Nuclear666 said:
There's probably only one or two rap songs that I can enjoy, its just not my thing. Music is an enormous part of my life, rather than just listening to music I have to feel connected to it on some emotional or even psychic level. Rap just doesn't evoke any feeling in me so I decide to disregard it. I think its stupid to not recognize it as music though. I mean, who's to decide what is and isn't? At the same time, I think its stupid to get upset when someone says its not "real music", I mean who cares. Its really that simple. The kind of stuff that I'm really into is something that a vast majority of people would consider even less worthy of being called music than rap. Doesn't bother me because 1) I connect with it on a personal level; and 2) Their hatred of my preferred genre makes it all the more satisfying.
out of curiosity, what is your preferred genre of music? i guess i'm not like you. i don't like be slighted by the thought people think my preferred genre isn't even worthy of being called music. its a great mindset that YOU have though, seriously.
TheSolitaryMan said:
Any collection of noise massed together by a sentient being in an attempt to stimulate some kind of emotional reaction is music.
So yes, I'd say rap is music.
However, I'd say the quality of rap varies enormously. I really can't stand all these posing artists who just go on and on and on about how many "hoes" they have, or how much they love dealing drugs to kids or whatever.
When rap approaches a subject with maturity above that of the generic male power fantasy crap, I'd say it's as valid a medium as anything else.
only a couple things i would disagree with, and they're more on a personal preference level.
1. subject matter: you can rap about paint drying on a wall for all i care, if you do it creatively. subject matter is important to be, but its not the thing that will turn me off if it is bad. i've grown to love the complex rhyme schemes, the metaphors, similes, wordplay, storytelling, and other poetic elements of rap. if a song is strong in those areas, i'll listen.
2. rap is inherently a competitive medium. with that said, its bombastic, there WILL be bragging elements to it. that's why you get songs solely developed to prove one's abilities at the rap skill. its also why you get all the songs about money, jewerly, and women. music is a reflection of life often times. of course the overvaluing of the material possessions is going to show then.
3. lastly, many of the rappers out there were poor black men from bad neighborhoods. many of them did deal drugs. they're not bad people necessarily, they had to do something to keep from being completely destitute. they're going to talk about they're life experiences, just like any other type of music. if you can't identify with that i COMPLETELY understand, i just wanted to make it clear that drug dealing is a prevalent subject because of the environment most rappers came from.
Mouse said:
RJLJD said:
fair enough. i don't like the idea of discounting an entire genre of music or art as not good enough for a person. i'm much more of the mindset of whomever said it (i apologize i forgot who it was) that said ALL music has its good and bad and you have to dig a little for the good. i think that's more consistent with the truth than anything. i'll be the first to say there is some straight trash rap music out there. there's some very inventive, intelligent, moving, and inspirational music as well though. its probably the same way with other music.
further, i find it funny that you don't like the delivery of rap music. that's part of what interests me in rap. technically, anyone can contribute. you don't need to be a good singer to rap. rap is more speech than singing, anyone can try it. anyone can lay a verse, and therefore let themselves be heard through music in a personal manner. that's can't be said about other genres. even with that said, i understand that it grates on you. i've heard other people say similar about "white guys moaning over guitars" (not me) so i understand it goes both ways.
There is nothing 'funny' about my disliking the delivery of rap music. From a very young age I was raised on Classical and Baroque and adored it. Once when I entered adolescence did my interest turn to pop, then the rest. You either like what you hear or not. I am sure you feel Rap is inventive, intelligent, moving, and inspirational music. Just not for me, because I am different.
To reiterate, I said music is evocative; we cannot change who we are or how we feel. Whereas you and other Rap lovers like the genre, others like me shun it because my chosen lifestyle makes me feel more comfortable with the music of choice. There again, I don't suppose it would be difficult for me to emulate a rap artist by donning a beanie hat, put on a dour expression and sing monotone into a microphone. But I would rather dance a little jig in my garden to the sound of Tom Petty because I would feel miles better for it.
Now, if you don't mind I'm going to pour myself a gin and tonic, and listen to Ed Alleyne-Johnson - Oxford Suite, 1st Movement
i meant no disrespect by saying it was "funny". i just found it interesting that the fault point for you, was a point i truly enjoy. i'm slightly disappointed with the illusion you display towards all rap music being depressing, but so be it.
sylvestris lybica said:
Some rap I identify with that isn't really "mainstream"...I like lyrics that are about real life, not "I'm the greatest ma'fucka in the world" type stuff. I don't really listen to much Grieves, but I enjoy this particular song. I also have a lot of love for Outkast, especially Andre 3000.
the "I'm the greatest ma'fucka in the world" stuff is one again a product of the competitive nature of rap, just to reiterate. the only other thing i'll say it is that it appears to be a characteristic solely found in rap music as opposed to any other genre.
Andre 3000 is great, just to throw that out here. he's the kind of person i mean when i say rap is inventive and creative.
Taylormeister said:
Hahah they are smart up in BC aren't they? I don't consider rap music at all, maybe im an elitist.. maybe because im a musician myself I can't take a guy seriously that computerizes all of his drum beats. Rappers don't sing, rappers don't play guitar, rappers don't drum, I guess they aren't musicians. Who am I to say that? Nobody really, but that is my opinion and I still feel very strongly about my hatred towards rap music.
your words are not always truthful. B.o.B can legitimately play the piano, drums, and guitar. he's only 20 (i think) but he's a life-long musician and rapper. Andre 3000 can play the guitar. The Roots are a rap band. there's a band that plays music, and then Black Thought is their rapper, but they play live music. same with Gym Class Heroes.
i would also say the fact that rappers don't sing works in their favor in that they can then be more creative with their lyrics.
just for the heck of it... some B.o.B