good stuff too. It's there. I always think throwing stuff in a backpack and hitting the road sounds fun. Traveling around lets you see both the good and bad sides of life. I hope you find some good stuff to see soon.

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